U.S. to re-route Keystone XL due to environmental concerns

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Durry & Petros...maybe you two should tell each other what you both
do for a living, maybe listing degree's and such. Just a suggestion to
take this past the.....whatever stage you're at with each other.


House Member
May 18, 2010
This Thread is about the Keystone XL pipeline, let's keep to the Thread...eh !!

Things are going kinda down hill when even the Mods can't stick to the rules.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This Thread is about the Keystone XL pipeline, let's keep to the Thread...eh !!

Things are going kinda down hill when even the Mods can't stick to the rules.
Fill your boots buddy. Start with explaining the purpose of alpha-methyl naphthalene in crude piping.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This Thread is about the Keystone XL pipeline, let's keep to the Thread...eh !!

Things are going kinda down hill when even the Mods can't stick to the rules.

I've gotta run (taking my kidsout for Brunch), but perhaps you can point out the
errors in my ways so that I can improve upon them in the future via PM so we
don't derail the Thead. Thank you in advance.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If people really wanted a vehicle with longevity, be more efficient and have cheaper fuel they'd be running diesel in their hybrids.

I'm not so sure about that anymore. Currently diesel is about 5 cents more than gas here and as much as 16 cents in some towns on the island. Add in the higher maintenance costs with the current crop of computer operated low emission diesels and the higher up front costs one would have to be very careful in weighing the options.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm not so sure about that anymore. Currently diesel is about 5 cents more than gas here and as much as 16 cents in some towns on the island. Add in the higher maintenance costs with the current crop of computer operated low emission diesels and the higher up front costs one would have to be very careful in weighing the options.
Shell Scotford in Edmonton diesel facilty is down causing a shortage.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Harper to meet Obama in critical one-on-one meeting

HONOLULU — Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama will hold a key bilateral meeting Sunday afternoon following the APEC summit in Hawaii, at a critical juncture in the Canada-U.S. relationship.

It was uncertain whether Harper would score some coveted face time with Obama after the North American leaders’ summit — to be held this weekend in Honolulu with Mexican President Felipe Calderon — was cancelled due to the tragic death of a Mexican minister in a helicopter crash in that country.

The accident, while a huge blow to Mexico, threatened to scrap any private meeting time Harper might have had with Obama this weekend, as the prime minister looks to address a growing number of irritants in the cross-border relationship. The Obama administration’s decision on Thursday to delay a final ruling on the Keystone XL oilsands pipeline until after the November 2012 presidential election is just the latest in a series of prickly issues in the threadbare Canada-U.S. relationship.

The U.S. president held bilateral talks with a number of global leaders on the sidelines of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, which wraps up Sunday.

Obama is slated to hold tete-a-tetes with Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. Harper originally didn’t have a separate bilateral meeting planned with Obama before the so-called Three Amigos summit was cancelled.

Harper will need a deft diplomatic touch to address a growing number of cross-border issues that are sparking more questions about the strength of Canada-U.S. ties. The U.S. government’s decision to examine rerouting the Keystone XL pipeline — which would carry up to 830,000 barrels of oil per day from northern Alberta to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas — could postpone a final ruling for 12 to 18 months, and potentially longer if a new environmental assessment is needed.

“Perhaps the Harper government has failed to convince the Americans to go in the direction they wanted,” said Christopher Sands, a specialist in Canada-U.S. relations at the Hudson Institute, a think-tank in Washington D.C. “There’s something in the air here where the Obama administration, as it heads into re-election, is in a couple of its significant gestures sending a signal that the way that Washington views things hasn’t changed,” he added.

“And that ought to be frustrating to the Harper government, I would think, because they put a lot of effort into not only telling the Canadians things had changed, but building these bilateral things.”

Environmentalists were looking for an issue to grasp on to, he said, and the pipeline seems to offer something for several green groups because there are concerns about land, air, water and climate change.

The Conservative government’s main objectives for the APEC summit include: promoting Canada’s international trade agenda and advancing regional economic integration; championing Canadian commercial interests in the region and showcasing the country to world leaders and senior executives from APEC economies; and advancing Canadian foreign policy goals such as emergency preparedness and open governance.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They aren't trying to stop just a pipeline. They are inevitably trying to kill a North American oil bourse that will shoot our economies sky-high. We only have one oil customer. Is there something wrong with opening the door to the world? What a bunch of low-bred morons.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I wonder who the big refiner is? Oh I believe it is owned by Exon which in turn is owned by?
The majority of shares are likely Saudi Arabia. Why the heck would we want to fuel those
people? This is about really having our government step forward with the United States and
both coming up with a national energy policy with government legislation at least. Ensure a
stable supply of energy, with a stable price for the citizens who in fact own the resource in the
ground. Canada should take the first step its our oil. We must look after our own people first.
We have a resource, a limited resource and it should not be squandered on the world.
Harper is a politician that is linked at the hip with all things American, and the only thing he is
missing is guts.
The time has come to tell the rest of the world we are no longer giving everything away, we are
going to look after future generations and ensure there is something left for them. Foreign
investment is all I ever hear, its time we invested in ourselves. In addition all investment we
enter into with other countries and corporation must have attached an Advantage Canada
Policy. No I am not saying everything has to be owned by government that does not work either.
My point it we have politicians in government houses Federally and Provincially and they had
better start to legislate in favour of Canadians and not just everyone who comes here to set up


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Sorry damngrumpy but this oil isn't directly for any Social program for domestic use. It's going on the open market. If domestic refiners want to buy it for domestic use, they are more than welcome. The market is open to them,


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Flow rate in JP pipelines is limited on the lower side by the self scouring velocity, typically 1.5 to 2 m/s and on the higher side by erosional velocity, typically 4 m/s or static electricity consideration which is 3 m/s.

Children ride their bicycles at higher velocities.

Oh, you're a pipeline engineer now, too?

Tell me - is a 2 screw or a 3 screw pump a better choice on a wide-ranging viscosity application, taking into account the pigging and the brine slugs used between custody transfer sets?


House Member
May 18, 2010
The Middle East (Saudi etal) is very happy the US did not approve the XL line. They will also lobby the Natives to lobby against the Kitimate line.

The ME would like nothing more than to see AB crude land locked in Canada, then they (ME) will have a bigger market for their crude.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh, you're a pipeline engineer now, too?

Tell me - is a 2 screw or a 3 screw pump a better choice on a wide-ranging viscosity application, taking into account the pigging and the brine slugs used between custody transfer sets?
Horizontal centrifugal.