Not all Jews are Zionists


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
One of my relatives (born at 1933) said to me two days ago, that there were many Jews in Iraq before their departure to Palestine at 1948 under the influence of Zionism.
He said: They were good neighbors and friends: they came frequently to visit his family. He said: they called us as children to kindle the fire (for tea or for warming the food) for them on the Sabbath (because they considered it unlawful to kindle fire on the Sabbath!)

He said also that once there was a sedition in the country, and about 20 Jewish families came to the house of his family; these Jews had shelter there with his family until the danger was over.

Generally speaking, these Jews were rich: they captured the economy of the market, with their known intelligence in trade, and they made the Muslim merchant lose and break down; they did not cooperate with the common poor people, and did not help the needy: some of them were rancorous --> so in general they were disliked by common people.

My mother, peace be to her soul, said to me once, that they heard a Jewish woman mourn her husband and say: "Why shouldn't he go to Paradise? he had never been loyal to any Muslim [: i.e. he did not do any good to any Muslim all his life!] "

My uncle (an elderly man in the eighties of his age) said to me:

Once there were two students with him in the secondary school; they failed two successive years: so they had to be fired out of the school, and would go to the military compulsive service which is disliked by people generally every where.

So in their last chance in the second terminal exam. the Jewish teacher failed them in the exam. so they captured him in the street after the end of the school time, and beat the teacher.

Now by chance there was a street sweeper there; he came and said: Why do you beat this poor guy?
The students said: "He is a Jew!"
The sweeper said: "Akh, a Jew!?" and he came with the students to beat that teacher.

This incident explains how people were hurt by these Jews who sucked the blood of the poor and needy to increase their wealth, and who were not sincere to Muslims, but were rancorous --> so people disliked them.

This was in general; but not all Jews were bad, and some of them on the contrary were kind, educated, good neighbors and friends who were respected by the community.

Some of them even converted and became Muslims, like the well-known Dr. Ahmed Soosa who belonged to a rich Jewish family in Hilla.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

What I mean is that: not all Jews are Zionists:

Jews have not come now to Palestine according to the command of God or the order of any apostle and prophet; but they came to Palestine now in obedience to the suggestion of Zionists.

In the past, that is when Moses ordered them according to God's command to fight the people of Jericho and capture their land: the people of Jericho were idolaters worshipping the idols.

While now Palestinians are not idolaters; they do not worship any idol but are Muslims worshipping God alone according to the First Commandment and believing in Moses and Jesus;

and it is on the contrary now: because God commanded all the people of the previous religions: Judaism and Christianity to convert to the new religion of easiness and morality: the Islam, and to study the Quran with its marvelous revelations in order to prosper in the present life of the World and in the next afterlife.

While in the past, Moses ordered them to fight the idolaters: the people of Jericho who were idolaters; but Jews refused to fight and rebelled against their prophet.

Their Rebellion against Their Prophet
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I thought, at the start, the OP in this thread was going to be know, an interesting tale of community solidarity and friendship despite religious differences.

But it had to become a Jew hate is all far too many Muslims know.

Jews lived in Iraq from at least 700 BC. The population of Jews in Iraq in 1934 was 150,000. Today it is zero. A government campaign of physical and economic harassment, seizure of property, arrest, torture, murder......along with at least one pogrom in which 180 Jews were killed and 1,000 murdered.....caused the Jews to leave........openly when they were permitted up until 1950 (although they had to surrender citizenship and their assets were seized) and then secretly after that time.

And the Stupids think Islam is no problem.

As long as you can ignore holocaust-denying Jew haters.

Just what we need in Canada.

Islam, as expressed by our favourite Muslim Jew hater below, proves one thing:

Zionism is only common sense.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Colpy I was thinking the same thing when I red this. It had nothing to do with Zionism it was a
Halloween version of disguise, masking anti Jewish zealotry. There is a big difference between
Zionism, and the Jewish faith that part is true. Zionism is fundamentalism and we all know what
Muslim Fundamentalism is about don't we?
People that manufacture this stuff never cease to amaze me, in their hatred they can manipulate
any version of any story in an attempt to sound reasonable. As for the Jews all being greedy and
selfish. Nonsense. The ratio of Jewish participation in social democracy is exceedingly high.
What also amazes me is that the moderate version of Islam is also considerate of others as is
almost every other sane society on earth. Lumping people into groups to identify them is
distortion of the facts, is deceiving at best, and out right propaganda at worst.
I think Jew baiting is all too common by a very few.
It always has the same version of the story, first there are some good Jews a few mind you but
they become perverted and join the rest in a greed fest. With the changes in their views it becomes
justifiable to hate them all because they are infected with Zionism and in the background, all Jews
are bad. Do these people really think they are fooling anyone? Do they not realize that the plot
never changes and really becomes quite boring? Do they have any idea how ridiculous they look?
Besides, through marriage, I have a daughter in law who is Jewish, and a grand daughter who is
by these peoples vision of life evil. She is seven years old for Heaven Sake.
Look at the scriptures of the Old Testament, and the Holy Book Of Islam. Both these publications
tell a story of how to live a good life and it does not include hating one another. The New Testament
also talks about Christ as does the Koran. Both have great respect for Him. That being the case
how does hatred enter into their belief system with any justification. When people who support one
side or the other while bad mouthing the other are saying, Through uncharitable speech I am saying
they are evil and I am a hypocrite.
Frankly I am getting tired of this stuff it has no room for rational debate or exchange of ideas as it is
nothing more than disguised hatred. Its not about free speech, its about spewing baseless hatred
and a distortion of fact.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Frankly I am getting tired of this stuff it has no room for rational debate or
exchange of ideas as it is
nothing more than disguised hatred. Its not about
free speech, its about spewing baseless hatred
and a distortion of fact.
Same can be said for the Muslim bashing, Aetheist bashing, artsie fartsie bashing, Christian bashing, left bashing, right bash, gay/lesbian bashing, union bashing, immigrant bashing but be damned even if Govt may not like it banker is absolutely fine.

So next time you feel the urge to hate someone just replace muslim, jew, christain, gay/lesbian with banker and you'll be bashing with a purpose and in true democratic form.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Same can be said for the Muslim bashing, Aetheist bashing, artsie fartsie bashing, Christian bashing, left bashing, right bash, gay/lesbian bashing, union bashing, immigrant bashing but be damned even if Govt may not like it banker is absolutely fine.

So next time you feel the urge to hate someone just replace muslim, jew, christain, gay/lesbian with banker and you'll be bashing with a purpose and in true democratic form.

Party all that and might as well close down the forum....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Why? Bankers have done far more damage over history then any religon or regime. Even Jesus didn't care for bankers. Jesus is supposed to be our inspiration in life so why not follow?


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
I thought, at the start, the OP in this thread was going to be know, an interesting tale of community solidarity and friendship despite religious differences.

But it had to become a Jew hate is all far too many Muslims know.

Jews lived in Iraq from at least 700 BC. The population of Jews in Iraq in 1934 was 150,000. Today it is zero. A government campaign of physical and economic harassment, seizure of property, arrest, torture, murder......along with at least one pogrom in which 180 Jews were killed and 1,000 murdered.....caused the Jews to leave........openly when they were permitted up until 1950 (although they had to surrender citizenship and their assets were seized) and then secretly after that time.

And the Stupids think Islam is no problem.

As long as you can ignore holocaust-denying Jew haters.

Just what we need in Canada.

Islam, as expressed by our favourite Muslim Jew hater below, proves one thing:

Zionism is only common sense.

Zionism isn't common sense, this is 2011. Maybe during Hitler's reign over Europe it would make sense somewhat, for protection. Nowadays Zionism is nothing but a racist ideology. Separate the Jews from the gentiles. Don't try to feed me that horse**** that Arabs are treated equally in Israel, that's so incredibly wrong. You can find innumerable cases of Arabs being treated unequal, and many have said flat out they aren't being treated fairly.
Zionism is the main thing fueling hatred against Jews in the Muslim world today. Israel is building almost 300 more settlements in the West Bank despite criticism from most of the world, including the U.S!
Oh but you want to blame it on ISLAM! ISLAM is the problem, why can't these Muslims just passively accept being booted out of their homes by the Jews?? Right?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Zionism isn't common sense, this is 2011. Maybe during Hitler's reign over Europe it would make sense somewhat, for protection. Nowadays Zionism is nothing but a racist ideology. Separate the Jews from the gentiles. Don't try to feed me that horse**** that Arabs are treated equally in Israel, that's so incredibly wrong. You can find innumerable cases of Arabs being treated unequal, and many have said flat out they aren't being treated fairly.
Zionism is the main thing fueling hatred against Jews in the Muslim world today. Israel is building almost 300 more settlements in the West Bank despite criticism from most of the world, including the U.S!
Oh but you want to blame it on ISLAM! ISLAM is the problem, why can't these Muslims just passively accept being booted out of their homes by the Jews?? Right?

You need to read a little history.

Yes, this is 2011. A mere 70 years ago, a moment in history, there was across Europe a plan set out to destroy all Jews, put forth by Nazi Germany but enthusiastically embraced by many of the people under German third of the Jews on earth were murdered.

What you don't understand is that this was simply the climax of over one thousand years of European Jew hatred, murder, pogroms, mass exiles, and on and on and on.

The Holocaust was not an anomaly, a coincidence of circumstance, a sole moment in history, a crime that stands alone in was the natural culmination of the centuries of persecution of Jews carried out ever since the diaspora.......a foul tradition still prominent in the minds of many..........

If you disbelieve that, just read some of the posts on this website.

And Jew hatred is especially prominent in Islam.........

So, the only rational choice for the Jewish people is to reverse the diaspora, to return to Judea, to arm themselves to the fricking teeth, and to prepare to take on all comers.....that is called Zionism.

And it is only good sense.

And Islam hates Jews.


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
You need to read a little history.

Yes, this is 2011. A mere 70 years ago, a moment in history, there was across Europe a plan set out to destroy all Jews, put forth by Nazi Germany but enthusiastically embraced by many of the people under German third of the Jews on earth were murdered.

What you don't understand is that this was simply the climax of over one thousand years of European Jew hatred, murder, pogroms, mass exiles, and on and on and on.

The Holocaust was not an anomaly, a coincidence of circumstance, a sole moment in history, a crime that stands alone in was the natural culmination of the centuries of persecution of Jews carried out ever since the diaspora.......a foul tradition still prominent in the minds of many..........

If you disbelieve that, just read some of the posts on this website.

And Jew hatred is especially prominent in Islam.........

So, the only rational choice for the Jewish people is to reverse the diaspora, to return to Judea, to arm themselves to the fricking teeth, and to prepare to take on all comers.....that is called Zionism.

And it is only good sense.

And Islam hates Jews.

You can't be taken seriously when you're crying for the Jews , while simultaneously the Jews massacre Palestinians and forcibly remove them from their homes.
Islam doesn't hate Jews. Sure there is animosity (much of it fueled by Zionism) but you'll find many Muslims and Jews can get along with no problems.
Throughout history you'll find many cases of Jews and Muslims living together peacefully.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yes, this is 2011. A mere 70 years ago, a moment in history, there was
across Europe a plan set out to destroy all Jews, put forth by Nazi Germany but
enthusiastically embraced by many of the people under German
third of the Jews on earth were murdered.
So what was up with all the deportations?