What are Canada's biggest problems?


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
That's another resource we have that's in high demand; Potash to be used for soil modification in places like China and India.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
That's another resource we have that's in high demand; Potash to be used for soil modification in places like China and India.
It is a good thing we only occupy such a small percentage of our land mass so we can turn the rest of Canada into an open pit mine. Phuquing retards! We are not the only species that occupies this land mass, just the only one that is stupid enough to think we are the only ones that matter.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
It is a good thing we only occupy such a small percentage of our land mass so we can turn the rest of Canada into an open pit mine. Phuquing retards! We are not the only species that occupies this land mass, just the only one that is stupid enough to think we are the only ones that matter.

Come on, Cliffy. You klnow the rules. If it moves shoot it. If it doesn't move cut it down. And if it is buried dig the biggest hole in the ground you can manage and scatter the overburden over as big an area as possible.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Potash! Oh yes. I remember when they layoff everyone working in there mines to protect the high prices of that resource by not letting stockpiles grow.

Yet a other proof of our biggest problem.

Not considering other living things at all.
Yes yet more evidence of how greedy we are.

You can only take so much without giving back for so long.
Our Greed will be what destroys us.


Electoral Member
Feb 10, 2009

In 1954 my parents bought a house for $14,000. We just sold it for $100,000
According to your claim, we should have gotten about $600,000.

Think again

“Colpy Baloney.
In 1954 my parents bought a house for $14,000. We just sold it for $100,000
According to your claim, we should have gotten about $600,000.
Think again”
“Cliffy Depends where you are. You must be a really depressed area to only get 100 thou for any house. Even in our little middle of nowhere town, shacks are going for 250 thou.”
I agree with Cliffy. I think you got royally ripped off selling your parents house.

when i was 7 a bag of chips cost a quarter. True story.

I remember buying a bag of chips and a big bottle of pop for 25 cents. (they don’t make that size of pop bottle any more) But then I also remember being able to buy penny candy for a penny


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
In 1954 my parents bought a house for $14,000. We just sold it for $100,000
According to your claim, we should have gotten about $600,000.
Think again”
“Cliffy Depends where you are. You must be a really depressed area to only get 100 thou for any house. Even in our little middle of nowhere town, shacks are going for 250 thou.”
I agree with Cliffy. I think you got royally ripped off selling your parents house.

Probably not, I think it has a lot more to do with location, location, location. :smile:



The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Canada's biggest problem? Probably the same problem as most western societies. The constant "I'm right so therefore you are dead wrong and I have my blinders on so I will absolutely not be able to see your point of view" attitude.

Because all we seem to end up with is stalemate, stalemate, stalemate.

Or maybe I'm just sick to death of the incessant polarizing.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Canada's biggest problem? Probably the same problem as most western societies. The constant "I'm right so therefore you are dead wrong and I have my blinders on so I will absolutely not be able to see your point of view" attitude.

Because all we seem to end up with is stalemate, stalemate, stalemate.

Or maybe I'm just sick to death of the incessant polarizing.
Divide and conquer: the oldest tactic on the planet. Religion and politics: the most divisive organizations on the planet. We all believe in equality except where our opinions are concerned.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Divide and conquer: the oldest tactic on the planet. Religion and politics: the most divisive organizations on the planet. We all believe in equality except where our opinions are concerned.
True enough.

Everyone can have a slice of pie.

Just not a slice of my pie.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Potash! Oh yes. I remember when they layoff everyone working in there mines to protect the high prices of that resource by not letting stockpiles grow.

Yet a other proof of our biggest problem.

Not considering other living things at all.
Yes yet more evidence of how greedy we are.

You can only take so much without giving back for so long.
Our Greed will be what destroys us.
Layoffs in Potash? Would you like a job in potash? There is around a 1000 of them available.

True enough.

Everyone can have a slice of pie.

Just not a slice of my pie.
What kind of pie? Pumpkin piue gives people gas. I don't want to be in a country where everyone is farting all at once.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Layoffs in Potash? Would you like a job in potash? There is around a 1000 of them available.

What kind of pie? Pumpkin piue gives people gas. I don't want to be in a country where everyone is farting all at once.
Honestly, I don't know.

I was just listening to Dark Side of the Moon while posting. Hence the pie reference. ;)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I thought the moon was cheese? When you return to the light side please grab me a chunk of gorgonzola at the cheese store.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Too bad. When you are listening listening it's all duty free. I don't want the gorgonzola if I have to pay lunar cheese taxes.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Too bad. When you are listening listening it's all duty free. I don't want the gorgonzola if I have to pay lunar cheese taxes.
Yeah I know it's duty free. I did go to college ya know. ;)

Anyway, as to the cheese, all I have currently on hand is some mozz-cheddar and a nice feta. Both tax free though, if you don't mind half eaten.


Nominee Member
Jul 18, 2010
British Columbia
I agree with Greed! and Treason!

William Lyon MacKenzie King was on Hitler's side, and Lester B. Pearson was a member of the Illuminati.......

...The secret societies, about which JFK spoke in that unforgettable speech, nailed Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien and Brian Mulroney--- now Harper....as well. Did they join voluntarily, or were they set up to be blackmailed into joining and cooperating?

These societies agree with a Central Bank, like the Federal Reserve, a One World Government, and membership in certain societies entitles them to sex slaves (mind controlled by MK-Ultra), plenty of money in being bought off to agree with the Illuminati, and I wonder just how many corrupt politicians we do have. (The US government is highly infiltrated by dual citizens, Israel/American, and it appears that Israel 'owns ' America-- can blackmail, or puppet anyone in Congress.) Rupert Murdoch, UK, is a perverted old man pushing dirty sex and pornography while owning 95% of the Media and MSM never prints or reports the truth of what is happening. We can only find it out on the Internet and try to put the pieces together....together.

The British Monarchy is at the top of this; Diana discovered the truth and was assassinated.
JFK was assassinated because he was going to tell all.
I imagine if someone wants out or threatens to tell, that that person is reminded of JFK's sudden end.

The Zionist Jews, or are they Nazi Bolshevics, are satanists and require blood sacrifices, like Jon Benet Ramsey and the recent Casey Anthony trial, mothers sacrificing their own daughters. Parents selling their own chldren into the mind control program, for money and prestige.

The entertainment (Music, Hollywood) industries controlled as to music style and content, and no regular person can break through, expect for pure luck and talent, like Susan Boyle,

Oh yes all this can be happening under our noses, just as it is in other places, like UK that has been exposed.

How do we fight The Illuminati, that has been trying for eons to take over the world. Rothschild owns the Bank of England.

Are we free, or blindly enslaved?

I study on this so pardon if I have anythng wrong but I try to research the material, just as I have done with 9-11.

Knowledge is Power, but our young people are not going to learn what is going on if they are mesmerized by the satanic lyrics and rock beat of music, the loose morals shown on TV and movies, the examples of parent/child relationships show in movies and on TV. The freedom? and availability of Dope to mess with their minds!

Oh my! I will get off my soap box, I have to go to the bathroom......