Big Explosion in Oslo


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
He doesn't do well with sarcasm, Juan. Doesn't understand it.

I understand it, it's the last refuge of the mediocre. I guess that's why you two revel in it.

Hmmmmmmm, interesting. I gather you don't indulge in sarcasm then Bear?

Oh yes, and feel free to tell me to fu ck off and I will just drop this avenue of inquiry. lol


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
I was working the oil industry in the Persian Gulf as well as the Far East and East Africa....I was with Aramco in KSA for just over 2yrs, Bahrain for 1.5yrs and Dubai for almost 12yrs. The only places I have ever had rocks thrown at me by the locals was Saudi and Oman..
What makes you think I dislike muslims? Some of my close friends are muslim.....
I am stating opinions based on took very little time to come the conclusion that radical islam is going to be big problemfor the west...and has proven to be so to the western jude-christian culture...
That can't be refuted
And btw I don't have to justify my opinions or experiences to someone that has probably never been outside of Resume Speed Saskatchewan....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Hmmmmmmm, interesting. I gather you don't indulge in sarcasm then Bear?
Only in purple, and in rare cases. Hardly what one could call a refuge, or consider reveling.

Oh yes, and feel free to tell me to fu ck off and I will just drop this avenue of inquiry. lol
That's your shtick. I try to stay off your turf as a rule.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm baffled how you couldn't see that making a public statement about a group of people, in this case Muslims, and accuse them of being a huge problem and detrimental to a peaceful society doesn't somehow enrage and incite violence against them . Of course it's incitement.
Why is the indictment of radical Islam, an incitement of violence?

No...I work for a pharmaceutical that tests with live animal models :lol:
Ya, you sorta fail the pre req's.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Bull****...the disruptions of european society due to the influx of islam and the potential collapse of the EU are two different situations...try to keep up..

And this thread is about a right-wing christian Norwegian suspect who hates a group of people so much that he allegedly attempts to murder them by blowing them up, and by killing their children.

But that hasn't stopped the usual suspects, and some new whiny pus heads from going to the same old retarded dog and pony show.

Ya, you sorta fail the pre req's.

Or, I'm the best damned mole in the world! If I had a sound board I would play ominous music right now, and laugh maniacally.


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
I was working the oil industry in the Persian Gulf as well as the Far East and East Africa....I was with Aramco in KSA for just over 2yrs, Bahrain for 1.5yrs and Dubai for almost 12yrs. The only places I have ever had rocks thrown at me by the locals was Saudi and Oman..
What makes you think I dislike muslims? Some of my close friends are muslim.....
I am stating opinions based on took very little time to come the conclusion that radical islam is going to be big problemfor the west...and has proven to be so to the western jude-christian culture...
That can't be refuted
And btw I don't have to justify my opinions or experiences to someone that has probably never been outside of Resume Speed Saskatchewan....

This was entirely unconvincing and provided no base of why you think the way you do. I'm not surprised you can't formulate an opinion, usually bigotry has no logical reasoning. Radical Islam is far too small to be any sort of threat to the powers of the west, now that is what can't be refuted. Petro showed you the statistic that showed only three attacks that happened in the EU have been Islamic related. And until you can understand the origins of the modern day Islam terrorism against the west your opinion will be indefinitely invalid.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm not surprised you can't formulate an opinion, usually bigotry has no logical reasoning.
Funny, his opinion was made perfectly clear, complete with his experiences, and the perception that aided in its formulation.

I'm not surprised you couldn't grasp that. Ideologues have great difficulty with reality.

Radical Islam is far too small to be any sort of threat to the powers of the west, now that is what can't be refuted.
Who said anything about western powers?

And since you obviously missed 9/11, and a litany of other attacks on western interests, how is your opinion not void of reason?

Petro showed you the statistic that showed only three attacks that happened in the EU have been Islamic related.
Those were direct attacks in the EU. There have been hundreds that were launched against western interests abroad.

And until you can understand the origins of the modern day Islam terrorism against the west your opinion will be indefinitely invalid.
I understand the origins, and I think his opinion is valid.


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
i really don't give a **** if you are convince or even what you think, and if the events of 911, London, Spain, Bal,i and on and on, represent "too small a threat", then you are completely delusional and not worth the trouble to discuss anything with..
Sadly you are like most ignorant Canadians that rabbit on whithout knowing what they are talking about.


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
Why is the indictment of radical Islam, an incitement of violence?

Geert Wilders has pretty extreme views towards Muslims. He says there is "no such thing as a moderate Muslim". He'd like to outlaw the Qur'an and proposes women who wear the Hijab should pay a tax(basically destroy any religious freedom for Muslims). He wants Muslims OUT of Denmark and proposes they pay them to leave the country... So when he says "I don't hate Muslims, I hate ISLAM" it's pretty hard to take him seriously.
His extreme right-wing views on Muslims are akin to Hitler's rhetoric about the Jews.
His speeches where he spews these kind of beliefs are undoubtedly going to incite hatred amongst the ignorant.

Funny, his opinion was made perfectly clear, complete with his experiences, and the perception that aided in its formulation.

No, working in the oil industry doesn't make one an expert on Islam or Muslims.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Geert Wilders has pretty extreme views towards Muslims. He says there is "no such thing as a moderate Muslim". He'd like to outlaw the Qur'an and proposes women who wear the Hijab should pay a tax(basically destroy any religious freedom for Muslims). He wants Muslims OUT of Denmark and proposes they pay them to leave the country... So when he says "I don't hate Muslims, I hate ISLAM" it's pretty hard to take him seriously.
Why? Are you not as capable of separating the person from the faith as Geert is? It's really quite simple. I'm surprised someone as seemingly as enlightened you try and portray yourself, hasn't that ability.

His extreme right-wing views on Muslims are akin to Hitler's rhetoric about the Jews.
Minus the whole final solution thingy. Or was that one big lie too?

His speeches where he spews these kind of beliefs are undoubtedly going to incite hatred amongst the ignorant.
How do you know it promotes hatred?

No, working in the oil industry doesn't make one an expert on Islam or Muslims.
Can you point out where he made that claim?
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Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
i really don't give a **** if you are convince or even what you think, and if the events of 911, London, Spain, Bal,i and on and on, represent "too small a threat", then you are completely delusional and not worth the trouble to discuss anything with..
Sadly you are like most ignorant Canadians that rabbit on whithout knowing what they are talking about.

You can't be taken seriously when you're bereft of any knowledge on the why these attacks happen in the first place. How can you even have the audacity to use the word "ignorant" against anyone when you're so incapable of forming a coherent reason why your opinions are they way they are, other than pointing to a couple specific events. Some of the events which probably weren't even perpetrated by Muslims (Basque separatists in Spain)..
But to truly get a grasp on the situation and form a legitimate opinion you need to understand foreign policy and the atrocities committed against Muslims to understand why they would want to attack us in the first place.
If you're uninterested in that than you're not interested in solving the problem and you want to bomb more Muslims, destroy more countries, which invariably creates more terrorism.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
But to truly get a grasp on the situation and form a legitimate opinion you need to understand foreign policy and the atrocities committed against Muslims to understand why they would want to attack us in the first place.
So what you're saying is, they're justified in attacking us, but we aren't justified in believing that they want to attack us?


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
"He wants Muslims OUT of Denmark" Ok genius..why would Wilders care how many muslims are in Denmark..?
At least try to get a few facts straight if you are going to pretent to be knowledgable on a subject....Basques didn't blow up the trains in Madrid, or the tube in London or the Bali nightclubs...
I'll try to make it simple for opinions are based on reading a whole range of subjects, experiences and observations...


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011


Minus the whole final solution thingy. Or was that one big lie too?

How many steps away is he really? The man wants them OUT of the country ,GONE, NO MORE MUSLIMS in Denmark... Is willing also to spend tax-payer money to remove them.

How do you know it promotes hatred?

How do I know hate speech promotes hatred? This is what you're asking me? Again, wow.

Can you point out where he made that claim?

You said he provided qualifications on why his opinion which made it more than invalid, which is what I believe it to be, but all he said was that he worked with an oil company. So you insinuated that somehow makes him a expert.


Nominee Member
Jul 20, 2011
Ha really think Wilders is Danish....what a joke...

Take some geography lessons instead of poli sci....


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
This thread is about a horrible incident in Norway that had nothing to do with Muslims or Islam. If you guys want to bash Muslims, start another thread. Have some respect for the victims of this tragedy.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Was the question to hard?

How many steps away is he really?
I don't know, I'm not big on making things up, or knee jerk reactions. Maybe you can tell me, how many steps away is he?

The man wants them OUT of the country ,GONE, NO MORE MUSLIMS in Denmark... Is willing also to spend tax-payer money to remove them.
Well that's better than using tax payers money to gas them.

How do I know hate speech promotes hatred? This is what you're asking me? Again, wow.
Another question you found to hard to answer?

For someone with a lofty sense of self importance, and a lot to say, you seem to have a great difficulty answering questions of any kind.

You said he provided qualifications on why his opinion was more than invalid which is what I believe it to be, but all he said was that he worked with an oil company. So you insinuated that somehow makes him a expert.
Did I say his opinion was more valid? Not that I don't think it isn't. Since he's the only one to offer some form of experience, and perception. As apposed to your simple distraught rantings.


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
Ha really think Wilders is Danish....what a joke...

Take some geography lessons instead of poli sci....

True, my mistake. But you didn't realize it either until someone brought it to our attention, so why are you laughing?

"He wants Muslims OUT of Denmark" Ok genius..why would Wilders care how many muslims are in Denmark..?
At least try to get a few facts straight if you are going to pretent to be knowledgable on a subject....Basques didn't blow up the trains in Madrid, or the tube in London or the Bali nightclubs...
I'll try to make it simple for opinions are based on reading a whole range of subjects, experiences and observations...

Why would Wilders care? Good question, probably because he's a racist and bigot. I'm pretty sure the guy is closest to a neo-nazi politician as you can get, with the slight difference being the hatred is directed towards the Muslims rather than Jews.

He believes that all Muslim immigration to the Netherlands should be halted and all settled immigrants should be paid to leave.[4] Referring to the increased population of Muslims in the Netherlands, he has said:
Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches![93]
Geert Wilders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia