Obama Birth Place Debate...


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Where the hell did you come up with the thread title?

Ahhh come on....let's go with the title:smile:

WOW!! Donald Trump To Obama: Show The Birth Certificate!!

YouTube - Donald Trump Wants to See Obama's Birth Certificate
“Everybody else has to. Excuse me. I really believe there is a birth certificate. Look, she’s smiling. Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? I wish he would. I think it’s a terrible pale hanging over him,” Donald Trump told the ladies of “The View.”

“I want him to show his birth certificate. I want him to show his birth certificate,” Trump later said in the interview.

WOW!! Donald Trump To Obama: Show The Birth Certificate!! Randy’s Right


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
How this Obama nonsense can make for CNN `breaking news` while 6 of it`s countries, men in uniform, so-called fighting and dying for America can go unmentioned is beyond me.

Where the hell did you come up with the thread title?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Trump is a buffoon, a carnival sideshow.

But it sure is interesting to see him go against Whoopi and Joy Behar and not have them walk off the show


House Member
May 18, 2010
Apprently the Long Form of certificate of birth has just been released.
This won't change the ranting of the nay Sayers !!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I understand that back a few years ago, when this first became a controversy, one of the Hawaiian officials, who is a staunch Republican, personally looked at the certificate in order to try to put the controversy to rest. Didn't help.

The other interesting thing is that the long-form version is not a legally admissable document in Hawaii any more, the short form is the standard legal document.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Would he be actually scared of Trump????................Naaah!!!!!

Trump's campaign is basically done now, the 'Obama is African' was Trump's only talking point.

Hopefully some serious Republican's push him aside soon, he's a distraction to the party.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Trump's campaign is basically done now, the 'Obama is African' was Trump's only talking point.

Hopefully some serious Republican's push him aside soon, he's a distraction to the party.

Comic relief is nice since the US are in perpetual election mode......

BTW what are you doing to channel 213.....last night it would flicker off (go dark) once in a while for about 6 seconds at a time


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Comic relief is nice since the US are in perpetual election mode......

BTW what are you doing to channel 213.....last night it would flicker off (go dark) once in a while for about 6 seconds at a time

Haven't heard anything, could be a source problem (ie SunTV) or some other transmission type of problem.

Just flicked to it now, seems ok. Problem was only last night?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Haven't heard anything, could be a source problem (ie SunTV) or some other transmission type of problem.

Just flicked to it now, seems ok. Problem was only last night?

Yup OK today...but I just turned it on when I first read the OP:smile: and it wasn't long before it came on the news......and I must say that programing and all the people there seem better than last week.....certainly more relaxed......

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Finally, Trump does what nobody could do for years, get Obama to release his birth certificate. Trump gets things done! Trump for president!

Now, about that trip to Pakistan......



Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
*still no mention from CNN...hmmm*

KABUL, Afghanistan – Eight American troops and a U.S. contractor died Wednesday after an Afghan military pilot opened fire during a meeting at Kabul airport — the deadliest episode to date of an Afghan turning against his coalition partners, officials said.

The Afghan officer, who was a veteran military pilot, fired on the Americans after an argument, the Afghan Defense Ministry said.

All nine killed were American, according to a senior U.S. defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information has not yet been made public.

The shooting occurred in an operations room of the Afghan Air Corps at Kabul airport.

"Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, shooting started," said Afghan Air Corps spokesman Col. Bahader, who uses only one name.

"After the shooting started, we saw a number of Afghan army officers and soldiers running out of the building. Some were even throwing themselves out of the windows to get away."

Five Afghan soldiers were injured. At least one Afghan soldier was shot — in the wrist — but most of the soldiers suffered broken bones and cuts, Bahader said.

An Afghan pilot who spoke on condition of anonymity, identified the gunman as Ahmad Gul from Tarakhail district of Kabul province.

Dr. Mohammad Hassan Sahibi, the brother of the shooter, who was killed in the incident, had been battling financial troubles. Sahibi said his brother had no ties to insurgents.

"He was 48 years old," Sahibi told Tolo, a private television station in Kabul, "He served his country for years. He loved his people and his country. He had no link with Taliban or al-Qaida.

"He was under economic pressures and recently he sold his house. He was going through a very difficult period of time in his life."

Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the shooting and offered his condolences to the relatives of the victims. He said those killed were trainers and advisers for the Afghan air force. The president ordered his defense and security officials to investigate the recent incidents to determine why they occurred.

It was the seventh time so far this year that members of the Afghan security forces, or insurgents impersonating them, have killed coalition soldiers or members of the Afghan security forces.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. In a statement, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the gunman was impersonating an army officer and that others at the facility helped him gain access.

However, Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi said the gunman was an Afghan military pilot of 20 years.

"An argument happened between him and the foreigners and we have to investigate that," Azimi said.

Taliban insurgents have stepped up their attacks on government and military installations across Afghanistan.

_On April 18, an insurgent managed to sneak past security at the heavily fortified Afghan Defense Ministry compound in the capital and killed two Afghan soldiers and an officer.

_Two days before that, an Afghan soldier walked into a meeting of NATO trainers and Afghan troops at Forward Operating Base Gamberi in Laghman province in eastern Afghanistan and detonated a vest of explosives hidden underneath his uniform. The blast, the worst before Wednesday's shooting, killed six American troops, four Afghan soldiers and an interpreter.

_On April, 15, a suicide bomber dressed as a policeman blew himself up inside the Kandahar police headquarters complex, killing the top law enforcement officer in the restive southern province.

_In northwest Afghanistan, a man wearing an Afghan border police uniform shot and killed two American military personnel on April 4 in Faryab. The gunman was upset over the recent burning of the Quran at a Florida church, according to NATO intelligence officials.

_In February, an Afghan soldier, who felt he had been personally offended by his German partners, shot and killed three German soldiers and wounded six others in the northern province of Baghlan.

_In January, an Afghan solider killed an Italian soldier and wounded another in Badghis province. The two soldiers were cleaning their weapons at a combat outpost when an Afghan soldier approached them with an M16 rifle and asked to use their equipment to clean his gun. The Italians saw that the Afghan soldier's rifle was loaded and asked him to unload it, at which point the Afghan soldier shot the two Italians and escaped from the base.

Before the airport shooting, the coalition had recorded 20 incidents since March 2009 where a member of the Afghan security forces or someone wearing a uniform used by them attacked coalition forces, killing a total of 36. It is not known how many of the 282,000 members of the Afghan security forces have been killed in these type of incidents.
According to information compiled by NATO, half of the 20 incidents involved the impersonation of an Afghan policeman or soldier. The cause of the other 10 incidents were attributed to combat stress or unknown reasons. NATO said that so far, there is no solid evidence — despite Taliban assertions — that any insurgent has joined the Afghan security forces for the sole purpose of conducting attacks on coalition or Afghan forces.