TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

You might choose to belive that you do not know what you obiviously do, but your only lying to yourself...


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I need not prove to you, what you already KNOW to be the case..........

You need not have my opinion, for you already have your own.....

You need not my observations, you already observe the FACTS OF LIFE....
So why are you calling people stupid and liars for having their own opinions? I know what the facts of life are because I have survived 65 years on this planet. How long have you been playing mind games with yourself?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I do not claim to KNOW anything that you cannot realize for youself that you also KNOW..

I am not playing games, I only state the obvious....

I am not insulting you, you are insulting me..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I do not deny you your own opinion, I simply imply that one ought to respect their own opinion, and discern what is KNOWN from what is UNKNOWN

I am here to reveal the TRUTH which is clear and obvious and observable by anyone that chooses to THINK for themselves and there by be empowered with superior reasoning...

Not that you will obtain respect and recognition for being RIGHT, but as you can see, quite the opposite..

You are not entitled to your opinion,
you are entitled to observe the FACTS of LIFE and belive them,
or make up a fantasy and belive that instead..


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I do not claim to KNOW anything that you cannot realize for youself that you also KNOW..

I am not playing games, I only state the obvious....

I am not insulting you, you are insulting me..
You have called me stupid and others liars, but to you it is not an insult? Interesting. Are you a lawyer?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I do not claim to be able to prove ANYTHING, you must THINK for yourself..

You must come to your own reasonable conclutions by recognizing the difference between what you KNOW, and what you like to think you KNOW..

Isn't that what you do?

Prove it..

What have I said, that is not plainly simply and observably TRUE from your own perspective.. (not your irrelevant opinion)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Prove it..
DoI actually have to go find all the posts you ignore reality in?

What have I said, that is not plainly simply and observably TRUE from your own perspective.. (not your irrelevant opinion)
Ya, that's it, cuz you say so! :roll:

I'm still waiting to see you support the nonsense you have in two other threads.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

If you can reveal to me that I cannot legitimately conclude that I know what I say I know, I welcome it.. provide your argument and I will consider it and provide a counter argument if I can..

If not then what choice do I have but to reconsider what I thought I knew.. although I highly doubt that you would do the same..

Because you simply JUDGE ME AS UNWORTHY...and consider not my statements of the obvious...

This is foolishness..

Clearly you cannot judge what is TRUE and what is FALSE and what is UNKNOWN based purely on who said it or where it is written..

It must be assessed reasonably and logically by YOU..

You have not once provided a single bit of logical evidance that what I say is not observably TRUE from the point of view of any reasonable logical observant individulal..


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I read the drivel and nonsense coming from your computer and it tells a lot,
much of what is said is remakes of everything else over and over some what
like just puking words for words sake.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

This is foolishness..
I agree.

It must be assessed reasonably and logically by YOU..
I have, and I found out you aren't reasonable, nor logical.

You have not once provided a single bit of logical evidance that what I say is not observably TRUE from the point of view of any reasonable logical observant individulal..
So you've said. Unfortunately, reality, reason and logic, dictataeds that you're lying.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I agree.

I have, and I found out you aren't reasonable, nor logical.

So you've said. Unfortunately, reality, reason and logic, dictataeds that you're lying.

Is there anything we can agree on?

Is threre anything TRUE in your opinion, or is everything just a possibility?

I think it's fair to say that whether or not you actually exist in the physical form which we all know and love...may not be TRUE, it is merely a possible TRUTH..

Do you agree with this, or do you think it is beyond doubt that we are animals that evolved by accident and thats all there is to it.. AND you KNOW its TRUE..

I am just trying to understand if you are totally nihilist or totally dogmatic..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Are you observant?

What is observably TRUE from the point of view of any reasonable logical observant individulal?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Is there anything we can agree on?

This is foolishness...
Agreed, 100%,your posts are foolishness.

That is just stupid, and you deserve what you get..
Again, agreed, 100%, your posts and threads are stupid and you get what you deserve.

Is threre anything TRUE in your opinion, or is everything just a possibility?
Nope, no "possibilities", we agree 100% on your posts and threads.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Are you observant?

What is observably TRUE from the point of view of any reasonable logical observant individulal?
It is observably true, to this reasonable and logical observant, that you are intent on spamming this site with your brand of drivel, with no actual point or need for open and honest discussion.

As clearly indicated by your refusal to accept globally acknowledged and understood definitions. Along with your countless, pointless threads, in which you call every member that challenges your version of reality, names and ignore the opinions of others, no matter the strength of the data or facts they offer to support their position. Which of course is more then you do.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..


Agreed, 100%,your posts are foolishness.

Again, agreed, 100%, your posts and threads are stupid and you get what you deserve.

Nope, no "possibilities", we agree 100% on your posts and threads.

Are you capable of actually having a disscussion or is your only desire to dissagree with everything that others say, even if you have to LIE in order to dissagree?

It seems to me, that with you, I am not entitled to ANY sort of OPINION at all...

You will just blatantly disagree, and the only evidence your offer is that it is your opinion that I am stupid...or some other irrelevant meaningless word that is intended to de-value another in some way..