TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

The TRUTH is that which dictates the consequences of your actions, irrelevant of what you are I or anyone else believes..

The TRUTH is that information which is realized in the mind from time to time known in this form as KNOWLEDGE which accurately predicts the consequences of your actions..
And You???????
YouTube - Dan Fool


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

The odds of successfully achieving a given objective, without some KNOWLEDGE(TRUTH) of how to accomplish that objective is virtually ZERO..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Knowledge isn't truth. Not at all.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

The odds of successfully achieving a given objective, without some KNOWLEDGE(TRUTH) of how to accomplish that objective is virtually ZERO..

You should be an inspirational author, you could publish pdf's etc


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Knowledge isn't truth. Not at all.

Oh wise owl, please do tell, what is Knowledge?

You should be an inspirational author, you could publish pdf's etc

If the words of reasoning conclude that you abandon all reasoning, let the first to be abandoned be the reasoning of those words...

My opinion is that my opinion is irrelevant....


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

*jumps in*

Still a ****ty thread.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Oh wise owl, please do tell, what is Knowledge?
Knowledge is just information. It is neither right nor is it wrong. It's the application, refinement and consistant successful outcome of the application is what makes something a truth.

A 10 year old has the knowledge of how to drive a car but how successful will that 10 year old be when it comes to applying the knowledge?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Success speaks truth.....When someone discovers truth that works, then others believe..

But there is another form of truth to speak of..

That which is in the minds of men....

They themselves are like a reality with their own version of truth, this is why one cannot always influence others with the actual truth..

But real empowerment causes them to update quickly...

The miracles of science far out way the miracles religion..

If we are not honest with each other about the observable facts of reality that we each know to be true, then we cannot communicate and discover new truths together..

Just because we human beings have a particular way of perceiving reality does not make it "NOT REALTIY" it is just one way of perceiving it..

It is just as valid as any other perspective..

In other words reality is what it is, and the fact that we perceive it in a particular way does not make it less so..

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Right here:
You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..
is the ONLY truth you have spoken here....

YOU persecute.

WE persecute.

Everybody's got his truth.

We analyse.

We criticize.

After all, there's me. There's you.

You want a fight gotta fight!

Nobody's going to worship poo.

You want the win?

Just say: "I WIN"!

...and play your bullshyte on you!


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Knowledge is just information. It is neither right nor is it wrong. It's the application, refinement and consistant successful outcome of the application is what makes something a truth.

A 10 year old has the knowledge of how to drive a car but how successful will that 10 year old be when it comes to applying the knowledge?

Some information is correct, and some is NOT correct..

If the information is correct you will achive the predicted objective...otherwise you will accomplish an unpredicted objective..

Right here: is the ONLY truth you have spoken here....

YOU persecute. WE persecute. Everybody's got his truth. We analyse. We criticize.After all, there's me. There's you. You want a fight gotta fight! Nobody's going to worship poo. You want the win? Just say: "I WIN"! ...and play your bullshyte on you!

We all have different backgrounds and may use different terminology, but that is just a matter of preference and not a disagreement on the FACTS of LIFE and is not even a difference of opinion.. This can easily be overcome in any reasonable discussion between reasonable people.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

There is no truth amonst men. Only consensus which is belief and faith.

The Guy. Find yourself a good book on Alchemy and you'll have a better view of reality looking up from matter rather than down at it.

Without knowledge and understanding of both the Mater and the Pater of the multiverse you'll always be stuck in the middle which is where the religious are stuck in the limbo of faith and trust in their useless, unapplied knowledge.

You don't have to be stuck and confused.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: As sad as it is, it seems that this is the place to say it..

Hi Dennis



Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

You have a relationship with "reality", just like you have a relationship with “individuals”..
You influence them and they influence you, this is the nature of your relationship with others.
According to your understanding of the TRUTH/LIES in their minds, you can be more or less effective in predicting their reactions(consequences) of your influences..
You have the same type of relationship with reality itself..
You influence reality and reality influences you, this is the nature of your relationship..
According to your understanding of the TRUTH itself, you can be more or less effective in predicting the consequences (reactions) of your influences..
So the analogy is that in this sense, the TRUTH is like a KING, with whom everyone has a relationship, but not necessarily with each other.
Not everything you do matters, as it simply does not have a significant impact on the kingdom or the individuals in it..
But in this sense the KING has absolute authority and EVERYONE submits to the authority of the KING.
Simply because one can take on a different perspective does not change the FACTS of LIFE, no matter how much your fear and paranoia may want the FACTS of LIFE to be different then they are..

Not every person is reasonable! Are you?
Most are paranoid and fearful and superstitious and in denial and despise the FACTS of LIFE.. because they LIKE to believe that they can decide what is RIGHT and TRUE and REAL for themselves.. As apposed to being reasonable in assessing the FACTS of LIFE that quite simply (ARE NOT UP TO YOU

There is no truth amonst men. Only consensus which is belief and faith.

Then why do you speak.. SHUT YOUR opiniated MOUTH..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

The real truth is not within the predicatable which is merely a closed loop. The truth is outside that loop quietly waiting for someone to break away from the mundane and the profane setting forth on the journey at has no pedicatable (mentally safe from fear of the unknown) destination.

You have two choices. You can blaze your own trail or forever be stuck in the loop of comfort of faith and belief.

Then why do you speak.. SHUT YOUR opiniated MOUTH..
What is the mater? Afraid of the pater?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

I say plenty, you claim to KNOW and have NOTHING to SAY.. and you cannot even offer a counter argument, your just like the rest, just claiming that I am wrong because you are right..

You are NOTHING, because you say NOTHING..

you are USELESS..

There is wisdom

Wisdom can be realized in the mind..

Whether you agree or not..

\ The real truth is not within the predicatable \
So who's the ONE who claims to KNOW THE REAL TRUTH...

I know what I know, so what do you know?

If you claim to KNOW something that I don't...

Why should I belive YOU?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Because driving in circles on straight, narrow lanes confuses all the poor cars around you....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

So who's the ONE who claims to KNOW THE REAL TRUTH...

I know what I know, so what do you know?

If you claim to KNOW something that I don't...

Why should I belive YOU?
You have far too much anger inside you to have the peace of mind to even start to recognize the intertwined realities of the mater and the pater to comprehend the "whole" of reality.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

әʇʎႡsႨႨnq ʇ!ʍ ɯәႡʇ әႨɟɟɐq 'әɔuɐ!ႨႨ!ɹq Ⴁʇ!ʍ ɯәႡʇ әႨzzɐp ʇ,uɐɔ noʎ ɟ!˙˙˙˙˙әu!Ⴈ pႨo әႡʇ oʇ әɔuәpәɹɔ sәʌ!ƃ әႡ
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