CBC 2011 federal election political compass


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Would you two cows get a stall already?!?

Not possible. Both are germophobes that are way too dirty right now.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
not possible. Both are germophobes that are way too dirty right now.

I think that Chart is a bit biased towards Conservatives....look at where they are placed ?
Conservatives aren't that far apart from the others IMO...... sure if they keep to thier campaign promises of the past.....but they haven't .


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I came in as a conservative, but the questions are so CBC LOL

I love this question though: The federal budget deficit should be reduced, even if it leads to fewer public services


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
It's not like we have any better options with Ignatieff and Layton. Goes to show how important leadership personalities can be I guess. I still consider myself a green and socialist.

Actually, if you look at it terms of who's best to just run the government as the boring day-to-day process that most of it is, the most qualified is Layton.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Actually, if you look at it terms of who's best to just run the government as the boring day-to-day process that most of it is, the most qualified is Layton.


Yep Jacks the man.

Actually, I'll just hand over the keys for 24 Sussex to a fourteen year old girl.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Whatever this means...;-)

It means the Conservatives are way out there in Naziland, which they wouldn't be if it was still the two parties - Reform and PC - from which it coalesced.

It means Liberals are the most moderate.

It means that 61% of Canadians prefer social liberalism and an economic system promoting fair income distributions based upon living wages, such that if the BQ, NDP, GR and LIB were to do the same thing the Reform and PC's did, which is not just form a coalition, but actually merge, then there would be two parties, and the majority of Canadians would have the government they want.

It would be interesting if GR, BQ, NDP and LIB were to merge like PC and Reform did (and by the way, a lot of PC's did NOT want to merge with Reform, but the situation at the time was such that they didn't have a choice, whereupon credible folk like Joe Clark and Belinda Stronach just chucked it and walked away).

If those four parties merged, you'd have something dominated by people tending towards moderation like the LIBs, with influences from members who want to see middle class workers get paid fair wages and for poor people to get some help like NDP, plus with influences from people who want to see environmental and economic sustainability like the GRs, and of course with those insisting that Quebec be treated as an equal partner in confederation (a lot of people in English Canada haven't noticed that the BQ has dropped the call for separation and are now more about simply representing Quebec's interests, but the people in Quebec are very aware of that fact... sort of like how if every province had its own federal political party).

In other words, it would probably be pretty-much like how things were under Trudeau.

Maybe that's why Harper keeps hypocritically freaking out against coalitions... he's scared because he knows how effective they are, because if Reform and PC hadn't merged, he never would have got remotely close to power being the Reformist he is at heart, and he knows that if those parties took the step beyond coalition to merging the way his crowd did, they'd be overwhelmed by a broad-based party representing the majority of Canadians.
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Jack Layton, as - Heaven forbid - Prime Minister would do what Bob Rea did to Ontario a few years back.

It's funny how the nation transforms their vote based on old whippersnapper memes like this one. This is a very powerful line that basically stops the average dummy from doing any research. It's almost as good as "Don't take me tax money, ye fiend!" *shakes wrinkly fist*


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It means the Conservatives are way out there in Naziland, which they wouldn't be if it was still the two parties - Reform and PC - from which it coalesced.

I love it when the numbskulls drag out the Nazi comparisons.

Please sir, can you show me the crematoriums. :lol:

No better way to act like a shrill fanatic than to start comparing a party to Hitler's Third Reich.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I expected somewhere in NDP territory, but went so far left I ended up getting Green. I didn't even answer in agreement with the carbon tax question. Oh well.
Same here... it put me way to the left when I know I'm quintessentially moderate.
It really bugs me though, that they didn't have any questions about net neutrality or government transparency - or even 'freedom of information' as an umbrella term. It seems extremely ironic considering they went to all this trouble to inform us with this political compass.
Also, it's really bizarre that Conservatives are so far in opposition to everyone else.

Yeah, I noticed that too, and I'm questioning how the LIB got pegged as leaning towards the upper-left when I know from personal experience that they're business-oriented as all get out.

The only difference between them and Conservatives is they have the smarts to calculate that it's cheaper to pay workers a living wage and provide the services people want in order to keep them working and happy and not making trouble than it is to spend billions on prisons and lock everyone up so they can't be employed and become a huge drain on government coffers to maintain (costs more than a hundred-thousand dollars per year to keep someone locked up, during which time they are contribution nothing, whereas for most of them, if they just had a job that paid them enough to live on, they never would have got into trouble in the first place... the *real* incorrigible don't get sent to prison... they get sent to mental institutions where they're kept drugged all the time an are never let out)...

Which means, LIBs are still focused on their general ledgers and profit margins and bottom line, but they're with-it enough to know it's easier, and cheaper, and you get more honey by providing bees with access to nectar than you do by threatening to smoke them into unconsciousness if they threaten to swarm.

Consequently, I don't trust where they pegged the zero-point of that graph. How do you define the zero-point on a social economic graph?

I know some people saying the researchers couldn't peg the graph at a more logical zero-point, because it would have made the LIBs look too favorable because most Canadians are essentially moderate, such that the other parties would have screamed that the LIBs were being given an "unfair" perceptual advantage by being shown to be so close to the center, plus it would have shown just how far out past Pluto the Conservatives became after they merged with the Reformers, which could threaten future research funding depending on which party gets in, such that their only option was to sort of "average out" all the parties and set the midpoint there.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
It's funny how the nation transforms their vote based on old whippersnapper memes like this one. This is a very powerful line that basically stops the average dummy from doing any research. It's almost as good as "Don't take me tax money, ye fiend!" *shakes wrinkly fist*

You are probably too young to remember what Bob Rea did to Ontario, and to inexperienced to think - knowing the grasshopper philosophy of the NDP - that Jack Layton would show more mercy.

BTW, if you wonder about my reference to grasshopper, read the fable by Aesop.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You are probably too young to remember what Bob Rea did to Ontario, and to inexperienced to think - knowing the grasshopper philosophy of the NDP - that Jack Layton would show more mercy.

BTW, if you wonder about my reference to grasshopper, read the fable by Aesop.

Oh I know what the whining was all about.

If you can show how we will be worse off now that would be nice. I like stories.

*sits in the old man's chair*