More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Would be funny if they sent the RCMP into a Whistler Lodge with Australian cooks and meat pies,
the Aussies would be running out like rats on a sinking ship!
When I lived there it was just Whites, Chinese and Japs.

Now the Aussie came and it all went to hell with them scamming welfare and living 20 to a house.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
First Nations has no standing in international law. Most Indigenous people I know do not use that title anymore. They also don't like aboriginal as it sounds to much like abnormal. And you will notice that it is still the Department of Indian Affairs and we still oppress indigenous people with the Indian Act.

I agree with you Cliffy, however the some of the most strident supporters of keeping the Dept of Indian Affairs are the very chiefs who should be standing up for their people instead of lining their pockets with government largesse.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Dept of Indian Affairs is horrible horrible joke on the people they set out to **** over. Try playing middle man for a rez who wants to develope it's own resources and try getting DIA to do their share and develope the skill set needed for the men of the north who want to work but can't without some basic inexpensive skills training.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Dept of Indian Affairs is horrible horrible joke on the people they set out to **** over. Try playing middle man for a rez who wants to develope it's own resources and try getting DIA to do their share and develope the skill set needed for the men of the north who want to work but can't without some basic inexpensive skills training.

I do not disagree with you, petros. I believe that the DIA is an impedement to the development of reserves by the very people who live there and that it serves only to maintain the status quo on same.

There are many examples of reserves who chose to go 'their own way' and through hard work and perseverance have managed to develop viable businesses which create local employment and an incentive for others to develop ideas of their own. The DIA had little if anything to do with the successes and often can be held to blame for many of the failures. Natives face the same red tape when trying to get businesses up and running as any Canadian but the DIA adds an entirely different level of hurdles for them to overcome.

The DIA is an outmoded idea which has proven time and again to hinder rather than better Native people.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Have you ever been north of 55 degrees? There are no options like golf courses, RV resorts, restaurants or casinos. It's all resources. Trees or minerals take your pick.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I do not disagree with you, petros. I believe that the DIA is an impedement to the development of reserves by the very people who live there and that it serves only to maintain the status quo on same.
Truer words could not be uttered!!!

There are many examples of reserves who chose to go 'their own way' and through hard work and perseverance have managed to develop viable businesses which create local employment and an incentive for others to develop ideas of their own. The DIA had little if anything to do with the successes and often can be held to blame for many of the failures. Natives face the same red tape when trying to get businesses up and running as any Canadian but the DIA adds an entirely different level of hurdles for them to overcome.

The DIA is an outmoded idea which has proven time and again to hinder rather than better Native people.
Where have you been hiding this insight Mowich!!!

It's all resources. Trees or minerals take your pick.
Which were stolen out from under, or right off of reserves.

Reparations and royalties would go a long way in remedying some issues.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Onion News Network is right,

we can just give permission to the First Nations' to sell Cocaine and that will alleviate their financial woes.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Reparations and royalties would go a long way in remedying some issues.
It's more than just what has been stolen it is what is about to be stolen that really needs to be addressed. Jobs are great indeed but some jobs are very high risk for injury and long term suffering from avoidable cancers and pulmonary diseases that go along with extraction and processing or minerals. When you hear a politician say "Oh well it's just 10-15 dead Indians a year" you lose a lot of faith and belief in what you are try to accomplish.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It's more than just what has been stolen it is what is about to be stolen that really needs to be addressed. Jobs are great indeed but some jobs are very high risk for injury and long term suffering from avoidable cancers and pulmonary diseases that go along with extraction and processing or minerals. When you hear a politician say "Oh well it's just 10-15 dead Indians a year" you lose a lot of faith and belief in what you are try to accomplish.
You're preaching to the choir Petros.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gawd no, no one wants to here someone that sounds like Clint Eastwood singing amazing grace.

Have you seen "Paint your Wagon" with Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood as "pardner"? It's a musical and both Marvin and Eastwood sang in it. Eastwood was easier on the ears.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Gawd no, no one wants to here someone that sounds like Clint Eastwood singing amazing grace.
Didn't he sing in Every Which Way But Loose?

Have you seen "Paint your Wagon" with Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood as "pardner"? It's a musical and both Marvin and Eastwood sang in it. Eastwood was easier on the ears.
Yeah...that one too. I think he sang on Big Valley too.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm sure that SCB would be happy to help you with that.
Actually, I'm in her good books right now. I didn't go ice fishing without her today.

And we have a hotel room booked for next weekend up on Lake Joseph. I've been hammering huge Lakers there for the last couple weekends. I think I found a sweet hunny hole that just keeps on spitting out quality fish.