More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Brits are trying to immigrate to Canada to get away from the sinking ship of ole Britannia.

No they are not,
most are going to Australia. Australia is safer in the long run (it is its' own continent and there are no American neighbours with huge armies) and even their "leftist" politicians like Julia Gillard are decreasing the immigration visas. Whereas; if we elected Jack Layton, he would hand out 10 million immigration visas each month.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No they are not,
most are going to Australia. Australia is safer in the long run (it is its' own continent and there are no American neighbours with huge armies) and even their "leftist" politicians like Julia Gillard are decreasing the immigration visas. Whereas; if we elected Jack Layton, he would hand out 10 million immigration visas each month.
I love how you disagree with me Trotz!!!


House Member
May 18, 2010
Most people in Canada will never become real Canadians. Even someone like David Suzuski is identified within our "progressive media" as "Japanese Canadian", a clear sign of hyphenation which identifies Suzuski as an outsider to the generalized norm in Canada; which as consequence of history, has been an European melting pot and most people in the world think Canadians resemble Michael Bublé and not David Suzuski... most Europeans are often shocked coming to the large cities in Canada and finding them full of "non-Canadians".

As I stated in other thread, the idea of what constitutes a Canadian won't really change in our lifetimes but it could in the future when, because of intermarriage and further immigration, actual "White" (European) people would become a hypenation, as per the case with White People in certain Latin American countries; who no longer form the political nor cultural elite, but live comfortably because of "old money" (see Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, et al)
They would be come Real Canadian real fast if they were to serve time in our military and fight for Canada.
The problem is too many are here for the free ride Canadians give them and they don't have to give anything in return..


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Australians protest their immigration as well. Australians can be proud and nationalistic on Australia Day. Whereas in Canada, Mr. Harper was hosting Afrocaribbean singers in Ottawa and most Canadians either stayed indoors and turned off the television (annoying Government ads about citizenship ceremonies) or pretended it was still the 1970s.

Canadians can be Nationalistic. A few nods and a winks; as per the Patriotic closing ceremony at the 2010 Winter Games, and the pseduo-intellectuals were screaming / panicking that Canadians were being "too nationalistic like the Americans".


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
They would be come Real Canadian real fast if they were to serve time in our military and fight for Canada.
There's no guarantee of that.

The problem is too many are here for the free ride Canadians give them and they don't have to give anything in return..
I somewhat believe that many immigrants do want a free ride and know our system will allow it. But I can not believe that the majority formulated a plot to defraud the Canadian people.

Furthermore, the majority become law abiding, productive tax paying members of society.

Given the level of immigration to Canada, if that were not the case. The country would be in anarchy.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I hear you.

They're far to busy recruiting in the penal system.

I just answer the door nakid.

I agree with you there...but...I can't remember the last time I heard a Christian leader call for the death of infidels, and then have it happen on the scale of something like we have seen in the name of Allah, over the last 10 years.

I'm not annoyed by attempts to indoctrinate Petros.


No cross culture hatred in Europe?

Have you been ignoring the news?

Brits are trying to immigrate to Canada to get away from the sinking ship of ole Britannia.
Yeah the impoverished police state of Brittania? I'd get the **** out of there too. It's depressing and wet.

Not ignoring it no. I've been to the EU 7 times in the past 10 years and It has turned into a two class society. None of the poor are happy regardless of their heritage, skin colour or religion. They all get dumped on equally.

I used to think Pittsburg was the anus of the planet until I went deep into the slums of East London.


House Member
May 18, 2010
There's no guarantee of that.

I somewhat believe that many immigrants do want a free ride and know our system will allow it. But I can not believe that the majority formulated a plot to defraud the Canadian people.

Furthermore, the majority become law abiding, productive tax paying members of society.

Given the level of immigration to Canada, if that were not the case. The country would be in anarchy.
I am not suggesting they claim here to defraud Canadians.

I am saying they do not carry their weight, here are a few examples;
-I already mentioned they do not join our military to fight for Canada
-they do not do their fair share in contributing to many fund raising activities, ie walks, runs, etc etc
- they do not contribute their share in donating blood to the blood bank, everybody needs blood donations
- they do not register/contribute to the Bone Marrow transplant, even tho it specifically helps their own ethnic groups

I think we have to encourage immigrants to do more to contribute.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
There's no guarantee of that.

True. Afro-Americans have died in multiple wars but continue to remain "Afro American" and not "American". The only thing that can change this is through intermarriage and you would have to forbid same race marriage; as despite the televised medium pushing interracial relationships, our statistics indicate that the majority of people are not intermarrying beyond their racial community. Even black people would protest such a law as they see intermarriage with (white) Americans as a threat to their culture and community and the black community is beginning to look down on things like rich black men marrying poor white women - so things have gotten a lot worse in that regard!

I somewhat believe that many immigrants do want a free ride and know our system will allow it. But I can not believe that the majority formulated a plot to defraud the Canadian people.

Furthermore, the majority become law abiding, productive tax paying members of society.

Given the level of immigration to Canada, if that were not the case. The country would be in anarchy.

How so? Especially where I grew up, most of the immigrants came in during the mid 90's and thus they haven't been in Canada long enough to prove their loyalty. As it stands, most of them love our passports and healthcare system; but in reality, we don't see many Chinese Canadians dying in Afghanistan or doing anything which benefits actual Canadians - most of Vancouver, and to some extent Toronto, is suffering from a Hong Kong-immigrant caused housing bubble.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
They would be come Real Canadian real fast if they were to serve time in our military and fight for Canada.

riiiiiiiiiiight...... killing people in far away lands makes ya a "real" Canadian.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
they do not do their fair share in contributing to many fund raising activities, ie walks, runs, etc etc

Take a really close look at this pic of the Terry Fox run in Vancouver.

Is it all white? Are those 4 E Indian women just dirty white chicks in disguise? How about the muzzie behind them? The black guy sticks out like a sore thumb is he faking it too?

Yup...that looks like a damn good crowd of average proud Canadians to me.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I am not suggesting they claim here to defraud Canadians.
That is exactly what you said...

The problem is too many are here for the free ride Canadians give them and they don't have to give anything in return..

I am saying they do not carry their weight, here are a few examples;
-I already mentioned they do not join our military to fight for Canada
There are no commitments by our Armed Services, that are currently ongoing, that are in the protection of our nation.

And they most certainly do join our Forces, and the demographics show that they join proportionately...

16.20% of the population is a visible minority, and they make up 2.7% of the CAF.

-they do not do their fair share in contributing to many fund raising activities, ie walks, runs, etc etc
Prove it.

- they do not contribute their share in donating blood to the blood bank, everybody needs blood donations
Prove it.
- they do not register/contribute to the Bone Marrow transplant, even tho it specifically helps their own ethnic groups
Prove it.
I think we have to encourage immigrants to do more to contribute.
I think you need to prove your accusations.

How so? Especially where I grew up, most of the immigrants came in during the mid 90's and thus they haven't been in Canada long enough to prove their loyalty.
That's your area, and that hardly is a good indicator of the of the immigrant issue.

As it stands, most of them love our passports and healthcare system; but in reality, we don't see many Chinese Canadians dying in Afghanistan or doing anything which benefits actual Canadians - most of Vancouver, and to some extent Toronto, is suffering from a Hong Kong-immigrant caused housing bubble.
I have no idea about that, but I do know I can get really good dim sum and Peking Duck in Markham.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Yet, 47.1% of the Greater Vancouver Region is a visible minority and that picture indicates that only 10-20% are visible minorities. Even then, it takes a considerable effort to a poor white person from Maple Ridge, White Rock; et al, to attend the event, in contrast to someone living in Richmond and Surrey who can just take the skytrain.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
There is no problem with immigration as a practice/principle. The biggest gripe is that Canada needs to have greater balance in the program itself in terms of accepting folks of differing cultures on an equal basis. Right now, we are a dumping ground for many demographics that won't get accepted elsewhere or groups that don't want to go through the due process.

You think you have problems with dumping. :) Ought to have our borders, it is ridiculous, they come by land, sea and air no way to stop them without hurting them. I know some Latin Americans just pass thru the U.S. and get into Canada, there isn't really any way to stop them except make it uncomfortable for them to get social benefits. We just have to accept the fact that illegal immigration is going to happen and there is very little that can be done in the long term to stop it. Due process takes to long, and if they are sick most likely the will be refused.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yet, 47.1% of the Greater Vancouver Region is a visible minority and that picture indicates that only 10-20% are visible minorities. Even then, it takes a considerable effort to a poor white person from Maple Ridge, White Rock; et al, to attend the event, in contrast to someone living in Richmond and Surrey who can just take the skytrain.
I just can't imagine the Surrey whites putting their crack pipes down long enough to run for Terry.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
we even have a problem in Canada with Europeans on expired tourist visas working in underground economies or under the table. It seems inevitable; because of air travel and the fact you can zip around the planet within 14 hours, that we are destined for a high tech police state. I think the idea that our bars want everyone under 50 to present two forms of identification is supposed to ease us for this inevitable transition.

Essentially the entire west is a pushover in this regard; on the other hand, if I tried the same stunt in Morrocco or Belarus, I would probably get reported and beaten and killed.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
we even have a problem in Canada with Europeans on expired tourist visas working in underground economies or under the table. It seems inevitable; because of air travel and the fact you can zip around the planet within 14 hours, that we are destined for a high tech police state. I think the idea that our bars want everyone under 50 to present two forms of identification is supposed to ease us for this inevitable transition.

Essentially the entire west is a pushover in this regard; on the other hand, if I tried the same stunt in Morrocco or Belarus, I would probably get reported and beaten and killed.
You're right. Lets go punt all the Aussies out of Whistler. Whistler has the highest density per capita of ex-pat Australians than anywhere else in the world. I hate Aussie. ****ing blond haired goofy leeches. G'day this assholes!


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
You're right. Lets go punt all the Aussies out of Whistler. Whistler has the highest density per capita of ex-pat Australians than anywhere else in the world. I hate Aussie. ****ing blond haired goofy leeches. G'day this assholes!

Would be funny if they sent the RCMP into a Whistler Lodge with Australian cooks and meat pies,
the Aussies would be running out like rats on a sinking ship!


House Member
May 18, 2010
I just can't imagine the Surrey whites putting their crack pipes down long enough to run for Terry.
Yeah, well this just goes to prove that there should be a lot more visible minorities in the pic because the white are busy smoking,,, eh !!!