Protest in Iran


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Hundreds of thousands of protesters plug the street in Tehran to protest public smoking by laws. Notice the giant cloud of top secret poison nerve gas (upper right) choking the helpless uprising cigarrette smokers. Somebody has to do something. Why not buy CO2 savings bonds.
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
As opposed to the elections in the west, where the only choices are between a bunch of rich ass holes who intend to further oppress the third world. :lol:
Democracy doesn't exist

Still prefer our method over theirs. (stoning, cutting off limbs, degrading women etc.) At least the "rich ass holes" allow us to collect some of their spill off.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''leads me to believe that you value standards of evidence and look down on those who don't back up their claims''

Look down?? That's a silly statement. If he makes a claim he is supposed to back it up. Notice how he readily condemns a written slip of the tongue I made (which I subsequently corrected) but he persists in his own hypocrisy while also ignoring Colpy's botch.

Let's see what you have to say about that.

As for evidence that the government has majority support, did you bother to read the headlines when the election news was announced? 85% turnout and it won 62%:

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Ahmadinejad wins Iran presidential election

This has been discussed on this forum several times -- so tell me, what news source do you watch at night - Fox???

''if you are blowing up Jews in Argentina, shipping missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas, threatening to destroy Israel,''

Previously refuted.

But if this was true and you objected to all this, where was your objection to Bush's pretensions about WMD and the subsequent killing of all those Iraqis???

''Oh brother. Drink that Kool-Aid''

Yes you should. ;)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I have to quote Colpy, this cannot be put any differently to you: "BUT, if you are blowing up Jews in Argentina, shipping missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas, threatening to destroy Israel, call the USA the "Great Satan", and the little Blue Book put out by your spiritual leader gives instructions on how to break in your 9 year old wife, and what to do with a sheep after you have intercourse with are an ISLAMIST.....defined as "a fundamentalist Muslim Lunatic""
OMFG how umbilical are you and your stupid-ass cronies. Try to .... never mind, one of the 2/3 apparently if this trajectory is held for the duration.

Jews live in Judea (FFS) as the Daily Show's man in black might put it .... oh wait that was God who said set the tone.

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
standing where it ought not,
(let him that readeth understand,)
then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

Try and convince me that Jews live anywhere but that doomed (and then restored) land. If nothing else their God is pretty damn cool (and on the ball). With security concerns He decided to divide a simple message (everybody makes it into the new earth) into 66 books written over a lengthy period of time and only in hindsight is the message totally understood.)

All thast to ask this question. What would be the encryption key (64-128-256.....) be for that sort of intelligence to even concieve such a thing in the very first place???

eban holey angals feer sum plaices lat alone the twice ded ones whoom hav non choize in the matter.

Who sezs fat fingered typing is not a curse when it comes to editing lol anjd who says blind Jews don't have bosses?

These are spots in your feasts of charity,
when they feast with you,
feeding themselves without fear:
clouds they are without water,
carried about of winds;
trees whose fruit withereth,
without fruit, twice

Personally some Christian should accept a fully expense paid trip the Glorious Land (Biblical term not really gauged to events before being gathered but really somebody should check out those poor retched souls that end up suffering from the 'Jerusalem Syndrome'. % minutes after they are hogtied they can be cured if they are Christian, if =not they will not be able to identify one single verse from the NT that explains their current action. If they are not paid to look like idiots then they would be false Christian .... only problem being the timew they were shopwn was in in a false Christian documentary (without the falseness beingTOTtALLY BLATANT.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''"BUT, if you are blowing up Jews in Argentina, shipping missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas, threatening to destroy Israel, call the USA the "Great Satan", and the little Blue Book put out by your spiritual leader gives instructions on how to break in your 9 year old wife, and what to do with a sheep after you have intercourse with are an ISLAMIST.....defined as "a fundamentalist Muslim Lunatic""

''In killing Jews I am doing God's handiwork'' by that great 'moral' Christian HITLER

the Inquisition


Counter Reformation

witch hunts

killing of millions of Native Americans

European invasions of North African countries, Middle East, Indonesia, Indian subcontinent ...

Bush's invasion of Iraq

etc ... etc ... etc ...


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Let's see what you have to say about that.

I have nothing to say about your childish exchanges. Do you want to engage in debate or do you want to be an anonymous ass on the internet?

If you want a serious response from me, you can rewrite your post respectfully. If not, don't waste your time trolling me. I won't respond.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
''"BUT, if you are blowing up Jews in Argentina, shipping missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas, threatening to destroy Israel, call the USA the "Great Satan", and the little Blue Book put out by your spiritual leader gives instructions on how to break in your 9 year old wife, and what to do with a sheep after you have intercourse with are an ISLAMIST.....defined as "a fundamentalist Muslim Lunatic""

''In killing Jews I am doing God's handiwork'' by that great 'moral' Christian HITLER

the Inquisition


Counter Reformation

witch hunts

killing of millions of Native Americans

European invasions of North African countries, Middle East, Indonesia, Indian subcontinent ...

Bush's invasion of Iraq

etc ... etc ... etc ...

First of all, and overwhelmingly.......



As for the rest, the upheaval in Christianity cost many lives in war....too true.

The witch trials cost about 100, 300 years.

Ninety some odd percent of Native Americans died from disease........not from military action.

It was a monk, Bartolemew de las Casas, that took up the cause of native Americans, and the Jesuits that set out to protect and defend them.

Your theses have some HUGE gaping holes.......


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
In my opinion, Iran is one of those countries that will debate, protest arrest and fight for
a long time yet. The country will eventually fall from within as the population is made up
of people under thirty in the majority. Religion is the only glue and that will wear thin with
time as religion is one thing freedom is another and freedom will eventually win out.
Yes there will be turmoil but a quick solution? I don't think so.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Ninety some odd percent of Native Americans died from disease........not from military action.
It was a monk, Bartolemew de las Casas, that took up the cause of native Americans, and the Jesuits that set out to protect and defend them[

Correction: the church taught what was called the ''Aristotelian doctrine of natural slavery: that one part of mankind is set aside by nature to be slaves in the service of masters born for a life of virtue free of manual labor.''

Aristotle and America

This is why it enslaved and killed so many Native Americans.