Ramifcation of a Conservative vote- Goodby Canada!


Electoral Member
[FONT=&quot]Sedition refers to overthrowing a Government. I don't know if it can be applied to overthrowing the goals and standards of a Nation.

As a long time Conservative I can tell you for many years, the Conservatives have said “Soon we will become another state when we join the US” Perhaps, now is the time?

The Governments taking part in dismantling Canada.

Lead by the Alberta Conservatives followed by:
BC Liberals (Conservative)
Gov’t of NWT (Conservative)
Gov’t of Yukon (Conservative)
Saskatchewan Conservatives
And supported by Steven Harper and Gilles Duceppe

Stephen Harper on a CBC TV interview stated “I will change the country so even the Liberals won’t recognize it!”

Gilles Duceppe has told his people that separation for Quebec in the bag after the coming election, if he gets in.

Michael Ignatieff has thrown away the well worn Liberal Red Book without telling the followers. I don’t think anyone knows what he stands for as nothing has come forward to replace it. And, that breaks my heart. He as supported Conservatives constantly, one has to wonder if he is just another door into US statehood.

5 Western Premiers have agreed to cooperate on achieving the Conservative long term goals. With Quebec on side you can be pretty sure Harper’s musings (threats) will come true.

Taking his lead from Alberta, Harper has moved our corporate taxes down to 15%. This compares to 35% in the US. Money missing is going to come from social programs for operating funds! It is you and I that are taking the hit!

Here are some Conservative goals unattainable until this point in time.
Do away with the Canada Pension Plan and install private insurance companies in its place at a major cost to the benefactors.

Do away with Canadian Health Care and move to a US system entirely. For those that cannot afford medical insurance and make less than 20,000 dollars a year, Government help (US equivalent Medicaid) will be available but only after you have sold your house and liquidated your belongings.

Let’s consider the fall out if they get elected again. All the Conservative dreams will come true; there will be nothing to stop them!

Health Care will be totally American style. Alberta is still flying with the Ways and means tests for financial assistances. They set the poverty line at 24,000 per year after one has liquidated all their assets. (This brings the DNR tag to the back of their chair if they happen to be in a home).

They will adopt this coverage as the Alberta Medicaid and everyone else can buy insurance. This is the same idea the Wild Rose Party Supports.

Both Harper and the WRP have said they want universal Health care but they are not saying it comes with harsh conditions!
You decide if long term plans and organizations like this are sedition or not!

Canada Pension plan and Old Age Security will see an overhaul for the worst.

Ted Morton has made it clear he does not want to strengthen the CPP. His alternative is private insurance companies picking up the plan, as they are doing now with the addendum that companies can make and remit insurance deductions from employees to the private insurance company.

The Federal Conservatives agree with this and are supporting it.

The Western Conservatives including the Wild Rose Party agree Equalization payments should be done away with. I have to guess this is in anticipation of a Quebec split.

No doubt there are promises between the groups of 5 for mutual support, essentially cutting out the east. Harper and his crew are supportive of this.

Now; for some more speculation. One doesn’t have to drop a hammer to know it is going to fall!

Quebec Separates with the support of the Western Premiers.

The constitution is re opened so any number of changes can be made. Changes will include protection for the Crown to enforce hard core bio ID and literally anything else they want; nothing to stop them now and probably include changes to limit individual rights while strengthening corporate rights.The point is, once it is opened anything can be changed!

Indian Affairs, a long time target of the Conservatives will be no more. Money in that fund will be transferred to the Natives using a private company to sort out who gets what.

If history holds true, this same money will be frittered away within 2 years and the private mix will assure the fund is drained. Overhead you know.

Workers Compensation, fully integrated with the public health care system will be changed to the US system where WCB is a law, not an organization, which tells companies what coverage they need to provide.

Companies who provide corporate health care coverage often are the same companies which cover the WCB requirements. The US has long been complaining about the Canadian WCB system as being a subsidy; it will be among the first to go, across Canada.

The CBC will be done away with. There is no place for the CBC in a Conservative world; it will probably be the first casualty!

If Canadians do not come together to unseat the Western Premiers all will be lost!

There is no party running that will not do its best to look after industry in a competitive world. The Conservative world of Corporate Welfare is killing us as individuals. The Green Party is nearly as right wing as the WRP so, don't hang your hopes there.

Remember; it was the people who did not bother to vote that put the Conservatives in power from one end of the country to the other and now, you are on the brink of loosing your country!



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
[FONT=&quot]Remember; it was the people who did not bother to vote that put the Conservatives in power from one end of the country to the other and now, you are on the brink of loosing your country![/FONT]
Exactly. Loosing us from the bonds of tyranny that over a century of mostly Liberal rule has wrought. Vote conservative and Conservative.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Nothing hits my funny bone like good old fashion scare mongering. All we need now is for a right-winger to tell us how the country would completely disintegrate if the Dippers ever got a term in office.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
I wish the original poster was true,

because my country ceased being Canadian when Pearson and Trudeau were in power and under their combined rule they spended like mad ("in order to collapse the capitalist system" - Karl Marx), erased our history as a British dominion and would have turned Canada into a Marxist state if the army, courts and senate were not in the way.

I'm even surprised the original poster is an Albertan (maybe he's originally from Ontario?) because you won't find much love for the Empire of the St. Lawrence (Toronto and Quebec) in Western Canada, even at the moment Steven Harper is pissing us off because he hasn't never delivered on his promises to create a more equal Canada.

The U.S. is a more equal institution, their states are permitted to decide their of their own laws, can create state guards, decide firearm laws, healthcare laws, et al.
Nevermind I think the American Constitution hands down beats the stuff we have, especially the Canadian Human Right's Act (thanks Trudeau your one legacy, as crappy as it may be, in this country).

I would wish for an annexation as it would unite British Columbia with Oregon and Washington State, and the Prairies with the Mid-West,
but unfortunately we're still stuck with the Empire of Toronto and Quebec.
Last edited:


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I wish the original poster was true,

because my country ceased being Canadian when Pearson and Trudeau were in power and under their combined rule they spended like mad ("in order to collapse the capitalist system" - Karl Marx), erased our history as a British dominion and would have turned Canada into a Marxist state if the army, courts and senate were not in the way.

I'm even surprised the original poster is an Albertan (maybe he's originally from Ontario?) because you won't find much love for the Empire of the St. Lawrence (Toronto and Quebec) in Western Canada, even at the moment Steven Harper is pissing us off because he hasn't never delivered on his promises to create a more equal Canada.

The U.S. is a more equal institution, their states are permitted to decide their of their own laws, can create state guards, decide firearm laws, healthcare laws, et al.
Nevermind I think the American Constitution hands down beats the stuff we have, especially the Canadian Human Right's Act (thanks Trudeau your one legacy, as crappy as it may be, in this country).

I would wish for an annexation as it would unite British Columbia with Oregon and Washington State, and the Prairies with the Mid-West,
but unfortunately we're still stuck with the Empire of Toronto and Quebec.

Not sure who is more of a dick, the conspiracy freak who started this thread or you, the traitorous a-hole who wants Canada to be consumed by our friends to the south.

Holy Crap indeed.:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
[FONT=&quot]Remember; it was the people who did not bother to vote that put the Conservatives in power from one end of the country to the other and now, you are on the brink of loosing your country! [/FONT]

I'd be happy to 'loose' my country.

Other than that, I believe that what you've written is utter tripe and complete garbage.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
For Gods sake, we have been fighting over the vision of Canada for more than a century.
I no more think we had a dictatorship under Trudeau or Pearson or Dief for that matter.
Now we have had some governments that were a hell of a lot better than others, but
really, dictators or people who will sell our future come on. They have already sold us out.
Free Trade deals, and foreign investment without Canadian content and all sorts of deals
we are still here though. Many thought we would be taken over long time ago.
Canada is a strange place indeed. I used to make the joke that the communists tried to
take over the government of Canada but they couldn't find it.
As for today, people are afraid of Harper, and angry with the Bloc yet no one seems to
realize that the two are a balance of power in this country. Harper, try as he might I don't
believe he will get a majority. Canadians don't want to give him a majority, anymore than
they want to give Iggy or Jack the mantle of Government. The offset factor is of course the
Bloc. As long as the Bloc owns Quebec no one will have a majority for a long time.
After the next election there will be retribution from all sides. Iggy will be gone, he should go
now, but its too late. Jack will be gone as well his time is not going to come because it
already went. Harper, he will be forced out because he cannot get the numbers so the Reform
sector of the party can carry out its unrealistic mandate. And the Bloc they will just sit there
with their stranglehold on Quebec, they need do nothing at the moment.
Harper, some time ago, has come to the conclusion that the old Reform ideas are as dead as
Jack Layton's, Canadians have no interest in going there. Harper knows the only way the Tories
can hold on is to govern from the Center Right. Even a slight drift will cost him seats and he
knows it. I am not a Conservative never have been but to state that a conservative government
will mean the end of Canada is nonsense. Besides if people want to rid themselves of this
government they should come up with some leadership and policies that Canadians want.
In short, the opposition won't form a majority government for the same reason as Harper's
Conservatives. None of them have leadership, there is no leaderships, and no defining policy
that captures the imagination of Canadians, until we see some of that, we will stumble along
with the dream that someday we will put this political vacuum behind us, Oh and don't hold your
breath that a brighter day is coming.


Electoral Member
I'd be happy to 'loose' my country.

Other than that, I believe that what you've written is utter tripe and complete garbage.
Come on now, On one link I put down the facts for all to read and judge. On the second link I put down my critique of our politic and we are in very serious trouble. You may not agree with my summation but certainly you would have to agree with the outright threat!


Electoral Member
Holy crap.

The whole world was spending like mad in the Trudeau Pearson years, not just Canada. This resulted in the serious raids by the International Monetary Fund on Canada and like countries.

It was a subsequent Liberal who had the task of cleaning up the mess and put us into a multi billion dollar surplus which the Conservatives promptly spent lowering corporate taxes all the while driving us into debt.

It's only if you don't like a party but take the time to understand at least, what you don't like.

Not sure who is more of a dick, the conspiracy freak who started this thread or you, the traitorous a-hole who wants Canada to be consumed by our friends to the south.

Holy Crap indeed.:roll:

I did the research and am of an age and experience where I do not have to spend months looking for something.

If you see a conspiracy in the post, I have done my work.

One link leads to the facts and the second leads to a 99% probability of what will happen if voters don't clean house!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Cyberclark: Aside from the numerous factual errors in your rant most of it is not very realistic and other parts are desirable, like eliminating equalization payments. And who would you rather have investing your loot- a bureaucrat that picks up a paycheque every two weeks or a professional that is in it for the money?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Yes Trudeau ran up a lot of bills, I agree with that. However under dear old Brian, the
Conservatives ran up billions year after year until Martin came along and he put things
right for awhile. Then came this government which is creating date, however had they
not we would be in one hell of a pile of trouble far greater than we are in.
I am not a friend of the Conservative Party but in the grand scheme of things they did the
right thing stimulating the economy and bailing out some businesses. The reason is not
because I like to see money going to private companies but because of the enormous
derivative funds, or leveraged fund market. The last I saw that outstanding balance is
around 1.2 Quadrillion if the markets collapsed a lot of that money would have come due
in promises and the money is not there, we would be happy to see a severe recession
if that happened.
The Tories will not get a majority, the Liberals are in the penalty box until they come up
with a leader and the NDP are still looking for a vision the one they lost when they chose
Audry McLaughlin instead of Dave Barret

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I wish the original poster was true,

because my country ceased being Canadian when Pearson and Trudeau were in power and under their combined rule they spended like mad ("in order to collapse the capitalist system" - Karl Marx), erased our history as a British dominion and would have turned Canada into a Marxist state if the army, courts and senate were not in the way.

I'm even surprised the original poster is an Albertan (maybe he's originally from Ontario?) because you won't find much love for the Empire of the St. Lawrence (Toronto and Quebec) in Western Canada, even at the moment Steven Harper is pissing us off because he hasn't never delivered on his promises to create a more equal Canada.

The U.S. is a more equal institution, their states are permitted to decide their of their own laws, can create state guards, decide firearm laws, healthcare laws, et al.
Nevermind I think the American Constitution hands down beats the stuff we have, especially the Canadian Human Right's Act (thanks Trudeau your one legacy, as crappy as it may be, in this country).

I would wish for an annexation as it would unite British Columbia with Oregon and Washington State, and the Prairies with the Mid-West,
but unfortunately we're still stuck with the Empire of Toronto and Quebec.

I'll deal only with your comments on the United States, especially as your comments regarding Pearson and Trudeau made absolutely no sense. You are apparently unaware of the fact that the fragmentation of lawmaking in the United States has resulted in a confused mess in which acts that are legal in one state are illegal in another. I much prefer a criminal justice system that is uniform across the country rather than one that changes with every border.

So far as the US constitution is concerned, it is an admirable document, but it was created over 200 years ago and as such lacks some of the more modern rights that are included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, such as officially recognizing the equality of women. It is interesting to note that an attempt in the 1970s to amend the US constitution to recognize women's equality failed to gain the three-quarters approval required by the US constitution.

You also don't seem to realize that in Canada health care is a provincial responsibility, thereby contradicting yourself.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
Yes Trudeau ran up a lot of bills, I agree with that. However under dear old Brian, the
Conservatives ran up billions year after year until Martin came along and he put things
right for awhile. Then came this government which is creating date, however had they
not we would be in one hell of a pile of trouble far greater than we are in.
I am not a friend of the Conservative Party but in the grand scheme of things they did the
right thing stimulating the economy and bailing out some businesses. The reason is not
because I like to see money going to private companies but because of the enormous
derivative funds, or leveraged fund market. The last I saw that outstanding balance is
around 1.2 Quadrillion if the markets collapsed a lot of that money would have come due
in promises and the money is not there, we would be happy to see a severe recession
if that happened.
The Tories will not get a majority, the Liberals are in the penalty box until they come up
with a leader and the NDP are still looking for a vision the one they lost when they chose
Audry McLaughlin instead of Dave Barret
About Brians Conservatives.... Ironically he implimented the GST to pay off our national debt.... so it has been said yet where did that get us ? Seems it just got the whole lots more money for the government spend ....It seems the Government changed for the distaste of the previous one , never for a better program plan. We see the creation of parties over the years that just seem like protests movements .... the underlining theme here is what ever government it is ...they aren't listening !!!!..... or , we just don't know what the hell we want.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I find it interesting to observe the zionist orchestrated disintegration of nationalism in the west. Our metamorphosis into spineless stupid people is complete, we are now just bugs that the bankers will walk on as they transit between award shows in honour of the most dishonourable traitors ever allowed to eat at a democratic trough. There is no hope whatever of avoiding the spread of war in North America. It will not be fixed until it has been destroyed. The pattern is well understood and well exercised. No one will be spared resetting the capitalist machine to zero. Then the same twisted gaming starts all over again. So while some amuse themselves squabbling about non existent political divisions in Canada the elite international finance machine continues to eat the country, lock stock and barrel. When and if we wake up it will be in a burning nation set on fire by those whom we have elevated to serve. Well we've been served. How do you like eating **** all day?