AGW Denial, The Greatest Scam in History?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Fred Singer: When Promoting Doubt, Make Stuff Up.

The reliably unreliable Dr. S. Fred Singer has gone from manipulating statistics for the purposes of disinformation to merely making stuff up - claiming, on the basis of no evidence whatever, that 40% of Scientists Doubt Manmade Global Warming.
Absent anything beyond Singer's self-serving guess, this must be dismissed as hogwash. A University of Illinois survey conducted a year ago put the number of scientists convinced of humankind's effect on global warming at between 82 and 90 per cent. A National Academy of Sciences survey reported last summer that it was closer to 97 per cent.

Singer's egregious misrepresentation is made yet worse by being promoted by a libertarian front group called the National Association of Scholars. This name, by strange coincidence, results in the same acronym (NAS) as the National Academy of Sciences, raising the possibility that unsuspecting readers might mistake Singer's latest craziness for an actual, credible scientific survey.

Singer fans (and I use the term, sardonically, sarcastically - contemptuously) will recall his participation in the Oregon Petition, in which the pathetic old Dr. Fred Seitz - once a President of the National Academy - was induced to sign a cover letter for a ridiculous solicitation for signatures from people who might pass themselves off as scientists and would agree that climate science is just too darn confusing to explain what has been happening in the last several decades.

Anyone who would yet imagine that Dr. S. Fred has a spec of credibility should read George Monbiot's still-hilarious account of Singer (and/or his ex-wife) making up statistics about melting glaciers. Or, for the full expose on how complicit Singer has been in denying the health risks of second-hand smoke, coal-fired generators, chlorofluorocarbons, DDT, asbestos or CO2, you should go snap up a copy of Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway's Merchants of Doubt: it reveals the man at his worst.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Jan 04 12:03

Avros dickhead heros. He'll have to be chipped out of a block of ice before he gets it.

Met Office knew big freeze was coming but hushed it up

The Met Office warned ministers to expect an ‘exceptionally cold winter’ but then kept the prediction secret from the public.
The forecaster decided not to reveal the information because it was embarrassed after wrongly predicting a ‘barbecue summer’ in 2009, BBC analyst Roger Harrabin said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It just does not get more obvious than this. Last October, when the UK Met office was predicting a mild winter, they knew they were lying to the public. Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:
* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
* a director of the Carbon Group
* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK
He is also a member of the Green Alliance.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Jan 04 12:03

Avros dickhead heros. He'll have to be chipped out of a block of ice before he gets it.

Met Office knew big freeze was coming but hushed it up

The Met Office warned ministers to expect an ‘exceptionally cold winter’ but then kept the prediction secret from the public.
The forecaster decided not to reveal the information because it was embarrassed after wrongly predicting a ‘barbecue summer’ in 2009, BBC analyst Roger Harrabin said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It just does not get more obvious than this. Last October, when the UK Met office was predicting a mild winter, they knew they were lying to the public. Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:
* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
* a director of the Carbon Group
* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK
He is also a member of the Green Alliance.

Another guy who thinks the Daily Mail is a good source for science.

How many times have you seen Men in Black beave.:lol:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Another guy who thinks the Daily Mail is a good source for science.

How many times have you seen Men in Black beave.:lol:

Four and your sister loved it every time.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
After Russian Wheat Failure, Australian Floods bring more fears of Grain shortage

But I thought increased CO2 would cause crops to double and triple! After all, indoor hemp growers pump CO2 into their basement grow rooms to increase their output. Isn’t the planet just like a fluorescent lit closet in a lab, or your neighbor’s basement?When Russia had to ban wheat exports this past summer due to losses from the worst heatwave in 1000 years, – grain prices shot up around the planet. Now, according to the Telegraph, the worst spring floods in Australian history are raising questions about another major grain exporter’s output.

This video covered the paradox.

YouTube - The CO2 is Plant Food Crock

NPR touched on the story after the Russian debacle, in an interview with Chris Hurt, a professor of agricultural economics at Purdue University.
BLOCK: And who would be on the receiving end of that wheat that now may not be getting wheat at all?
Mr. HURT: The ones are really going to be affected: Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Morocco and Iraq, so really some of the neighboring countries in Africa and on into Iran.
The other thing that’s really difficult for these countries is they have low incomes, generally 5 to 15 percent of incomes of people here in the United States. So when a basic food item like wheat goes up dramatically in price, it really affects their ability to pay for that. And, of course, the pure will-it-be-available question is another one that really makes people very worried.

From the January 4, 2011, Telegraph
US wheat futures rose heavily yesterday as concerns grew that Australian wheat growers will be unable to deliver their harvests as a result of the devastation. Australia is the world’s fourth largest exporter of wheat after the USA, Canada and Russia

YouTube - Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Don't it make my Green World Brown


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Ever heard that nonsense about "they changed the name to climate change" from the so-called skeptics? It's a load of bunk in a few ways, the main being that climate change and global warming are not the same thing. Second, who is they, and when did they change it? Google algorithms find that both terms have increased in usage at roughly the same rate:


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Does it really matter what it is called, it will happen and based upon history there is nothing we can do to stop it. Even if we everybody went back to living like we did before the industrial age. Global warming, Climate change will still happen. I am not predicting doom and gloom, just that we will just have to adapt. Whether we can or not is another matter.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Ever heard that nonsense about "they changed the name to climate change" from the so-called skeptics?

Check out post #1214 about this very topic.

Does it really matter what it is called, it will happen and based upon history there is nothing we can do to stop it. Even if we everybody went back to living like we did before the industrial age. Global warming, Climate change will still happen. I am not predicting doom and gloom, just that we will just have to adapt. Whether we can or not is another matter.

Good thing we didn't have the same attitude with acid rain and the depleting Ozone layer. The cure for acid rain was hatched in the Reagan White House.....guess what they came up with?

Cap & Trade and it worked......shock.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Does it really matter what it is called, it will happen and based upon history there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Oh, when in history has any species attempted to stop a climate from changing? I must have missed that history class.

Even if we everybody went back to living like we did before the industrial age. Global warming, Climate change will still happen.
Of course it will. But nobody is serious about ending climate change forever-or rather no serious person thinks that is a worthy or attainable goal...people are serious about mitigating the climate change we're causing, which is a huge difference. We don't have the know how or technology to change the output of our sun, but there's more than one way to cause climate change, and blocking radiation from escaping to space is one method, and that is controllable by us.

It is arrogant to think we can change the output of the sun, it's ignorant to believe we can't stop the buildup of heat trapping gases in our atmosphere.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Does it really matter what it is called, it will happen and based upon history there is nothing we can do to stop it. Even if we everybody went back to living like we did before the industrial age. Global warming, Climate change will still happen. I am not predicting doom and gloom, just that we will just have to adapt. Whether we can or not is another matter.

Well if we know the degree of change within a particular timeframe.
And if we know how much we can counteract any dangerous or extreme change.
Then we won't feel powerless or inconsequential.

As long as science can continue to run its course without interference, the first two conditions can be accurately predicted.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Heros of Climate Denial

Marc Morano
Morano was the mouthpiece for Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), one of the biggest skeptics in Congress. Morano helped draft a list of like-minded scientists that basically became the official Republican policy position on global warming for 2007 and 2008. Morano is now working at the website Climate Depot, a project of the free-market group Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. On the site, the ex-flack pitilessly skewers the prevailing climate science, linking to stories like “Pig bites Seoul resident; CO2 blamed.” “All of the stories about global-warming science being something other than a clear reason that we need to reduce fossil fuels have been processed through him,” says Brad Johnson, a climate researcher at the left-leaning Center for American Progress. “He’s been relentless at hammering reporters, helping move stories up from blogger to Fox News up into the halls of Congress.”
Fun fact: Morano also was behind the Swift Boat campaign used to demolish John Kerry’s presidential hopes.
Demolished here
Myron Ebell
The Competitive Enterprise Institute wonk is perhaps the only global-warming denier to have been officially censured by the British government, right after he said the country’s chief scientist knew nothing about the climate. He has been dubbed a “climate criminal” by Greenpeace and a global-warming “misleader” by Rolling Stone. Some credit Ebell with helping turn the D.C.-based CEI toward its current anti-alarmist, anti-regulation climate philosophy, which may have something to do with ExxonMobil giving the institute $2 million in funding. He has testified before Congress and sparred with environmentalists including heads of the Sierra Club and Chesapeake’s Tidwell, who walked off stage during one post-Katrina debate. “That’s when I made a decision that I will not debate deniers. I just won’t debate them,” says Tidwell.
Flattened at the end of this one
Tim Phillips
Phillips’ group, the Arlington-based Americans for Prosperity, follows climate-change conferences around North America like a bunch of ungroovy Deadheads. The Hot Air Tour, on the road since 2008, attacks global-warming hysteria while the Regulation Reality Tour attacked EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. Last year, Phillips dreamed up the No Climate Tax Pledge against cap-and-trade energy regulation, which 83 incoming members Congress apparently signed. Americans for Prosperity was founded by David Koch of Koch Industries, a gigantic plastics, lumber and oil-refining company.
Fun fact: The nifty “Tweet a Bureaucrat” feature on Phillips’ Web site lets you write messages like “This is America! Many soldiers have died to protect our freedom; freedom to use energy WITHOUT RATIONING! NO UN CONTROL!!!”
Totally unmasked as a tool here

Ken Cuccinelli
Cuccinelli, Virginia’s attorney general, is suing both his own state university and the federal government in a legal jihad against environmentalists who believe in fighting climate change. In the first suit, he accuses former University of Virginia scientist Michael Mann – the guy who proposed that historical heat levels are peaking in ahockey stick-shaped pattern – of committing fraud. Cuccinelli lost the first round of that court battle, but his spokesperson promises he will appeal. The prosecutor has also sued the EPA for trying to limit greenhouse gas emissions, saying that the so-called Climategate e-mail scandal last year casts doubt on the EPA’s determination that we probably should do something about emissions, soon.
Laughed out of the room here
Patrick Michaels
Patrick Michaels had an odd moment in 2006 as head of the Virginia State Climatology Office, when ex-governor Tim Kaine declared under pressure from environmental groups that Michaels didn’t speak for the state or the governor. A senior fellow at George Mason University, Michaels is less a denier than a hem-hawer – he accepts that global warming is real but says we shouldn’t draft regulation to try to curb it. He said as much when he testified before Congress this month. Michaels faced a rough patch in 2006 when he nearly ran out of money to scrutinize the data of other climate scientists, but luckily a Colorado utility company raised about $150,000 so he could keep working. Michaels also authored the climate-change chapter of the Cato Institute’s “Handbook For Policymakers,” writing, “Does the most recent science and climate data argue for precipitous action? (No.) Is there a suite of technologies that can dramatically cut emissions by, say, 2050? (No.) Would such actions take away capital, in a futile attempt to stop warming, that would best be invested in the future? (Yes.)”
Had the Crap beaten out of him here
— slipped up and told the truth here

Steven Milloy
The concept of global warming amuses Milloy so much he won’t spell it properly on his website, Junk Science, preferring instead to write “global weirding” or “gorebull warbling.” An adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute who lives in Potomac, Milloy spreads his anti-warming message through lectures and on His website included a Cap-and-Trade Death Clock that ticked toward the moment the new Congress is installed. Although the title of his book makes it pretty clear what he feels – Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them – a quick peek inside confirms it: “Whether they’re demanding that you turn down your thermostat, stop driving your car, or engage in some other senseless act of self-denial, the Greens are envisioning a grim future for you marked by endless privation.”
Fun fact: Did you know that, according to Milloy’s, “Al Gore allowed an innocent man to be prosecuted for a 1989 car accident in which Gore’s son was severely injured”?
This guy’s time has not yet come.

S. Fred Singer
Singer is the granddaddy of skeptics, with real research cred: He’s been professor emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia and chief scientist at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Now, he’s president of the Arlington-based Science & Environmental Policy Project, a group of scientists who have provided information to Congress suggesting that humans are not threatened by climate change. When the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore snared a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, Singer blasted back by forming a Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, which released a report saying climate change is a natural phenomenon.
Fun fact: Singer is a skeptic on other things, too: After the BP oil spill, he noted while government crews had found 1,826 visibly oiled dead birds, that “statistic does not mean the oil killed the birds.”
Explains how he feels about taking money from the tobacco industry here

And here are some who are just passing through:
Texas Rep. Joe Barton
To prepare for global warming, buy more sunscreen, suggests Barton. Or maybe find a tree. “When it’s hot, we get in the shade,” the Texas congressman said in a hearing last year. Barton is BFFs with companies that produce greenhouse gas, receiving about $2.8 million over the years from the oil, gas and utility industries. In 2006, Barton commissioned an influential Congressional report blasting scientists believed that there were possible man-made warming trends last century. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the report was “integral to congressional hearings about climate scientists” and “preceded a lot of conspiratorial thinking polluting the public debate today about climate scientists.” However, the author, George Mason University statistician Edward Wegman, is being investigated by his own school over charges that he cobbled together the study by plagiarizing textbooks and Wikipedia.
Fun fact: Barton doesn’t believe oil spills are bad for you either, apologizing to BP this year for the Obama administration’s gall at asking the company to compensate victims of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Apologizes to BP here

Sen. James Inhofe
Half of the Republicans now in Congress deny that climate change poses a threat, but Inhofe was pooh-poohing global warming before it became cool. In 2003, as chairman on the Committee on Environment and Public Works, Inhofe called global warming the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” He’s helped jam up legislation like the Climate Security Act, which would have imposed emission limits on power companies and manufacturers, and has personally rushed to a distant part of the globe to protest at a United Nations climate summit, like a cranky Batman called by a Bat signal composed of the floating lit-up head of Al Gore. Inhofe’s position is that the U.N. and climate-change scientists are perpetuating the warming scare as a way to tap a faucet of grant money because, you know, they just give academic funding to anybody nowadays.
Fun fact: Inhofe’s whole family made a big igloo on the National Mall during the 2009 blizzard, and decorated it with a cardboard sign reading “Honk if you [HEART] global warming.”
Denies climate change, then denies there have ever been any gay people in his family here

Let's not forget Ball, Monckton and Plimer.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Global Warming, Winter Weirding

YouTube - Global Warming: Winter Weirding

Climate deniers like to claim that cold weather over eastern north america and eurasia somehow contradicts a warming planet.
In fact, scientists are now observing what may become a more frequent pattern, caused by declining northern sea ice – of frigid polar air being pushed out of the arctic regions, while warmer air is drawn to northern areas.
The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric administration makes available graphic temperature anomaly readings for the northern hemisphere on it’s website.
Observations since November 2010 confirm the pattern of extreme cold temperatures in usually temperate zones, as well as a relative heat wave in the arctic.
Note especially the red hotspot over Hudson bay, northern canada, and greenland.
2010 was globally, the warmest meteorological year on record.
As temperatures rise beyond any that have been seen many millennia, human beings may have to adjust to conditions unprecedented since civilization began….


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Top Grain exporters hit by Climate disasters. Record Food Prices. Food Riots in Algeria

YouTube - reuters

Newsflash: Deniers still insist “CO2 Good for Crops”

This is just a quick update on the impact of this year’s climate disasters in major grain producing countries. Joe Romm has a discussion over at Climate Progress.
More video below the fold.

Food prices, according to Scientific American, have reached record highs:
Last month’s average food price index came in at 215, whereas the peak in 2008 was 213.5. In December 2009, the figure was only 172.
The recent high is the culmination of a steady increase in prices over the past six months. It marks the highest food price index since food price figures were first recorded 30 years ago.
FAO attributes the upswing in prices to factors including the crop failures caused by a string of extreme weather events and high crop demands from an ever-increased global population. Many experts have linked the series of floods and fires with climate change.
Bloomberg chimes in:
Crop damage caused by flooding in Australia and drought in Argentina is likely to boost grain prices in coming months, ..
The unsurprising result is unrest in those areas where people are closer to the edge, economically. Look for more of this as climate denier’s much acclaimed ”Greening of Planet Earth” continues.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Yeah, the CO2 plant food meme is idiotic...first, carbon dioxide isn't the first limiting nutrient, so Liebig's law of the minimum states that addition of an unlimiting nutrient will provide only slight improvement in yield, if at all. One other important distinction is which carbon fixation pathway the plants use. C3 plants, which include wheat, rice, and soybeans, will respond readilly to increased carbon dioxide, while C4 plants like corn, sorghum, sugarcane, and millet, which are actually more efficient carbon fixers, are less responsive to excess carbon dioxide.

Second, they ignore that climate change shifts precipitation patterns, and many agricultural areas are projected to become dustbowls...

This is the projected change in the Palmer Drought Severity Index.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ever heard that nonsense about "they changed the name to climate change" from the so-called skeptics? It's a load of bunk in a few ways, the main being that climate change and global warming are not the same thing. Second, who is they, and when did they change it? Google algorithms find that both terms have increased in usage at roughly the same rate:
Frank Luntz....

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister