This looks linear to you?
Looks like a graph with **** all to back it.
Is this the best you could find?
Carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere and is of considerable
concern in global climate change because of its greenhouse gas warming potential. The rate of increase has accelerated since measurements began at Mauna Loa Observatory in 1958 where carbon dioxide increased from less than 1 part per million per year (ppm yr−1) prior to 1970 to more than 2 ppm yr−1 in recent years. Here we show that the anthropogenic component (atmospheric value reduced by the pre-industrial value of 280 ppm) of atmospheric carbon dioxide has been increasing exponentially with a doubling time of about 30 years since the beginning of the industrial revolution (
1800). Even during the 1970s, when fossil fuel emissions dropped sharply in response to the “oil crisis” of 1973, the anthropogenic atmospheric carbon dioxide level continued increasing exponentially at Mauna Loa Observatory. Since the growth rate (time derivative) of an exponential has the same characteristic lifetime as the function itself, the carbon dioxide growth rate is also doubling at the same rate. This explains the observation that the linear growth rate of carbon dioxide has more than doubled in the past 40 years.
The accelerating growth rate is simply the outcome of exponential growth in carbon dioxide with a nearly constant doubling time of about 30 years (about 2%/yr) and appears to have tracked human population since the pre-industrial era.
Where does it CONFIRM anything? All it gives is "concern", "potential" and "appears". Sounds like hard proveable science to ______?
The entire myth is based on one old guy who just for ****s and giggles took samples from one location? I like the part about the oil crisis in 1973 when the entire planet apparently parked their cars (which at that time off gassed CO without the 2 and we burned leaded gasoline) and all industry halted for the rest of the decade and there was zero population growth in all nations.
If CO2 double since the old guy started shouldn't it already be 4.64C warmer since 1958? Why the **** isn't it? Does that mean in 30 years we'll see an average 9C rise since 1958?
It looks like your infantile science drank Draino while you turned your head for 1 sec.
Watched any good kid's shows or Youtube lately? Maybe Youtube can explain where all the CO2 came from when there were far less vehicles, vehicles exhausted CO and not CO2 and aircraft didn't leave 2500sq km contrails that lasted for 20+hrs? Why was the early 70's a so damn chilly after the CO2 doubled?