Perhaps This Explains Glenn Beck


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Beck and O'Reilley, both self-made millionaires and give very generously to charities and to "CEASAR", ie the government.

That fact also bugs the Lefties, to whom the word 'charity' means the name of a pole-dancer in their favourite strip-club.

And also, priests, ministers, lay people and even atheists.

So what's your point?

YJ : I would dearly nlike to have my wife do a regression on you to see if you were a fisherman in a previous life since you like trolling so much.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
YukonJack....I take that saying to mean not to mix politics and religion...too much;-)

In the United States all denominations of their currency carries the words: "In God We Trust". Their Constitution refers to God in many ways. The House and Senate begins each session, each day with a prayer.

I could go on but is there a need?

My point is that maybe in Canada God has been relegated to somewhere below some jail-bird, but in America the name still has a meaning. For which, of course, American will be declared knuckle-dragging neanderthal rednecks by the oh, so sophisticated atheist Canadians.

If Glenn Beck mixes politics with God, it is American politics, and it is not for us to act in any sanctimonious judgemental way.

taxslave, may be you stumbled onto something. Maybe that is the reason for my fondness of fish.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
A recent study revealed that in online forums those who resort to "flaming" receive more responses to their posts. I cannot say that any of the posters at CC employ flaming as a strategy, but it is interesting to note how quickly some threads degenerate into shouting matches.

Flaming drives online social networks - science-in-society - 07 December 2010 - New Scientist
Do ya suppose?

ETA: OP overlooks the point that some folks read trigger words and shoot off half-cocked
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Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
The very fact that while the title of the OP includes the name of Glenn Beck the link had nothing to do with it, is flaming in the first order, by itself.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Profiteers come in my sizes flavours and cultures and use your fear or want for freedom/humanity to make a lot of money. Anyone who goes on the tube claiming to have the right answer if you follow them is a charlatan and criminal.

F***king TV....Jesus!

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Their Constitution refers to God in many ways.
No it doesn't, it refers only once, pretty generically, to a Creator, and once to something vaguely called Nature's God, in the Declaration of Independence. The U.S. was founded as a secular state by students of the Enlightenment who knew very well that vesting religious and secular authority in the same people and institutions is a recipe for tyranny. That's what the Establishment clause is about. "In God We Trust" didn't appear on currency until 1864, almost a century after the nation's founding, and the "under God" bit in the pledge of allegiance didn't appear until 1954. Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine I think would be deeply distressed at the role religion has come to play in American public life.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''No it doesn't, it refers only once, pretty generically, to a Creator, and once to something vaguely called Nature's God, in the Declaration of Independence.''

that is correct - the word ''God'' DOES NOT APPEAR EVEN ONCE IN THE CONSTITUTION

Right wingers must understand that they need to read historical texts and not to blindly believe the hate filled garbage they see or hear on the Fox network every day. They continue to show how ignorant they are in this forum - an ignorance that makes their agenda even less credible than they think.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
For those waiting for the roof to fall in on the Democrats in 2012 don't hold your breath. There is a
long way to go before the elections for President. When these rich folks get their tax break extended
and the economy goes south I wouldn't want to be a Republican for anything. That is not to say the
Democrats will win in a cake walk. It will be close, the House will be close and the whole thing will
tighten up. Americans are not sure about where they are going, they are not even sure of where
they have been, and if there is a deep recession and the big boys got a tax break like they are going
to get, I have a feeling there might be a Republican backlash. That being said, Americans will vote
angry and that is never a positive in any election. When people vote angry, they are often not as
informed as they could be, just like that last three elections in America.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When these rich folks get their tax break extended and the economy goes south I wouldn't want to be a Republican for anything.
And at that point we (Canadians) had beter get ready for the mass exodus of Americans that will come along with the next far far far bigger crash than the last.

Bernenke says it is coming and to get ready. He is the one person who can say whether or not that will be a reality. People had better start listening and start opening their eyes to what is happening around them. There will be no bail outs for what is left of the middle class or the other bottom rungs.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
In fact there will be no bailouts for anyone as the entire world will need to bail itself out.
If the west goes, and that means America as well as Europe, then the Asia market is
also doomed. The Americans will not even notice for a couple of days until the news
comes on Entertainment Tonight. I think the crap will hit the fan very early in the new
year and by late spring we will see the signs that the great hay ride is over. Most of
the financial institutions will begin to fail all over again and this time they will be gone.
The same actions that brought on the Great Depression have been followed in the
last several years. We are following the same insane pattern as they did back in 1929.
The real problem or aftershock came in 1933 and lasted a while. This time the problem
is worse. We will likely see a generation of financial trouble so we should prepare for
the worst and hope for the best. Glen Beck and his crowd will be telling us it is all God's
will. The problem is the people on the Right are Crazy, and there are enough poor
misguided souls on the Left that are just as nuts and they could be the prevailing voices
on both sides. Don't be too happy about the potential demise of America, as they will
take the whole world with them. The reason is everyone else has been just as greedy
as Uncle Sam.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The Americans will not even notice for a couple of days until the news comes on Entertainment Tonight.......

.....The problem is the people on the Right are Crazy, and there are enough poor
misguided souls on the Left that are just as nuts and they could be the prevailing voices
on both sides. Don't be too happy about the potential demise of America, as they will
take the whole world with them. The reason is everyone else has been just as greedy
as Uncle Sam.
I've read Marx, Trotzky, Gramsci and almost all of their ideals have came to reality. We are and will continue to be socialists but this time it is on a global scale. The biggest and most obvious theme is "economic levelling". The global dollar is already on the horizon and it just a matter of a few short years or possibly months before we start trading in our loonies for this new global currency.

There is no left and right. There hasn't been for a long long time and there will not be a revolution turning back the hands of the past 100 years of socialism.

It's up to you and me to keep this from turning out to be a tyranical system that strays from the true forms of humanitarian socialism.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
USA is formed on Masonic principles...
I seriously doubt that. Relatively few of the men who signed the U.S. constitutional documents were Masons (something like 8 or 9 out of 56, if memory serves), and values like freedom, tolerance, liberty, equality, which are the real founding principles of the United States, are not unique to Freemasonry.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Bar Sinister, perhaps your next post/thread will explain what your OP has got to do with Glenn Beck?

Petros partially answered your post. Haven't you noticed that pundits like Beck and Limbaugh are actually engaged in what would be called flaming if they were posting their diatribes online? They go out of their way to make outrageous and unsupportable claims while insulting as many others as they can while doing so. This tends to draw in a larger than usual audience thus popularizing their shows and adding to their paychecks. It may not be called flaming as it is part of conventional media, but I see very little difference.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've been thinking more about his and the is absolutely nothing or no-one that can explain Glenn Beck. The guy is just plain bizarre.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
I've been thinking more about his and the is absolutely nothing or no-one that can explain Glenn Beck. The guy is just plain bizarre.

Glenn Beck, media troll. There, all explained.

He is making money by blindly shooting his mouth off in three directions at once. He capitalizes on peoples fear. Guess that makes him a self made media HO millionaire.