We don't know. Harper took the decision to placate the Fundamentalist Christians in his party.
Your statements contradict each other.
We don't know. Harper took the decision to placate the Fundamentalist Christians in his party.
We don't know. Harper took the decision to placate the Fundamentalist Christians in his party.
Then why am I paying for my own eye exams?
In a rare moment of unusual common sense Avro responded to my post opposing Canada financing abortions abroad:
"You know what?
I kind of agree with that statment, not sure why I should pay for someone to have a life destroyed as a form of birth control.
Except for rape, incest, severe retardation and health concerns for the Mother I don't want to pay a dime."
What could have been said - and wasn't - that far more people die from prostate related problems than from abortion or lack therof.
Mind you, those who die from prostate problems are only males, so who gives a damn?
Yet a male Canadian has to pay out of his own pocket for a PSA teat, while the promiscous female (at least, in most cases) who had no sense to prevent pregnancy gets a free pass.
What's wrong with that picture? SiRJosephPorter, could you please impart your wisdom?
How can I raise the bar? i am not a politician, don't have the slightest interest in becoming one. politicians will do what gets them elected. And like it or not, negative campaigning works.
Happy mothers Day Ron. Cheers....:canada:My Friend, due to personal choice and responsibility, I elected to undergo
a Vasectomy may years ago, and thus I'm not impregnating 70,000 women
globally every year, nor 700,000 on average every decade. Though I'd like
to be able to solve all the World's woes, it's just not going to happen. Some
things, though it would be great if finances & personal permitted for Canada
to deal with, just aren't our sole responsibility. Money can be available for
realistic human causes Domestically, as well as those Abroad.
If the G7 or G8 or G20 or G-Whiz wants to sponsor and fund things beyond
what Canada is willing to do at this point, I say, "Fill your boots! Have at'er!
Good luck! God bless ya'! Etc...." and I'm sure Canada won't stand in their
way. If & when we as Canadians decide to do otherwise, we will....and if this
becomes an election issue, the desire & will of Canadians will be expressed
on this subject.
P.S. to the post above mine...this Thread still isn't about Gay Folks, but we
both know of another Thread on the Front Page that is, & it's not this one.
Happy mothers Day Ron. Cheers....:canada:
Just for Fundamental Christians in his own party? That's it? Not because (or at
least including) of Financial Conservatives regardless of any political leaning?
No for anybody else in Canada that has the ability to vote and the responsibility
to vote on the direction their tax dollars might be spent in whenever the next
Federal election happens to occur? Just Fundamental Christians in his own party?
How many people identify themselves (even just here on this Forum) as liberal
on most social issues, but conservative on most financial issues? Could that be
a factor in this funding decision?
Look man, don’t make Irish stew with words, who is talking about murder? A women who has been forced to have sex (raped) and gets pregnant why should she carry that trauma she received under rape with her for 9 months, because you and some others feel is ok. If that is how you feel and How Harper feels, then have the balls and tell Canadians during election time we the Conservatives are against abortion and we are not interested in funding something counter to our religion here in Canada. But you know what? Harper doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to do such a thing, (no balls no glory) don’t sit here and feed me with crap questions that deviate from the Conservative hypocrisy..:canada:So..... not only should we be supporting the murder of children here in Canada, but you would like us to export that mindset and help murder babies on a global basis.
Look man, don’t make Irish stew with words, who is talking about murder? A women who has been forced to have sex (raped) and gets pregnant why should she carry that trauma she received under rape with her for 9 months, because you and some others feel is ok. If that is how you feel and How Harper feels, then have the balls and tell Canadians during election time we the Conservatives are against abortion and we are not interested in funding something counter to our religion here in Canada. But you know what? Harper doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to do such a thing, (no balls no glory) don’t sit here and feed me with crap questions that deviate from the Conservative hypocrisy..:canada:
If it’s no secret that they are anti-abortion they should tell the Canadian people during election time, instead of playing the limited wording game during election, so the vast majority can decide on the true morality of the party.
It's about improving the quality of life for the mother and child, abortion does not improve the quality of life for the child.
You know what?
I kind of agree with that statment, not sure why I should pay for someone to have a life destroyed as a form of birth control.
Except for rape, incest, severe retardation and health concerns for the Mother I don't want to pay a dime.
That's because you don't understand the reason for the law; not paying for it means poor women who can't afford the procedure lose the ability to choose due to financial constraints and that is unconstitutional (i.e. it invokes inequality).
I understand that her and her partner chose to have unprotected sex without considering the consequences.
They made that choice, they can pay to have the life inside her terminated themselves.
As I understand, there was a pot of money to spend on helping other nations for family planning.
I understand that her and her partner chose to have unprotected sex without considering the consequences.
They made that choice, they can pay to have the life inside her terminated themselves.
In a country of fanatic right win nut bars, women have no rights, they get circumcised, and striped from their human dignity. A women who has been forced to have sex and gets pregnant is doomed. The self-righteous of developed countries like the Harper Conservatives pretend to the world they are a living example of compassion, when in fact they are a total contradiction dipped in bilge water. Very simple logic, you do not support abortion tell the people during election if you have the balls, and Harper to be labelled by the world as a hypocrite speaks volumes of his morality.
So you're all for the government pickin' and choosin' are ya? What? An internationally pro-life yet domestically pro-choice party doesn't seem odd to ya? For me, I'm pro-choice through and through, and would expect a party to be straightforward and lose than play these shenanigans to win.
Why is it unjust?Canada's position against funding abortions abroad is 'hypocritical and unjust,' a medical journal editorial says.
"The Canadian Government does not deprive women living in Canada from access to safe abortions; it is therefore hypocritical and unjust that it tries to do so abroad," the Lancet says in an editorial Saturday.
CBC News - Health - Tory G8 abortion stance unjust: journal
The reason why Harper's Conservatives will not support funding abortions abroad is simple.
The Conservatives are deep inside antiabortion, and are funding abortions here at home to stop the sceptics and get votes, to the Conservatives votes mean more then their philosophical view on Abortion although (secret religious beliefs) is the cause for this hypocrisy. Hypocritical in the most transparent way.
Since when was "Harper" (seeing as how he is the excuse for this rant) responsible for changing laws and enforcing Canadian morals in a foreign country? Do you understand the concept of earmarking funds for specific projects?
Is abortion even legal THERE? Are you suggesting Canada should be counselling rape victims to commit the crime of having an abortion?