Baloney. The Earth got along quite well for millions of years with the oil being where it was to begin with. Since humans piped it out and spread it around, not so good.
... and you know this?... How exactly?
Baloney. The Earth got along quite well for millions of years with the oil being where it was to begin with. Since humans piped it out and spread it around, not so good.
What is it then?
So those guys grading potential reserves by lipids and phenolic bio markers are wasting their time?
And yet they're still speaking truth to power, it's a lot more than most do.
Proven in what court?
If people were given a viable choice I'm sure they would take it. I think most people would love living in a house that first off used less energy and produced most if not more than its needs.
GM literally killed the program after they got California to back down from its zero emmission laws. A prime example of whta I'm talking about as the pertoleum lobby was also involved in that fight
I doubt you even know what you're talking about. Particulate material in the air provides condensation nuclei for water droplets in cloud formations. The greater number of small particules create clouds with a much greater number of smaller droplets reflecting more short wave incoming solar radiation.
CO2 molecules absorb the long wave(infrared) radiation emmitted by the earths surface warmed by solar radiation. Some of this long wave radiation is intercepted by greenhouse gases thus making complex life possible on earth in the first place. Add more greenhouse gases- CO2, methane, ozone(at lower altitudes) and nitrous oxide and the overall capacity of the atmosphere to hold energy goes up. It's basic thermodynamics, nature doesn't just abhor a vacuum, it abhors a gradient(whether it's temperature, pressure or concentration) and all that new energy will seek an equilibrium state, which is why we get climate change.
No but we should be taxing the hell out of fossil fuel companies to pay for conversion to green tech and to pay for the long term costs associated with climate change. I think a 50% surtax on profits would be a great start.
I basically grew up in the industry so you don't need to tell me about it. Fire suppression helped create an enivronment favourable to the beetle but they simply wouldn't exist in much of the range they currently occupy now in BC without climate change.
Climate Change science has a great deal of uncertainty because the changes going on now are unprecedented in history and have occured only infrequently on a geological timescale. There's no fabrication going on, direct temperature recordings going back more than a century indicate we're in a period of warming starting around 1980. Lose of glaciers, sea ice and increases in severe weather events are all evidence of the system moving to a new equilibrium(which is what climate change is). It means that the Earth is already starting to be a significantly different place to live than it was just a couple of decades ago.
Geological records. ocean studies, etc. It all points to the fact that before gumans came along the planet was chugging along quite well. We showed up and after a while we loaded up the atmosphere with crap that never occurred naturally, loaded up the oceans with similar crap, and spread a lot of our crap around the ground. You mean to say that you didn't know humans polluted?... and you know this?... How exactly?
So, that entitles them to fly in the face of everything that they preach?.... Spare me.
The British High Court, for one.
You are the one that is stating that the options exist. The reason why they aren't being adopted on a wholesale basis is due to inconsistencies or high cost. The message is that the majority of people aren't willing to part with their money to march to the beat of your drummer.
Is that so? If the big and powerful auto companies are such an effective lobby, how is it that they allowed the legislation to get passed in the first place? GM wasted a ton of cash retooling their manufacturing to accommodate this niche and scrapped it due to the reality that there would not be enough interest and sales to keep the project afloat.
2 things; The particulate reflect l/s wave radiation as well... there's no way around that reality. Second, the eco-bible delivered up by the IPCC/UN identifies water vapour as teh single most influential green house mechanism.
That's great... How about we analyze the relative contributions of the different components between natural sources and anthropogenic sources.
So.. You are unable to justify the inclusion of green tech based on it's own merits, clearly, there isn't enough interest or technological merit to keep the technology afloat; the overall plan necessitates that the eco-niche can make it is by requiring a parasitic relationship with oil/gas.
tell ya what, instead of taxing the oil companies, why not tax the hell out of everyone that hasn't spent the cash on converting themselves?... You willing to consider that or is it a no-go because you'd, personally, get nailed?
For one with so much personal knowledge in the area, I find it interesting that you did not recognize that the fire suppression actions interrupted the natural cycles of forest chronology.. How come you didn't mention that the amount of deadfall on the floor in many areas of BC is in excess of 1 or 2 metres? That deadfall may as well be gasoline when a fire is started in that area.
In a non-managed froest, the natural cycles would have cleeaned-up those materials
Familiar with teh multiple ice-ages that the globe has experienced?... There's your precedence for ya.
A little more info:Geological records. ocean studies, etc. It all points to the fact that before gumans came along the planet was chugging along quite well. We showed up and after a while we loaded up the atmosphere with crap that never occurred naturally, loaded up the oceans with similar crap, and spread a lot of our crap around the ground. You mean to say that you didn't know humans polluted?
Start reading. Nobody is keeping anything quiet. Can you explain why oil can only be found in sedimentary strata? Yes oil will migrate from point to point ONLY if the rock is of the right type and it can move rather quickly too. Look into DC current extraction techniques in use.Maybe those markers are contaminants only? I don't know without reading a hell of a lot more. The “experimental evidence of biotic oil theory” is unavailable to consult anyway and that is what is fascinating to me after a century into the oil economy. The predictive history of abiotic is way better than biotic, so which one is the truer science? And who keeps it quiet?
Who is we? Is there too many people on the planet? Too many Chinese? Too many Africans? Too many indigenous people?We showed up and after a while we loaded up the atmosphere with crap that never occurred naturally, loaded up the oceans with similar crap, and spread a lot of our crap around the ground.
“experimental evidence of biotic oil theory”Start reading. Nobody is keeping anything quiet. Can you explain why oil can only be found in sedimentary strata? Yes oil will migrate from point to point ONLY if the rock is of the right type and it can move rather quickly too. Look into DC current extraction techniques in use.
Beave. It's not just the lipids but it goes right down to classification of oil grades by DNA!
Perhaps oil is just the toxic waste from middle earth?
Start reading. Nobody is keeping anything quiet. Can you explain why oil can only be found in sedimentary strata? Yes oil will migrate from point to point ONLY if the rock is of the right type and it can move rather quickly too. Look into DC current extraction techniques in use.
Beave. It's not just the lipids but it goes right down to classification of oil grades by DNA!
Perhaps oil is just the toxic waste from middle earth?
Close to the mantle eh? This data was retrieved by who? Jules Verne? No material has ever been retrieved from more than 12.2km deep. It's 70km to the mantle.Thermophilic, or heat loving, bacteria have been found living in rocks far down in the Earth's crust, close to the molten mantle.
Who is we? Is there too many people on the planet? Too many Chinese? Too many Africans? Too many indigenous people?
How about Belgians? Should we get rid of the Belgians?
Of course Verne ate brekkie. That waffle egg sausage sammage thing from Mc Donald's was developed specifically for the long journey's to middle earth.those damn Belgians and their waffles... Come to think of it; waffles, sausages.. Hell their both breakfast foods and I'm pretty damned sure that Jules Verne ate breakfast.
We're through the looking glass here folks.