April 13
More Pseudoscience in Climate Dogma
Dr David Whitehouse posted this introductory paragraph on his post
Decadal Doubts:
It is now clear to most climate researchers that something has been stopping the world from warming in the past decade. During this time, according to the standard hypothesis, levels of man-made greenhouse gasses have increased in our atmosphere so the temperature should have gone up. It obviously hasn’t so what is cooling our world?
As a scientific empiricist my interpretation is that the standard hypothesis is wrong, and not that some other unknown, yet to be discovered, force is cooling the atmosphere contrary to expectations.
AGW Climate science isn’t, it’s pseudoscience and the quandary expressed by Whitehouse is founded in the dogmatic belief in the standard hypothesis, which must obviously be true, so that some other, unknown force is operating in the atmosphere that is counteracting the, obviously correct, fact that increased atmospheric CO2 must cause the atmosphere’s temperature to rise.
This pseudoscientific approach is also pervasive in astrophysics where anomalous measured velocities of spiral galaxies, for example, were interpreted as some other force counteracting gravity, since there wasn’t enough mass in the galaxy to explain the observed dynamics. Rather than conclude that the astrophysical standard model might be flawed, or just plain wrong, astrophysics then invented black holes, dark energy and dark matter, all invisible objects created by innovative maths, to make the standard equations describing spiral galaxy motion work. Intellectual virtuosity divorced from the compulsion of empirical facts.
But if spiral galaxy motion is described by the equations of Maxwell and Lorentz, then no anomalous velocities appear, and hence the galaxy dynamics are simply described without the recourse to ad hoc addition of non physical, unseen, imagined mathematically contrived, astronomical objects.
So too with climate science. Whitehouse writes further:
Many are in no doubt about what lies a century or so ahead. The human “signal” of increased levels of greenhouse gasses causing higher temperatures is written into climate models so decadal variations are seen as just short-term noise. They will eventual be overwhelmed by the incessant AGW climate forcing. Whatever decadal variations are doing they will eventually, according to the standard hypothesis, be averaged out. This means as far as projections of a century ahead one can effectively forget decadal variations. In the short term however, the influences on the climate will be human and decadal, and clearly, as the past ten years have shown, natural decadal variations are far stronger.
That the human signal is hard coded into the climate models IS the problem. The hypothesis itself is wrong, that human emission of CO2 causes the atmospheric temperature to rise. Rather than admit the standard hypothesis is wrong, (which the observations and measurements clearly point to), climate science, like their astrophysical colleagues before them, will embark on a search to find out why their, obviously correct, belief in the human signal, is being affected.
Excuse me, but, paraphrasing Oliver Cromwell, have you climate scientists considered even the
POSSIBILITY that your standard hypothesis might be wrong?