Liberal phobia and the cause….


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The two are in no way comparable, JLM. The first was a mighty achievement, continued in the face of the opposite pressure from USA (where Bush was racking up huge deficits, Liberals were going aginst the wind at that time in racking up huge surpluses). The other was simply a piece of legislation, which had bipartisan support.

To start with where did I say they were comparable? But now that you've said they are not I will say it. There is much more to compare than the efforts to achieve the deeds. There is the effect on senior's wallets that can be compared and if you want to make that comparison "the other" has a much more profound effect.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
In my family the worst thing you could call someone is a Liberal. I know I'm a jerk and an a$$hole but thankfully I ain't a Liberal.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Somebody called Mulroney was Prime Minister for nine years. During his nine years Mulroney piled up forty or fifty billion dollars of debt every year he was in office. Chretien inherited a forty odd billion dollar deficit from Kim Campbell as well as over five hundred billion of debt. Chretien did balance the books and paid down some of the debt. but even today the bulk of Lyin Brian's debt is still there and the interest on it is around thirty billion a year.
VICTORIA — Canada will take longer to emerge from its current economic downturn than previously expected, federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced Thursday, adding that Canada will run higher deficits for longer than his government announced just months ago.
"During our budget planning over the course of the past year, global conditions deteriorated well beyond any expectations," Flaherty said during a speech to the Victoria Chamber of Commerce.
Flaherty said the deficit will be $55.9 billion for this year - up from a previous projection of $50.2 billion.
That makes it about a hundred billion that good old Flaherty has added to the deficit so far but he will add to that I'm sure.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
In my family the worst thing you could call someone is a Liberal. I know I'm a jerk and an a$$hole but thankfully I ain't a Liberal.

Liberals save the Canadian way of life.

Conservative will try to bring in an American way of life

New Democrats like the poor way of life

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
" there are plenty of Conservatives who blame the Mulroney economic disaster on Trudeau."

That kind of sh*t happens in cases where there is a party change. When Trudeau knew his days were numbered, he knew Mulroney would have to wallow in the sh*t he left behind and I wouldn't put it past the diabolical old bastard for a minute to pull a few "fast ones", on the bright side it was just as diabolical of an old bastard that inherited it.

Good day JLM,
Pierre Trudeau or Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada from 20 April 1968 to 4 June 1979, and again from 3 March 1980 to 30 June 1984.

Pierre Trudeau was a charismatic figure who, from the late 1960s until the mid-1980s, dominated the Canadian political scene and aroused passionate reactions. "Reason before passion" was his personal motto.

Admirers praise the force of Trudeau's intellect and they salute his political acumen in preserving national unity and establishing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms within Canada's constitution.

His detractors accuse him of arrogance, economic mismanagement, and unduly favouring the authority of the federal government in relation to the provinces, but despite the controversy, both Trudeau's defenders and detractors agree he left a mark on the Canadian politics of his time.

Trudeau led Canada through a difficult period in Canadian history, and was often the centre of attention and controversy. Known for his flamboyance, he dated celebrities, was accused of using an obscenity during debate in the House of Commons, and once did a pirouette behind the back of Queen Elizabeth II.

the diabolical old bastard was Mulroney who his motto was brown bags with cash and late tax disclosure, trips across the bored to pick up the cash and be hugely late in paying tax on the secret cash, that is a true diabolical old bastard . As you know, when Mulroney new his days were numbered he insured that his Party will be dismantled after, he exit through the back door. Trudeau WENT OUT WITH STYLE not the back door and his party was not reduced to rubble. That is a fact.......
How can you compare legacies on these tow politicians when in fact Mulroney’s legacy became the most hated legacy in modern Canadian politics by reducing his party to rubble of two humiliated sits in the house.?

"Reason before pation"

Last edited:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
" there are plenty of Conservatives who blame the Mulroney economic disaster on Trudeau."

That kind of sh*t happens in cases where there is a party change. When Trudeau knew his days were numbered, he knew Mulroney would have to wallow in the sh*t he left behind and I wouldn't put it past the diabolical old bastard for a minute to pull a few "fast ones", on the bright side it was just as diabolical of an old bastard that inherited it.

I see. So are you one of those who blame Mulroney economic disaster (was it even a disaster?) on Trudeau?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
You've heard of Swine Flu???

Well, being sickened by the Liberal Party of Canada could be called PET flu.


Good day Colpy, the truth often becomes a rock in the shoe.. and that is what Mulroney's legacy is to many people a rock in the shoe. :lol::lol::lol:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
That is absolute B.S. - Pension splitting for seniors has done just the opposite.

Pension splitting (the one achievement of Conservatives that you seem to be touting again and again and that evidently beats the Liberal achievement of getting rid of the deficit and cleaning up the Mulroney mess) does not hurt the poor or the rich.

However, there are plenty of conservative actions which benefit the rich disproportionately; the GST cut is among them. Or deep cuts in the social assistance for poor, as Mike Harris did the first thing after he came to office. Studies have shown that both here and in USA, rich get richer and poor get poorer under conservative rule. Child poverty went up big time under Mulroney. It did go down under Liberal rule, but did not go down to the pre-Mulroney level.

But of course to you, pension splitting trumps everything else. As I said before, you keep claiming that you are not a conservative, but I have my doubts.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Liberals save the Canadian way of life.

Conservative will try to bring in an American way of life

New Democrats like the poor way of life

Quite so. If I may be simplistic.

Liberal aim: to preserve the unique Canadian way of life, to preserve the Canadian identity.

Conservative aim (especially that of the right wing of the Conservative Party): To convert Canada into a smaller, weaker version of USA. Under this comes the privatizing of health care, triple E senate etc.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
In my family the worst thing you could call someone is a Liberal. I know I'm a jerk and an a$$hole but thankfully I ain't a Liberal.

Good day to you Walter,
That is the your right, and make sure you lock your doors tight when you go to sleep because some day there may be a Liberal majority in Canada again, and that will be bad for your haemorrhoids.:p:p:p
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
However, there are plenty of conservative actions which benefit the rich disproportionately; the GST cut is among them.

Quite so. Ahnd don't let us forget that it was a conservative government that brought in the GST, replacing the badly-structured FST, which allowed Free Trade to work properly, while also handing the Liberal government that followed, the tools to reduce the deficit, despite their bizarre ideological turnabout on the issue of the GST.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Quite so. If I may be simplistic.
Simple is good - I understand it, and it seems to suit your approach to most things perfectly.

Liberal aim: to preserve the unique Canadian way of life, to preserve the Canadian identity.
I have discussed that point with some Liberal friends in the past - the problem is, if I asked 5 of them what their definition of "the Canadian way of life and the Canadian identity" is, I get 6 different answers. I'm not sure how one defends a target that moves all over the map and isn't clearly defined or agreed upon by the defenders in the first place.

Conservative aim (especially that of the right wing of the Conservative Party): To convert Canada into a smaller, weaker version of USA. Under this comes the privatizing of health care, triple E senate etc.
You forgot reinstatement of the death penalty, elimination of seniors' pensions, putting religion back in schools, making the carrying of loaded handguns mandatory for all adults, elimination of all social programs, sterilization of mentally-challenged people (oops, that was a Tommy Douglas one), and the killing of all first-born children every now and then, just to keep the population in line. Did I miss any?

I figure if you going to fantasize, you should do it with style.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
IMO, neither party is any better than the other. They both have upsides and downsides and choosing one over the other is simply a matter of taste, but saying one side is great and the other is bad is just ignorant, ill-informed inanity.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Good day JLM,
Pierre Trudeau or Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada from 20 April 1968 to 4 June 1979, and again from 3 March 1980 to 30 June 1984.

Sorry Soc but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. In the areas (traits) of important those two thugs had more in common than not. They both ran up huge debts, they were both highly arrogant and stuck on themselves and they both put themselves ahead of the electorate. I'll make a deal with you Soc- if you don't try to preach Canadian politics to me, I won't try to preach Greek politics to you. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"the GST cut is among them." That is a total crock of B.S. and you know it, five cents off the price of a lb. of nails does nothing to help the rich, but it does lighten the burden for the poor.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Quite so. Ahnd don't let us forget that it was a conservative government that brought in the GST, replacing the badly-structured FST, which allowed Free Trade to work properly, while also handing the Liberal government that followed, the tools to reduce the deficit, despite their bizarre ideological turnabout on the issue of the GST.

I see, so the fact that Chrétien/Martin converted huge deficits into huge surpluses, the credit for that indirectly goes to Mulroney?

Amazing, why didn’t I think of that? This Mulroney of yours must be an economic wizard indeed, to plan for the success of Liberals so far in advance.

I am ambivalent about GST; I don’t have any strong views one way or the other. But the fierce opposition to GST when it was introduced was unwarranted, in my opinion. People were hoping mad at Mulroney, so they were going to oppose anything proposed by Mulroney.

Having said that, to indirectly give Mulroney the credit for the booming economy under the Liberals requires a great leap of faith, a great leap in logic. Only a committed, dyed in the wool conservative is capable of that.