Dear Walt, Slim Chance and Darkbeaver:
When all logic leaves an argument, which is something that seems to happen on a daily basis in politics, it is good to step back and lay things out in black and white. Give some perspective to a situation to show just how ridiculous the situation has become.
The unprecedented attack on the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) has reached new heights with Republican Senator James Inhofe now calling for c
riminal investigations into the work of prominent climate change scientists.
Inhofe makes some very broad claims, based on a very narrow band of evidence, saying that, "the Minority Staff believes the emails and accompanying documents seriously compromise the IPCC-based "consensus" and its central conclusion that anthropogenic emissions are inexorably leading to environmental catastrophes."
Inhofe is claiming that based on statements made in 3 emails, by a single person, he has enough evidence to now claim that decades of research by thousands of scientists is "seriously compromised." Like I said, politics and logic rarely go had-in-hand.
To lay out in black and white, below I have compiled a list of the scientific references used in just two of the forty four chapters of the
last IPCC report. There are thousands of papers, by thousands of scientists, over decades that make up this body of research.
Even if the so-called "climate gate" turned out to be the scandal Inhofe wants it to be, you could throw out that research and there would still remain thousands of papers, by thousands of scientists.
Take a quick look below at the list and you'll see what I mean. That is, of course, if you're willing to allow common sense back into the conversation on the subject of climate change.
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