TENS - Taxed Enough Nova Scotians


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Well, yes we do reward laziness, but more to the point, we penalize success, we call it "progressive" income tax. Progress, and progressiveness, are nice sounding terms, until you have something growing inside you that have the same terms. Make no mistake, progress and progressiveness are destructive no matter the context or application. We are a progressing toward the abyss, just how quiclky we want to progress is up to us.

Progressive tax system is the fact of life in most developed countries, bob. There are very few countries which have a flat tax (which enormously favors the rich anyway).

Even that bastion of conservatism, USA, is not pushing for flat tax. There are only a few nut cases in the Congress who are pushing flat tax. Even in USA hardly anybody opsoes progressive incoem tax.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Canadian Taxpayers Association is a right wing organization, Bob. Didn’t Harper use to be their president?

They have only one mandate, to reduce taxes; it is pretty much a single issue group. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can throw them.

There have been studies, which show that taxes as percentage of GDP isn't really all that different between USA to Canada.

C.T.A. has absolutely nothing to do with this. TAx freedom day is a concept that's been around for 100 years. Why don't you study the post where I included all the STATISTICS.? Tax freedom day is currently June 6, about 157 days into the year, which represents about 42% of income.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Progressive tax system is the fact of life in most developed countries, bob. There are very few countries which have a flat tax (which enormously favors the rich anyway).

Even that bastion of conservatism, USA, is not pushing for flat tax. There are only a few nut cases in the Congress who are pushing flat tax. Even in USA hardly anybody opsoes progressive incoem tax.

I think your debating skills are about on par with your typing skills.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Ho Ho, this site tells exactly where the bear sh*t in the buckwheat it's shows trends over the years for the U.S. - tax freedom day 100 years ago was in January. The saddest news is how we compare with other coutnes around the world - we compare with third world countries
Tax Freedom Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My, my, JLM. I didn’t know I was so ignorant of world affairs. I didn’t know that countries like Germany, Sweden were third world countries. Not to mention France, Israel, Norway, Belgium etc.

All these countries have tax freedom days after that of Canada. Indeed, there are very few developing countries listed in the table.

And of course a developing country will have a tax freedom day earlier than a developed country. Most people in the developing countries are dirt poor; they cannot afford to pay any taxes. I assume in countries like India, a great majority of citizens don’t pay any income tax. So it is hardly surprising that they have tax freedom day earlier.

Indeed, by and large I would expect that the poorer the country, earlier its tax freedom day would occur. If you look at poorer countries in Africa, it wouldn't surprise me if the tax freedom day occurs there in January or February. Would you rather have it the other way, would you that poor people in the developing countries should be heavily taxed?

So it is nonsense to claim that we compare with the third world counties. Our tax freedom day occurs much after most third world countries (which is as it should be) but is comparable to most developed countries.

Finally, did you not read this little gem in the website?

“Due to the different ways that nations collect and categorize public finance data, however, Tax Freedom Days are not comparable from one country to another.”

You know what I think? After so many posters posted numerous websites showing that there is very little difference in taxation between USA and Canada, you were desperate to post any website that may even remotely support your claim of Canada being heavily taxed. The website you posted doesn’t support it of course. Hence your rather ludicrous comment that Canada compares with the third world countries when it come to tax day. Nothing of the sort. Tax freedom day in Canada occurs much later than it does in third world countries.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
C.T.A. has absolutely nothing to do with this. TAx freedom day is a concept that's been around for 100 years. Why don't you study the post where I included all the STATISTICS.? Tax freedom day is currently June 6, about 157 days into the year, which represents about 42% of income.

Sure CTA has everything to do with it, Bob quoted CTA, so I responded to him.

As to the so called statistics you posted (a bunch of nonsense numbers, the website itself says that tax freedom days between different countries CANNOT be compared), I have responded to it at great length, in post #65.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Tax freedom day is currently June 6, about 157 days into the year, which represents about 42% of income.

As to that, I notice that the tax freedom day was calculated by Fraser Institute. It is a conservative organization. While it may not be a single issue organization like Canadian Taxpayers Association, it is distinctly conservative in outlook; its agenda is also to reduce taxes.

Fraser Institute would be totally unreliable in calculating tax freedom day. That 157 days may or may not be reliable, we just don't know.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
My, my, JLM. I didn’t know I was so ignorant of world affairs. I didn’t know that countries like Germany, Sweden were third world countries. Not to mention France, Israel, Norway, Belgium etc.

You should quit "playing games" S.J.- you only fool people who are as stupid as you are. I wasn't talking about France, Israel, Norway, Belgium, what I had in mind were countries like Croatia and Slovenia. Anyway none of that has anything to do with the issue you are obviously trying to evade - PERCENTAGE OF OUR INCOME THAT GOES OUT IN THE UMPTEEN TYPES OF TAXES. Any further discussion should be only on that topic- it's what the thread started out as - not third world countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Sure CTA has everything to do with it, Bob quoted CTA, so I responded to him.

As to the so called statistics you posted (a bunch of nonsense numbers, the website itself says that tax freedom days between different countries CANNOT be compared), I have responded to it at great length, in post #65.

Oh, I get it now (loud and clear) there are "STATISTICS" & "SO CALLED STATISTICS"- the latter are the former that you disagree with.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
As to that, I notice that the tax freedom day was calculated by Fraser Institute. It is a conservative organization. While it may not be a single issue organization like Canadian Taxpayers Association, it is distinctly conservative in outlook; its agenda is also to reduce taxes.

Fraser Institute would be totally unreliable in calculating tax freedom day. That 157 days may or may not be reliable, we just don't know.

Oh I get it - Fraser Institute falls short of your level of intelligence. I doubt if Fraser Institute is unreliable about much - not that I'm an expert on them.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You should quit "playing games" S.J.- you only fool people who are as stupid as you are. I wasn't talking about France, Israel, Norway, Belgium, what I had in mind were countries like Croatia and Slovenia. Anyway none of that has anything to do with the issue you are obviously trying to evade - PERCENTAGE OF OUR INCOME THAT GOES OUT IN THE UMPTEEN TYPES OF TAXES. Any further discussion should be only on that topic- it's what the thread started out as - not third world countries.

You brought up the third world countries, JLM, I didn't. If you don't feel that you are on a sufficiently strong footing to debate something, just don't bring it up. It was your ludicrous claim that Canada compares with the third world countries that started the discussion.,

Incidentally, Croatia and Slovenia most certainly are not third world countries. Their per capita income ranks no, 30 and no. 48 in the world. They are third world countries only if you consider countries like, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Portugal and Israel to be third world countries (or may be you do, I don’t know). All these countries have a lower per capita income than Slovenia.

It helps to Google for it before making such sweeping statements (that Slovenia and Croatia are third world counties).


I don’t know, but I get the impression that you have become apoplectic with anger and have lost all sense of perspective. Obviously something that I said has set you off (I do have that effect on many people).

My advice to you is take a deep breath (take several deep breaths), sit back, relax and cool off.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Oh, I get it now (loud and clear) there are "STATISTICS" & "SO CALLED STATISTICS"- the latter are the former that you disagree with.

Sure, if the website itself says that the statistics are meaningless, I take the website's word for it. This is what the website given by you rays.

“Due to the different ways that nations collect and categorize public finance data, however, Tax Freedom Days are not comparable from one country to another.”


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Oh I get it - Fraser Institute falls short of your level of intelligence. I doubt if Fraser Institute is unreliable about much - not that I'm an expert on them.

Frase Institute is a conservative institute. They have an agenda to promote, an ax to grind. Anything they say must be weighed with that in mind. They are not an unbiased source.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
" It was your ludicrous claim that Canada compares with the third world countries that started the discussion.,"

Yep, right- maybe you should go back to post #1 and reread it, and then go for Alzheimers testing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"“Due to the different ways that nations collect and categorize public finance data, however, Tax Freedom Days are not comparable from one country to another.”"

Bingo- when I was telling you that "statistics" are not reliable unless collected by the same person using the same criteria (which you no doubt recall my telling you about 15 times) all you wanted to do was argue. Having said that and admitting that the information might not be correct right to the last day - I'd accept them to be correct to the nearest week. (That's my common sense kicking in)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Frase Institute is a conservative institute. They have an agenda to promote, an ax to grind. Anything they say must be weighed with that in mind. They are not an unbiased source.

If the Fraser Institute is in fact a Conservative institute, wouldn't that make them fairly reliable?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Canadian Taxpayers Association is a right wing organization, Bob. Didn’t Harper use to be their president?

They have only one mandate, to reduce taxes; it is pretty much a single issue group. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can throw them.

There have been studies, which show that taxes as percentage of GDP isn't really all that different between USA to Canada.

That is a very easy statement to make when you can afford to pay the taxes. There is a big difference (at this moment) between taxes paid by Canadians and Americans, simply put Canadians pay more. In the real world, the GDP means nothing to the individual.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You brought up the third world countries, JLM, I didn't. If you don't feel that you are on a sufficiently strong footing to debate something, just don't bring it up. It was your ludicrous claim that Canada compares with the third world countries that started the discussion.,

Incidentally, Croatia and Slovenia most certainly are not third world countries. Their per capita income ranks no, 30 and no. 48 in the world. They are third world countries only if you consider countries like, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Portugal and Israel to be third world countries (or may be you do, I don’t know). All these countries have a lower per capita income than Slovenia.

It helps to Google for it before making such sweeping statements (that Slovenia and Croatia are third world counties).


I don’t know, but I get the impression that you have become apoplectic with anger and have lost all sense of perspective. Obviously something that I said has set you off (I do have that effect on many people).

My advice to you is take a deep breath (take several deep breaths), sit back, relax and cool off.

I googled "Third World Countries" and Saudi Arabia appears on two lists. Guess that closes that discussion..........................:lol::lol::lol::lol: