Had you bothered to listen to the discussion, you'd understand that it doesn't take a crystal ball to determine where Monbiot developed his ideas. He parroted the faulty and fraudulent rhetoric issued by the IPCC and UN verbatim.
Monbiot is older than the IPCC. You have no idea what he used to base his opinions on. Maybe in college he read scientific journals...something you should try.
It's not my responsibility to prove a negative (in this case). Seeing how my position is that what we are experiencing is part of a natural reoccurring cycle, how about we start with these.
I'm not asking you to prove a negative, I'm asking you to provide evidence for your claims of debunking. Where did I ask you to prove a negative? Please try not to be so obtuse.
That doesn't debunk anything. The paleo-climate is evidence of feedbacks and used by climatologists to estimate climate sensitivity.
It's even in the IPCC. Next.
Nope. This debunks nothing. But it does provide us with the kind of rigorous study that you are basing your opinions on...
Holy crap, if this is the best you can do, then this is going to be fairly one sided. None of that debunks anything Monbiot has said, let alone any of the synthesis reports, or other peer reviewed science.
Except for the pesky times (multiple) where there was no possibility of an anthropogenic signal as there were no people around....
Right, and they don't find an anthropogenic signal when there were no people.
Jeez you're slow...
So, while I understand that there are "no competing explanations" - do you pro-global warming folks still find a manner in which to blame humanity?
No competing explanations, and one which is consistent with reality and observations. That's really the end of it. If you have no competing explanation which works, and one which does, then you keep the one which does. This shouldn't be difficult.
Did you even bother to read those papers I linked to?
The reality is this. At some point, a group/individual will forward a theory - with real and tangible proof to support it - that will end this discussion for once and all.
Already done. Folks like you simply deny that this is so.