Wrong answer. Alex Trebec says you are out of the round.It's always been drowning.
Wrong answer. Alex Trebec says you are out of the round.It's always been drowning.
Try not to be so obtuse. My initial point was that they are a lot more expert on climate than journalists.Interesting post... I never really thought that people like you really existed - looks like I was wrong.
thanks for the link on caribou and zoologists... Clearly they are interested therefore they must be reliable experts in all things. hell, I suppose that they are expert geologists as part of their interest is based on the food sources of caribou and as the soil/land composition is related to the geological structures, they have that expertise as well.
So i suppose that the message is that you, and you alone are right, everyone else is wrong.
Ever thought of working for the IPCC or East Anglia University? I hear there are many openings.
So? Avro posted a debate between a journalist denier and Monbiat and you implied Monbiat is no more qualified than the journalist at climate matters. I simply pointed out that your implication is wrong and you just agreed with me. Thank you.More expert is vastly different from being expert... A family doctor may be more expert that the average person on the street, but that does not qualify that person as a neuro surgeon.
Yeah that sure proves glbal warming is a scam alright. :roll:http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=8pjd9xpp&pf=YES December 2009
Science, Politics and Global Warming
“In the end, science offers us the only way out of politics. And if we allow science to become politicized, then we are lost. We will enter the Internet version of the dark ages, an era of shifting fears and wild prejudices, transmitted to people who don't know any better. That's not a good future for the human race. That's our past.”
—Michael Crichton, “Environmentalism as Religion,” (A lecture at the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, CA, September 15, 2003).
The Global Warming circus in Copenhagen was politics driven by a consensus that, by definition, has nothing to do with science. The apocalyptic nonsense that opened the meeting highlighted that fact. How many who attended or demonstrated at the meeting actually understand the (disputed) scientific grounds for the hysteria? Meanwhile, leading science journals allow skeptics of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) to be labelled “deniers” and refuse them the right of reply. It is doctrinaire denouncement, not science. It is the journal editors who are denying the scientific method by censoring debate. It is they who are peddling ideology.
So? Avro posted a debate between a journalist denier and Monbiat and you implied Monbiat is no more qualified than the journalist at climate matters. I simply pointed out that your implication is wrong and you just agreed with me. Thank you.
And that just shows you are closed to evidence and relying upon whatever you think supports your opinion.
There you go. ;-) Perhaps in another 10 years you'll be 7' above sea level. Uhoh, bad hurricane coming. Holy jeeez, didja see that? That wave reached Kentucky.
The implication was evident. I'm not wrong.Wrong.
I stated that Monbiat is a zoologist and NOT a climate expert. That's it...You assumed the rest.
... What's that you were saying about being closed to evidence?
lol You are 8' above sea level? Miami's airport is 11' above sea level. Isn't the Gulf of Mexico deep? Lookit this:The one good thing is that there is deep water offshore, so a tidal wave would not be able to build up to high, but high enough to wash the floors.![]()
lol You are 8' above sea level? Miami's airport is 11' above sea level. Isn't the Gulf of Mexico deep? Lookit this:
Hurricane's Waves Soared to Nearly 100 Feet | LiveScience
And that's not tidal waves.![]()
The implication was evident. I'm not wrong.
The globe is warming and it isn't a scam.
- Antarctic ice shelf collapse possibly triggered by ocean wavesWhether increased infragravity wave frequency and energy induced by heightened storm intensity associated with climate change ultimately contribute to or trigger ice shelf collapse is an open question at this point, said Bromirski. More data from Antarctica are needed to make such a connection, he said.
Just went down to the beach,funny even after all this rain it is still there.
Pretty much in the same place it has always been.
That's only your opinion, not fact; especially after you've agreed with me that the zoologist is more versed in climate than your journalist. But whatever your implication was is irrelevant anyway.That implication is entirely your assumption. Sorry, but you are 100% wrong.
Wrong again. I think you like the habit of being wrong.As far as the globe warming is concerned, the issue here relates to whether it is humanity that is the major cause or a part of a natural cycle. I thought that this was evident.
right from the topic title. The anthropogenic causes of global warming thread is not this one. http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warmin...html#Is_global_warming_connected_to_the_hole_Global warming 'Greatest Scam in History'
It runs fine, thanks. Haven't used it this winter, though.Just went down to the beach,funny even after all this rain it is still there.
Pretty much in the same place it has always been.
Hey Les how is your diesal tractor running?
We are still at it, yes.Doing your part to reduce green house gasses?
Well, you are probably better off than Miami's airport, then.I am on the east coast, just north of Pompano Beach, inland about 1 mile.