It is the right of every citizen to mount a Charter challenge, countryboy. Anybody has that right. However, Charter challenge is very expensive; it is not an easy undertaking. Besides, many Charter challenges fail.
So Charter is hardly a whacky, bizarre document as you seem to think. It is a very valuable repository of our individual rights, which can many times come to the rescue of the underdog, rescue of the David against the Goliath.
Charter serves a very useful purpose. In my opinion, Canada was not a complete democracy before the Charter. Anyway, the last time I saw, about 70% of Canadians love the Charter.
"So Charter is hardly a whacky, bizarre document as you seem to think."
Now where in the heck did I say that? I wouldn't use words like that to describe something so important, and I'm quite surprised that YOU did! Tsk, tsk, a little respect, please...