U.S. ambassador in Alberta to learn about oilsands

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Posts with Personal Attacks, Name calling, etc....& quotes of those
Posts (& I've only gone back 24hrs) have been removed. If you don't
want to lose your Posts, Don't name call or insult other members, or
quote posts that're doing so...

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
There's a whole lot of stupidity and Personal Attacks going on here.
Why nobody has reported this is beyond me, & I happened to have
just stumbled across this nonsense. I will Edit and clean this up once.

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- gone insane -
Sep 24, 2009
In my part of the country most of the roads have bridges, and tunnels, and overpasses, etc. It's not just a bunch of dirt in a straight line as you seem to indicate. These roads, bridges,tunnels, and overpasses strangely enough, are designed by engineers. Show me a bridge designed by a heavy equipment operator and I'll do my best to stay off of it.

Now your talking stuff with metal in it, and cement and whatever else they need or use, lets stick to the dirt topic, which isn't rocket science.

You are right about the bridges and stuff, but that is entirely different project.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The bottom line is that tar sands, oil sands, crude, whatever you want to call it is great for the pockets of a few individuals and megacorps, but it's a disaster for the planet. That points to the type of low character that those rich people have, as well as those that defend them.
To me, it's a simple matter of priority; I'd rather people work at things less hazardous to our world. Apparently those rich people and their lapdogs would rather have money.


- gone insane -
Sep 24, 2009
To me, it's a simple matter of priority; I'd rather people work at things less hazardous to our world. Apparently those rich people and their lapdogs would rather have money.

You know what? If you and the others have such dire feelings towards the planet, why are you not out there like me and Kakato trying our best? instead your just delegating the problem 'i'd rather people work at things less hazardous to our world.' wtf?

Why don't YOU work at it? if its so wrong, YOU come up with a better plan, YOU get to work on it soon as YOU have it.

As for me and Kakato, we are.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
You know what? If you and the others have such dire feelings towards the planet, why are you not out there like me and Kakato trying our best? instead your just delegating the problem 'i'd rather people work at things less hazardous to our world.' wtf?

Why don't YOU work at it? if its so wrong, YOU come up with a better plan, YOU get to work on it soon as YOU have it.

As for me and Kakato, we are.
Dire feelings? No, the correct term would be caring.
Trying your best? To do what? Help oil companies out? Yeah, like I'd go help some oil company get rich by going to work for it. Or go help some provincial government scoop taxes off oil companies by working for it. Sorry, I'm not that stupid. I will use alternative energies and continue promoting them and discouraging the use of crude and whatever else. That is the plan and its better than continuing to dig that crap out of the ground for people to use to screw up the planet more.
Justify helping oil companies all you want, the fact remains that you are still aiding them and not the planet.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
yeah, it comprehends quite fine.

hows about you?

But people honor even how like more can than others.

As for doing something about it, you aren't. You are doing what you are told and shirking responsibility.

"The eggheads told us to do this, so it must make it right."

Total cop-out. My riding a bicycle or taking a train to work instead of my car does far more for the environment than destroying the ecology and then reclaiming it ever will.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Now your talking stuff with metal in it, and cement and whatever else they need or use, lets stick to the dirt topic, which isn't rocket science.

You are right about the bridges and stuff, but that is entirely different project.
I've built lots but they were wood and not steel,mainly for logging trucks and they were pulled after the block was logged.

I dont know how a steel bridge structure got brought into the topic,who really cares if an engineer can build a bridge? Thats what they went to school for in the first place,When they screw up which is lots then I make lots of dollars,want me to make water run uphill? ok,it look's good on the plan.
I'll see what I can do.:lol:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
The bottom line is that tar sands, oil sands, crude, whatever you want to call it is great for the pockets of a few individuals and megacorps, but it's a disaster for the planet. That points to the type of low character that those rich people have, as well as those that defend them.
To me, it's a simple matter of priority; I'd rather people work at things less hazardous to our world. Apparently those rich people and their lapdogs would rather have money.

So who are these rich people you speak of and their lapdogs?

Krptic and I will both be fined by the very people we contract for if we break their best practices which are tougher then the governments.

What part of that dont you get?:roll:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
But people honor even how like more can than others.

As for doing something about it, you aren't. You are doing what you are told and shirking responsibility.

"The eggheads told us to do this, so it must make it right."

Total cop-out. My riding a bicycle or taking a train to work instead of my car does far more for the environment than destroying the ecology and then reclaiming it ever will.

Another armchair reclamation expert,you do more damage walking across your lawn then most projects do.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Dire feelings? No, the correct term would be caring.
Trying your best? To do what? Help oil companies out? Yeah, like I'd go help some oil company get rich by going to work for it. Or go help some provincial government scoop taxes off oil companies by working for it. Sorry, I'm not that stupid. I will use alternative energies and continue promoting them and discouraging the use of crude and whatever else. That is the plan and its better than continuing to dig that crap out of the ground for people to use to screw up the planet more.
Justify helping oil companies all you want, the fact remains that you are still aiding them and not the planet.
Yet your computer and everything around you is derived from petroleum products,hmmmm,me senses a bit of hypocrisy here.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

So who are these rich people you speak of and their lapdogs?
People like Jeroen van der Veer, Malcolm Brinded, Rex Tillerson, Bruce March, and other executives of oil companies, Major stockholders of those companies. It wouldn't have been a toughie to figure out who I meant by rich people.

Krptic and I will both be fined by the very people we contract for if we break their best practices which are tougher then the governments.

What part of that dont you get?:roll:
So? You're still aiding the problem. When activity concerning the industry stops then it'll be one less problem for the world.
What part of that don't you understand?

I don't particularly blame you or Alberta in particular, I blame the entire industry and bigwigs'/corporate greed.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
You know what? If you and the others have such dire feelings towards the planet, why are you not out there like me and Kakato trying our best? instead your just delegating the problem 'i'd rather people work at things less hazardous to our world.' wtf?

Why don't YOU work at it? if its so wrong, YOU come up with a better plan, YOU get to work on it soon as YOU have it.

As for me and Kakato, we are.

They dont understand,I'm the guy that would skid your butt off a site if you mixed the #1 and #2's too much.:lol:
But I'm a nice guy,thats why Im steering clear of that work for now.

****e flows downhill.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Another armchair reclamation expert,you do more damage walking across your lawn then most projects do.

You really are out to lunch aren't you. How about some facts to back up your preposterous posturing? My stepping on grass does more damage than your tearing it up?

You need to lay off the grass, if you catch my drift.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
People like Jeroen van der Veer, Malcolm Brinded, Rex Tillerson, Bruce March, and other executives of oil companies, Major stockholders of those companies. It wouldn't have been a toughie to figure out who I meant by rich people.

So? You're still aiding the problem. When activity concerning the industry stops then it'll be one less problem for the world.
What part of that don't you understand?

I don't particularly blame you or Alberta in particular, I blame the entire industry and bigwigs'/corporate greed.
Get rid of anything made by petroleum then,go live in a cave cuz thats all you will have.

So your to blame as much as the same companies you denounce,your enabling them as a consumer.
I'm good at what I do as is kryptic,we wouldnt be working if we werent good and maybe you havent heard but only 8000 wells to be drilled in Alberta next year,that's 36,000 less then last year.

Anyone who is working in Alberta right now is either lucky or ver good at what they do.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
wow, you literally are out of your ****ing mind.
Funny I'm not in an institution then, isn't it. :)

go live out in nature then. because everything around you has 'wrecked' the environment in some way.
We do live "out in nature" and you are wrong. What is around us is nature and it hasn't wrecked itself.:roll:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
You really are out to lunch aren't you. How about some facts to back up your preposterous posturing? My stepping on grass does more damage than your tearing it up?

You need to lay off the grass, if you catch my drift.

How about some pics of my jobs a week after they were reclaimed?
You upset the delicate balance of mother nature by just walking over your lawn,if you dont know that then you should educate yourself on such matters.


- gone insane -
Sep 24, 2009
But people honor even how like more can than others.

As for doing something about it, you aren't. You are doing what you are told and shirking responsibility.

"The eggheads told us to do this, so it must make it right."

Total cop-out. My riding a bicycle or taking a train to work instead of my car does far more for the environment than destroying the ecology and then reclaiming it ever will.

LOL... what do you think made the road your bike rides on, or the stuff that powers the train? or what burns to make the power for the electric train, get my drift?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
You didn't answer the question, but then again, you're very good at NOT answering direct questions.
Sorry Ger but I'm not here to respond to your and others flamebaiting,go troll another topic.

I'm pretty serious about the environment and if you have nothing to add thats wothwhile in the discussion then you will get ignored.

I know where kryptic stands as I've been there,most of you peeps dont have a clue what the patch is like.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Oh, we get your "drift". Unfortunately, you don't seem able to get the bigger "drift". Ever since some twit starting digging it out and using it, it's been nothing but a disaster for the planet.