in reality, he is a heavy equipment operator.
Allmost all pipeline inspectors are equipment operators.
You are after all supervising other equipment operators.
in reality, he is a heavy equipment operator.
Allmost all pipeline inspectors are equipment operators.
You are after all supervising other equipment operators.
Allmost all pipeline inspectors are equipment operators.
You are after all supervising other equipment operators.
LOL... they still don't get it do they?
I got used to the ignorance a long time ago.When I try and explain whats really happening in the field I get called a company lackey or friend of big oil.
Yet it's me who gets the ****e when someone hits a pipe,not the company.
I could have went to fort mac last week stripping topsoil but chose to go build pads and access roads for powerline structures on the side of the mountain near Banff,Canmore and Kananaskis country instead.
Mondays project is right below Nakiska ski hill,cougar country big time and I dont mean the 4 legged ones!;-);-)
With only 8000 wells to be drilled next year I thought I would diversify my portfolio and get some good experience with the powerline part of Alberta's energy industry,Were only a small crew with a 140 zero swing hitachi,a 200 and a 230,d7,RT hoe and 2 hammers,we have been doing all the structure sites in the pass and Canmore this summer.I may just stay doing this untill the patch picks up again,the coug's make it all worthwhile.;-)
He lost credibility with me after this post, on the first page.
Gerryh, if you had more then a grade 6 edumakashun... you would have picked it up to.
Like we told you. grass where none grew, trees where they were before, and I never mentioned leveling the land...
You 2 will try anything to prove your feeble points, on something you have absolutely no experience with.
So until you both get jobs doing like kakato and myself, where you deal with this everyday, you should probably stfu.
Kryptic ...go read any of the studies linked to in this thread. They show that both of you are wrong. If you don't know what nutrient cycling means, then you should probably shut your ignorant trap about making things better, and continue pushing the levers on your Tonka trucks.
See Ton? Don't happy.....
is repetition a bad habit of yours? seem to do it a lot.
No, it's you 2 that don't get it and are obviously clueless.
Kakato: you said I was fear mongering, I told you to quote where I have been fear mongering. You chose to ignore it because you can't. Like I said, more BS.
Both of you have stated that the land is being brought back to original or better. We have proven you both wrong on that statement by showing in with just one example of how |Boreal forest has been removed and replaced with grassland.
Kakato, your statements about muskegg(peat bogs) have shown that you don't have a clue as more than one poster have shown you, yet you both continue to insist that we are the ones that are clueless and ignorant. What is ignorant are the 2 of you refusing to back down even when faced with evidence that you are mistaken in your views of how "great" a job is being done on reclamation and how "little" damage the oilsands are creating.
And you should go back to doing what you do best and as far as the patch is concerned we really dont care what you think,we have the best peeps in north America working on safe clean extraction of the oilsands and will sell that technology to the rest of the worls when they develop their "oilsands" which will be soon.
Are you one of the basement dwellers on here that rely on google for their info?:lol:
We know that,your like the ignorant farmer that wants a sympathy dugout,stick to furnaces 2 are way too smart for me or any of the rest of us.
He would go broke if it wasnt for clean burning natural gas:lol:btw. gerryh... if you hate oilsand/oil patch so much... WTF do you install GAS HEATERS?
maybe you should switch to solar.
We know that,your like the ignorant farmer that wants a sympathy dugout,stick to furnaces ger.
Last thing you want ger is some kid with a "degree" out inspecting equipment operators digging hot lines,get a clue bud,thats a job for peeps that have been running equipment for 30+ years.of course.
Ummmmm....what should I do with my inter provincial mechanics liscence and my degree in computer science?
What degrees or licenses was it again that you and kryptic had? What kind of post secondary education did the 2 of you recieve? I assume with your vast knowledge of reclamation technology that ya's both have at least a masters in some kind of biology.....right? From the University of Calgary?, Alberta?
Last thing you want ger is some kid with a "degree" out inspecting equipment operators digging hot lines,get a clue bud,thats a job for peeps that have been running equipment for 30+ years.
The school types just watch us.