Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
This year though Talloola, you will have to get the regular shot along with the H1N1 when it becomes available and that will probably not be before November anyway. Like you, we usually try to wait until November for our shots but we get them done at the clinic our doctor works in so we go when they have it available.
If we have to get two, then we will. We are seniors, so we get them at the
seniors center, and they arrive in batches, usually 3 different times, so I will
watch and see how they do it this year.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
That's right, we need some very strong 'opposite side' info on this thread, by
people who really know what they're talking about, as I hate to see people believe
this stuff, and become afraid.

I used to avoid the flu shots thinking it may cause the flu, then I got the flu. Been taking my shots ever since. :)


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 Was Caused by Vaccinations
'When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines.
They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs.'
1918 Flu Caused by Vaccines


House Member
Feb 16, 2003


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
CDC Warns Neurologists To Watch For Nerve Disease Following Swine Flu Shots

The CDC has followed in the footsteps of British health authorities by warning neurologists to look out for cases of the nerve disease Guillain-Barre syndrome caused by the swine flu vaccine

Webmaster's Commentary:
This whole swine flu hype is a device to sell medicine to perfectly healthy people.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CDC Warns Neurologists To Watch For Nerve Disease Following Swine Flu Shots


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
VACCINE MAGIC: The Grand Finale

The Future of Civilization and 21st Century Medicine Rests with Vaccinations According to Health Officials and Drug Industrialists. Here's An Opposing View by An Award-Winning Author and Internationally-Renowned Public Health Expert

Untitled Document


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 Was Caused by Vaccinations
'When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines.
They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs.'
1918 Flu Caused by Vaccines

Wow. Any idiot with a keyboard can concoct the most bizarre bull****, and there's hundreds of thousands of people willing to believe it.

My faith in humanity is restored.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Time for a rant.

I try hard not to be personally insulting on these threads but sometimes the urge becomes overwhelming.
Stretch you are a complete idiot.

I happen to believe that individuals in our society should take responsibility for their actions.
I happen to believe that individuals in our society should be held accountable for the things they say and do.
Thus I happen to feel that Stretch should be held somewhat accountable for promoting totally idiotic and potentially dangerous cr@p and helping to disseminate it over the internet.

In my opinion if one impressionable and possibly undereducated pregnant woman reads this thread starter and chooses not to be immunized against the advice of her Ob/Gyn, family doctor and the Canadian Medical Association then the people who widely disseminate this cr@p surely must share some responsibility.
If she then contracts H!N1, develops secondary respiratory complications and dies (keep in mind 2 people die) do the disseminators of completely false and flawed information not bear some slight responsibility.
I feel they do.

I am opposed to censorship.
However if we do not censor the spread of erroneous and potentially dangerous misinformation to the general public it then falls to the community in question to deal
with the problem.
Hence my post.

Stretch you are a clueless idiot.
You have not the faintest idea what you are talking about (or should I say cut'n'pasting).
Sorry but there it is.
Do the world a favor and shut the h#ll up.
Statistically Darwin's Law tends to weed out of the gene pool people with self destructive belief systems.
No need to spread the problem to the misinformed.

Moving on.
Folks there are risks involved in immunizations.
There are some risks in virtually all medical procedures.
And there are risks in driving your car down to the gas station.
Concerning immunization your family doctor or local health professional would be happy to discuss those issues, risks and adverse reactions with you.
Virtually all communities have a health clinic staffed with competent and educated professionals.
They may be stressed out and overworked but they would be happy to discuss your families health concerns.

Or you could spend time educating yourself in order to make more informed future decisions.
Amazon or your local library should stock many titles concerning biology, bacteriology,virology,immunology,epidemiology,community health care and the like.
Possibly a tad dry but better to me well informed than not.
Just watch out for possible crackpots disseminating potentially harmful cr@p on the internet.

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Reactions: VanIsle and karrie


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
here here !!!!!! it's about time we get a little balance on this thread.

I also am concerned about the few that will be 'sucked' in by all of this crap.

If people make a decision 'not' to get vaccinated, that is fine, but 'fear' should
not be their reason, (unless they just don't like the prick of a needle.) ;-)


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
If we have to get two, then we will. We are seniors, so we get them at the
seniors center, and they arrive in batches, usually 3 different times, so I will
watch and see how they do it this year.
It's on the news today that Canada will receive the vaccine at the same time as all other countries. I'm feeling a little concerned. There is quite an article on the telus home page and it talks about how bad things get when certain people get not only the HlNl but added viruses along with it. I'm feeling concerned because I have a grandchild with compromised lungs, a daughter-in-law with asthma, an over-weight son with allergies, and a son with diabetes. From what I have recently read, all of these things can be very worrisome for anyone who contracts the H1N1 virus. I know that the vaccine is not a 100% guarantee but hopefully, it will give those members of my family a fighting chance. I'm for all the help we can get regarding these types of things.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
+1 for Trex. I can't give you any rep at this time...but you're bang on. It's really almost as bad as listening to Jenny McCarthy. We just have to hope that the people perusing the back alleys of the intertubes happen upon a bit of sane information when they are at their most receptive...it's half the reason why I am compelled to respond to people who are dead set in their belief of misinformation...even when it won't stop them, and probably gives them more zeal.

Kudos for a good rant!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
It's on the news today that Canada will receive the vaccine at the same time as all other countries. I'm feeling a little concerned. There is quite an article on the telus home page and it talks about how bad things get when certain people get not only the HlNl but added viruses along with it. I'm feeling concerned because I have a grandchild with compromised lungs, a daughter-in-law with asthma, an over-weight son with allergies, and a son with diabetes. From what I have recently read, all of these things can be very worrisome for anyone who contracts the H1N1 virus. I know that the vaccine is not a 100% guarantee but hopefully, it will give those members of my family a fighting chance. I'm for all the help we can get regarding these types of things.

Good luck to all of your family through the flu season. I have one grandson
who was born with a very malfunctioning heart, has had two open heart
surgerys, now has a 3 chamber heart instead of 4, other arteries were rerouted,
and he is in amazing condition and good health at 16, but he needs vaccinations, because there is such a grey area concerning his future, there
are no other older adults who have been through what he has, so not sure
what his life span will be, but right now, looks and acts the same as everyone
else, but his mom does not believe in vaccinations, has taken on this new
wave of paranoia, so none of them will be vaccinated, nothing we can do
about it, just hope for the best for all of them. Hope he can go through
high fevers if it hits him, and come through it OK.
Again, the best to you and all of your family, hope it turns out to be a lot
of preparation for a very light flu season, but still have to prepare.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Good luck to all of your family through the flu season. I have one grandson
who was born with a very malfunctioning heart, has had two open heart
surgerys, now has a 3 chamber heart instead of 4, other arteries were rerouted,
and he is in amazing condition and good health at 16, but he needs vaccinations, because there is such a grey area concerning his future, there
are no other older adults who have been through what he has, so not sure
what his life span will be, but right now, looks and acts the same as everyone
else, but his mom does not believe in vaccinations, has taken on this new
wave of paranoia, so none of them will be vaccinated, nothing we can do
about it, just hope for the best for all of them. Hope he can go through
high fevers if it hits him, and come through it OK.
Again, the best to you and all of your family, hope it turns out to be a lot
of preparation for a very light flu season, but still have to prepare.
Thank you Talloola and I wish the same for all of your family - particularly your grandson. I hope his Mom changes her mind. His heart certainly doesn't need more stress does it? You must be very worried.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Thank you Talloola and I wish the same for all of your family - particularly your grandson. I hope his Mom changes her mind. His heart certainly doesn't need more stress does it? You must be very worried.

You know, he has done so well over the past years, we forget about his problem,
which now seems like a 'non' problem. Each year when he goes to childrens
hospital, they are ecstatic about his condition, I guess it gives them lots of
confidence in the particular procedure that he had, I just hope he can live a
long life.
No I won't worry, I have learned not to worry about things I cannot control,
and I can do that now, as we get older we must look after ourselves first, so
my husband and I are learning to do that, we are like we used to be before
we were married, just the two of us, looking after each other, it becomes
more and more important, and easy.
My youngest daughter is 37, so it's their turn to worry, and run around doing
all of the things needed to care for their families, we're just having fun,
in a very serious way.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
You know, he has done so well over the past years, we forget about his problem,
which now seems like a 'non' problem. Each year when he goes to childrens
hospital, they are ecstatic about his condition, I guess it gives them lots of
confidence in the particular procedure that he had, I just hope he can live a
long life.
No I won't worry, I have learned not to worry about things I cannot control,
and I can do that now, as we get older we must look after ourselves first, so
my husband and I are learning to do that, we are like we used to be before
we were married, just the two of us, looking after each other, it becomes
more and more important, and easy.
My youngest daughter is 37, so it's their turn to worry, and run around doing
all of the things needed to care for their families, we're just having fun,
in a very serious way.
Good for you. You are lucky in a way. I was born into a family of worriers ;-). My youngest is 39 but I (as I've pointed out numerous times to everyone)look after both my kids, kids so their worries become mine almost daily. We spend a fair amount of time with family so we nearly always know what is happening each day and sometimes, worry just goes with the day. Sometimes just fun. Only the two of us live in our house and yet for the most part our house feels much too small for as often as it fills up. We are preparing it now to sell it. I really need more space and more than a single level house (crawl spaces don't count as a level). Have a good night. :smile:


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
After I wrote to you I realized just how much time we spend. We looked after grandkids Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday my husband took our grandson to your city for hockey (rep team). He's just turning 10 at the end of this month so he's little yet but he plays well. Grampa was with him for 12 hours. Today our granddaughter spent the day because she hates being at the arena and it goes nearly all day. So - we are 4 days into the week and so far we have seen most of our family everyday. Our daughter-in-law needs our car to take kids to Courtenay tomorrow so her car is sitting in my driveway so each of us has a vehicle to go to work with tomorrow. As you probably already know, it's supposed to rain tomorrow and my SUV provides space for the kids and their gear. Their truck provides space but not covered space and the car is too small. We all just do what's necessary to make things work for everyone.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
That's right, we need some very strong 'opposite side' info on this thread, by
people who really know what they're talking about, as I hate to see people believe
this stuff, and become afraid.

Excellent idea mate....I'm just passing on what I find about the vaccine......if there is something concrete and positive about it please post it here.... I have a mu opinion about this vaccine......but I'm opinion to a differing opinion.....not name calling or ridicule.....thats just fear manifesting itself......................

Wow. Any idiot with a keyboard can concoct the most bizarre bull****, and there's hundreds of thousands of people willing to believe it.

My faith in humanity is restored.
and you have something positive to offer mate............?

Time for a rant.

I try hard not to be personally insulting on these threads but sometimes the urge becomes overwhelming.
Stretch you are a complete idiot.

I happen to believe that individuals in our society should take responsibility for their actions.
I happen to believe that individuals in our society should be held accountable for the things they say and do.
Thus I happen to feel that Stretch should be held somewhat accountable for promoting totally idiotic and potentially dangerous cr@p and helping to disseminate it over the internet.

In my opinion if one impressionable and possibly undereducated pregnant woman reads this thread starter and chooses not to be immunized against the advice of her Ob/Gyn, family doctor and the Canadian Medical Association then the people who widely disseminate this cr@p surely must share some responsibility.
If she then contracts H!N1, develops secondary respiratory complications and dies (keep in mind 2 people die) do the disseminators of completely false and flawed information not bear some slight responsibility.
I feel they do.

I am opposed to censorship.
However if we do not censor the spread of erroneous and potentially dangerous misinformation to the general public it then falls to the community in question to deal
with the problem.
Hence my post.

Stretch you are a clueless idiot.
You have not the faintest idea what you are talking about (or should I say cut'n'pasting).
Sorry but there it is.
Do the world a favor and shut the h#ll up.
Statistically Darwin's Law tends to weed out of the gene pool people with self destructive belief systems.
No need to spread the problem to the misinformed.

Moving on.
Folks there are risks involved in immunizations.
There are some risks in virtually all medical procedures.
And there are risks in driving your car down to the gas station.
Concerning immunization your family doctor or local health professional would be happy to discuss those issues, risks and adverse reactions with you.
Virtually all communities have a health clinic staffed with competent and educated professionals.
They may be stressed out and overworked but they would be happy to discuss your families health concerns.

Or you could spend time educating yourself in order to make more informed future decisions.
Amazon or your local library should stock many titles concerning biology, bacteriology,virology,immunology,epidemiology,community health care and the like.
Possibly a tad dry but better to me well informed than not.
Just watch out for possible crackpots disseminating potentially harmful cr@p on the internet.


I'm fine, thanx for asking mate......and you have something positve offer re the vaccine......please feel free to post it here and I'll read and absorb with an open mind......I'm posting my opinion on what this is all about....feel free to prove me wrong.....
I've been educating myself since I was born mate....and you?

thats cool...but if said pregnant women reads your "rant" as you put it and gets the vaccine and loses bub and suffers nerve desease as well....then you're responsible...fairs fair!

I hope and pray I'm wrong....but none of my investigations lead me to believe I am....but I'm open to others opinion...its a free world..... I dont call you an idiot for your opinions on this subject....all I ask is you respect me and my opinions..... and please please prove me wrong.

here here !!!!!! it's about time we get a little balance on this thread.

I also am concerned about the few that will be 'sucked' in by all of this crap.

If people make a decision 'not' to get vaccinated, that is fine, but 'fear' should
not be their reason, (unless they just don't like the prick of a needle.) ;-)

me too mate.....please explain to me how a featus can die in the womb from h1n1 virus when mum never had any sign of it.....?
Last edited:


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines

The document on the WHO website linked below states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed.
In Europe, some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called "mock-up" vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus.
According to the website, “Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.”

Webmaster's Commentary:
A lot of people were wondering how Baxter could "accidentally" release live bird flu virus in a test vaccine.
This may explain it.
WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Why Won't Healthcare Workers Take The Swine Flu Vaccine?
'Can vaccinations actually fuel pandemics? According to a study released August 26, 2009 by the British Medical Journal, more than half of Hong Kong's healthcare workers surveyed said they would refuse the H1N1 shot, which is not yet available, because they are afraid of side effects and doubt how safe and effective it will be. More importantly, the study suggested the trend would be repeated worldwide.'
Why Won't Healthcare Workers Take The Swine Flu Vaccine?