Peruvian Pyramids predate Egyptian


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Peru Pyramids Predate Egyptian Pyramids

"Now, if the Nile inclined to direct its current into this Arabian gulf, why should the latter not be silted up by it inside of twenty thousand years? In fact, I expect that it would be silted up inside of ten thousand years. Is it to be doubted, then, that in the ages before my birth a gulf even much greater than this should have been silted up by a river so great and so busy? As for Egypt, then, I credit those who say it, and myself very much believe it to be the case; for I have seen that Egypt projects into the sea beyond the neighboring land, and shells are exposed to view on the mountains, and things are coated with salt, so that even the pyramids show it, and the only sandy mountain in Egypt is that which is above Memphis;...." -- Herodotos, historian, ~430 B.C.

Noobs think the pyramids were built yesterday. Actually, it is obvious they are much older than popularly believed. Peru pyramids at Caral predate Egyptian pyramids at Saqqara and Giza. They are much larger and more sophisticated: Ancient Peru site older, much larger.

A Peruvian site previously reported as the oldest city in the Americas actually is a much larger complex of as many as 20 cities with huge pyramids and sunken plazas sprawled over three river valleys, researchers report.

Construction started about 5,000 years ago — nearly 400 years before the first pyramid was built in Egypt — at a time when most people around the world were simple hunters and gatherers, a team from Northern Illinois University and Chicago's Field Museum reports in today's issue of the journal Nature.

The society and its people — known only as the Andeans — persisted in virtually the same form for 1,200 years before they were overrun by more warlike neighbors. That is the longest time any known ancient civilization survived, according to archaeologist Jonathan Haas of the Field, who led the expedition.

The results greatly expand understanding of how complex states began in the Americas.​
They found no evidence of military fortifications or weapons. But they did find cotton, fishing nets, and cocaine.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
It is well established that pyramids in the Americas are larger than the ones in Egypt. But I find it hard to believe that they are older. If they were then it would follow that pyramids in China or Asia (where Native American ancestry began) would be older as well. This, to the best of my limited knowledge, has not been established.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
It is well established that pyramids in the Americas are larger than the ones in Egypt. But I find it hard to believe that they are older. If they were then it would follow that pyramids in China or Asia (where Native American ancestry began) would be older as well. This, to the best of my limited knowledge, has not been established.

That is because the official story is not the whole truth. The Americas were not devoid of human life before the last Ice Age and migrations did not just come to the Americas, they also went out from the Americas to other lands. Thus, a unique canoe, called a sturgeon nosed canoe was developed in the Columbia River Basin a few thousand years ago. It is unique among canoe designs. There is only one other place on the planet where this design is found and that is in northern Tibet. How did it get there from here?

Most people assume that pyramid technology migrated to the Americas from other lands but it could just as easily have started here and moved over there.


Electoral Member
Jul 2, 2009
Very interesting. Makes you wonder what the next discovery might hold. Out idea about the history of the world is constantly changing.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
That is because the official story is not the whole truth. The Americas were not devoid of human life before the last Ice Age and migrations did not just come to the Americas, they also went out from the Americas to other lands. Thus, a unique canoe, called a sturgeon nosed canoe was developed in the Columbia River Basin a few thousand years ago. It is unique among canoe designs. There is only one other place on the planet where this design is found and that is in northern Tibet. How did it get there from here?

Most people assume that pyramid technology migrated to the Americas from other lands but it could just as easily have started here and moved over there.

Do you think the legends of Atlantis could have possibly grown from stories about a great civilization that was here in the (so called) New World?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Do you think the legends of Atlantis could have possibly grown from stories about a great civilization that was here in the (so called) New World?

Edgar Cayce once said something very puzzling and interesting. He said, "Atlantis will have existed when you find it." I think we are just scratching the surface of our prehistory. Atlantis is such an interesting idea, the myth has been legendary for thousands of years. There is evidence that it existed but we still have not located it.

The problem with an American Atlantis is that it is still here whereas Atlantis disappeared. I believe that most legends have a basis in fact but we are a long way from having enough evidence to prove it. But judging by what is now known, it is quite likely that civilizations flourished here long before the so called old world. Whether the Americas were influenced by Atlantis or Lemuria remains to be seen but it would seem a logical conclusion at this point that civilization was exported from here.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Most people assume that pyramid technology migrated to the Americas from other lands but it could just as easily have started here and moved over there.''

I am no expert on this subject and do not dare dispute these ideas. But from my limited readings (and even more LIMITED knowledge on the subject) I have come to the conclusion that those who say humanity and civilization began in Africa and spread from there seem to have the most convincing evidence in their favor.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
''Most people assume that pyramid technology migrated to the Americas from other lands but it could just as easily have started here and moved over there.''

I am no expert on this subject and do not dare dispute these ideas. But from my limited readings (and even more LIMITED knowledge on the subject) I have come to the conclusion that those who say humanity and civilization began in Africa and spread from there seem to have the most convincing evidence in their favor.

Humanity may or may not have originated in Africa. It is still just a hypothesis or theory. Science is always debunking its own theories, just like the Bering Straight Land Bridge, which held sway for a few hundred years, has been debunked. We don't really know as much as some think we do.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
hypothesis --

I have seen National Geographic and some reports in PBS which affirm this idea. Again, I do not know of anyone who had made any valid refutation but will keep an open mind as to the possibility it may happen one day.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
hypothesis --

I have seen National Geographic and some reports in PBS which affirm this idea. Again, I do not know of anyone who had made any valid refutation but will keep an open mind as to the possibility it may happen one day.

The evidence may seem incontrovertible at this time but I think they have been looking for the evidence with a preconceived notion. That is dangerous because very good evidence that doesn't support the hypothesis get over looked, ignored or shuffled under the table.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Edgar Cayce once said something very puzzling and interesting. He said, "Atlantis will have existed when you find it." I think we are just scratching the surface of our prehistory. Atlantis is such an interesting idea, the myth has been legendary for thousands of years. There is evidence that it existed but we still have not located it.

The problem with an American Atlantis is that it is still here whereas Atlantis disappeared. I believe that most legends have a basis in fact but we are a long way from having enough evidence to prove it. But judging by what is now known, it is quite likely that civilizations flourished here long before the so called old world. Whether the Americas were influenced by Atlantis or Lemuria remains to be seen but it would seem a logical conclusion at this point that civilization was exported from here.

Tweleve thousand eight hundred years ago virtually everything in North America was wiped out including all the large land mammals along with the horse in what is supposed to be an extinction event caused by asteroid breakup in the atmosphere. There is evidence that the event was global.
Fireballs and Meteorites - SOTT.NET: The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists Awakening

The cause of these changes is highly controversial and much debated, but is likely tied to the severe environmental changes that occurred at the beginning of the Younger Dryas. Another hypothesis attributes the extinctions to overhunting by Clovis people and other Paleolithic hunters or to pandemics associated with human migrations. However, all these hypotheses appear to fall short in satisfactorily explaining much available evidence. A new hypothesis posits that Younger Dryas cooling was instead triggered by extraterrestrial impacts that caused ice sheet destabilization, flood-water rediversion, and changes in ocean circulation.
This work offers newly uncovered evidence for an ET impact or airbursts at 12.9 ka including end-Clovis-age sediments throughout North America with high levels of iridium, magnetic and carbon spherules, glass-like carbon, fullerenes, and ET noble gas ratios often in association with carbonaceous layers ("black mats") with unusual biota.
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