Calgary versus Edmonton


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Very interesting...thanks for clarify things, for the time being I'm not as concerned with post-graduation career as much as a good job to get me thru university and pay my living you see what I mean? Ofcourse, it does matter but that's another 2 years from now..
So you would recommend Haskayne over Augustana eh?

I've heard of the Haskayne school but I haven't heard of Augustana ... but that doesn't mean much. You can get a basic job in either city so you need to consider other criteria for making your decision. The university you graduate from is fairly important in the big picture.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
I would make sure you can get into the UofC before deciding on Calgary. I know, from my firends experience, that they are raising their requirements yearly. You need a 3.7 to get into Psych, for instance. And thats only because they have so many applying. It has little to do with the quality of the school.


New Member
Nov 7, 2006
I would do thorough research on both universities but U of A is a world renowned University and is recognized before U of C. Oh, and just to clarify .. U of C doesn't have a better medical school.


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
You shouldn't move anywhere in Alberta without money in the bank. I have lived in both cities and both Edmonton and Calgary are OK places to live. The debate goes on forever and depends on personal preference. You can't make sweeping statements saying that job ops, etc. are better in one place over the other. The fact of the matter is that the hot economy in Alberta creates as many problems as it solves. Real estate prices have doubled in the last couple of years and, without rent controls, rental rates will follow suit. Affordable housing is a hot political topic and it will likely get worse before it gets better. Although wages are higher here, it's unlikely that your income/expenses ratio will be any better than it is now.

I am not saying that you shouldn't make the move, but be prepared for uncertainty and have the bank account to feed off of until you get settled. In terms of Edmonton or Calgary - pick your spot and do your research.


New Member
Jul 8, 2009
well, im gonna give you my biased oppinion. Edmonton is better...
there really isn't much of a difference aside from the shorter commute time in Edmonton. Calgary is warmer, but if you really want to make money, go to Edmonton and work with an Oil Company as a laborer. you can get paid upwards of $20 an hour starting. the job market is about the same in both cities, there are jobs EVERYWHERE.
good luck

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
I've been to Calgary once, never again.

I've never been to Edmonton, but I've heard others say that as you pull into Edmonton the signs display murals of Wayne Gretzky and the glory days. Edmonton being apparently so plain they have to hold dearly to the memories of one team.

Is this true? I know Edmonton's got its mall, but there must be other things. Tim Horton's?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I've been to Calgary once, never again.

I've never been to Edmonton, but I've heard others say that as you pull into Edmonton the signs display murals of Wayne Gretzky and the glory days. Edmonton being apparently so plain they have to hold dearly to the memories of one team.

Is this true? I know Edmonton's got its mall, but there must be other things. Tim Horton's?

I'm quite familar with Calgary, not so with Edmonton. As far as big cities go, about the worst thing I could complain about Calgary is the weather and it's not bad most of the time. I'd say 300 days of the year are good. Second worst thing about Calgary would be the drivers- just don't plan on trying to change lanes. If you don't like Calgary I doubt if you'll like any big city. I hate big cities but can tolerate Calgary.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
I have no idea if this is true, but someone told me that as you pull into Edmonton, the welcome signage displays murals of Wayne Gretzky and the glory days. Edmonton being so plain apparently that the only thing people can do is cling dearly to memories of a single team.

Is this true? Its got a mall, but what else?

I'm not sure about Calgary. I don't like watching animals harassed to death.
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Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
I left Edmonton when they closed the Muni and moved everything to YEG, the International Airport, (Edmonton's Mirabel). It was purely political and equally stupid. I loved the place, hated the politics, Redmonton, friggin' commies.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Well, considering that the thread starter last posted here in October of 2006, has only 10 posts and it looks like all of them were in this thread, it's probably too late to offer any advice.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Well, considering that the thread starter last posted here in October of 2006, has only 10 posts and it looks like all of them were in this thread, it's probably too late to offer any advice.

I saw that, but I'm still pissed at having to leave Edmonton because of political crap that happened over 20 years ago, I had to say something :angryfire:. I feel better now, marginally.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Wow. In Alberta? I lived in Edmonton for two years, never noticed anything like that. But that was in 1972-74, maybe the commies have come out of the closet since I lived there.

Um, yeah, they did, in around the early '90s. There isn't enough space to here to tell you about it, or its just getting too late for me. But government started getting big and powerful, civic government that is, the rest of the province kept the commies in check, but they're still there.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
I lived in Edmonton for five years and Calgary for one year and since you live in southern Ontario I would advise you to go to Calgary because it is more interesting and has a lot more Chinooks or warmer winds going through in the winter.

Calgary has the foothills so you are slightly reminded of southern Ontario.

Calgary is four hours driving from Edmonton.

In Calgary it takes one hour to go to the mountains and Banff and since the mountain range curves northwest in Edmonton to get to the mountain you are looking at three to four hours to Jasper.

Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta that means there are more government jobs.

Edmonton has Klondike days and Calgary has the Stampede rodeo so if you want to dress up in Klondike clothes rather than cowboy clothes then Edmonton is for you.

Edmonton is flat and boring except for the river valley.

Calgary is closer to the American border.

U of A has the HUB and the butter dome.

U of C at least you can hang on to your sanity.

If you are a heavy drinker then Edmonton is really a nice place.

I hope this helps you in your decision.