Calgary vs. Edmonton

Between Calgary and Edmonton, which city do you feel is the better place to live?

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New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Rivalry not very important

After having lived in both Calgary and Edmonton for several years each, I have noticed that the whole Edmonton vs. Calgary rivalry thing gets mentioned much less in Calgary than it does in Edmonton, which is appropriate because it is really unimportant. I find Calgary to be a little more independent & mature for this reason alone.


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
I like edmonton more. Calgary seems a lot bigger because all the neighbourhoods are spread out a whole bunch. In addition to that, calgary has very little trees. Edmonton is a far greener city. Also, every time I walk around in calgary it feels a lot more american somehow. Edmonton also has the West Ed Mall, and while calgary has the Stampede, but who cares? I personally hate the rodeo. And while Edmonton has some very violent neighbourhoods (Mill Woods, and anywhere on the Northside), E-town is a far better plave to live.


New Member
Jul 4, 2009
What I would like to hear about is the weather comparison between Edmonton and Calgary. What about Lethbridge or Medicine Hat? I am considering Alberta for a family with 2 kids elementary school age and a wife from USA coming from rural SW Ontario and a millwright/farming background. Any suggestions as to which community might be an easier fit? By the way, I hate winter.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Calgary is farther South than Edmonton. That said, the winter conditions are not as severe in Calgary. If your wife is more at home in a rural setting, there are many 'commuter communities' in the general proximity of both cities. I'd also suggest that the educational systems will also be equivalent.

More than likely, your choice of location will be more dependent on your line of work and the available job opportunities.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
What I would like to hear about is the weather comparison between Edmonton and Calgary. What about Lethbridge or Medicine Hat? I am considering Alberta for a family with 2 kids elementary school age and a wife from USA coming from rural SW Ontario and a millwright/farming background. Any suggestions as to which community might be an easier fit? By the way, I hate winter.


I've been golfing on boxing day.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm in Saskatchewan (Regina, actually) and I've seen snow in every month
of the year except July. If you don't like winter, Regina wouldn't be for you. :-(

I listen to the weather forecasts in the winter, and the extremes in temperature
between where I sit, and that stretch in Southern Alberta can be truly amazing. 8O


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm in Saskatchewan (Regina, actually) and I've seen snow in every month
of the year except July. If you don't like winter, Regina wouldn't be for you. :-(

I listen to the weather forecasts in the winter, and the extremes in temperature
between where I sit, and that stretch in Southern Alberta can be truly amazing. 8O
Saskatchewan has the second mildest climate in Canada. Check the stats.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan has the second mildest climate in Canada. Check the stats.

I believe you, but it's still hard to believe. Is it taking an average of the extreme
temperature differances (averaging out the daily temps over a year?) to come
up with a mean temperature, and comparing that against mean temperatures
in other provinces?

Switching mentally away from the metric system...we have temperature extremes
in the neighbourhood of about 160F degrees from coldest lows to highest highs...
That doesn't sound so mild.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Temperature average and days of sunshine. It's only -40C or F 4-5 days a winter. Majority of winter is -10C and cloud free sunshine. -10 is a pretty damn easy temp to deal with.


New Member
Jul 8, 2009
yeah, if you really squint you can see Calgary from Edmonton... thats the asshole of the universe :p


New Member
Jul 8, 2009
hmm... pretty close, but i'd have to say it goes to Edmonton

-Edmonton is known as the Greenest city in Canada. with the River Valley being just under 22 times the size of central part in Manhattan. In comparison of greeness, Edmonton wins
-Calgary is located farther South, giving it warmer weather all year round. And in the winter gets Chinooks. Weatherwise, Calgary wins
-Calgary has the C-train, a transportation system that is way more effective than Edmontons LRT. However Edmonton's LRT is in the process of a much needed expansion. And Edmonton has The Anthony Henday, which is really the only difference in an otherwise equal transportation system
-each city has pretty simular education systems, and hospital systems
- Calgary has the world famous Calgary Stampede, and Edmonton has the world famous West Edmonton Mall.


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
Hi guys! So this next question might sound odd to some people however I have to ask it...being a "visible minority" (black), which city would be better for an individual such as I? I have been accepted to both U of C and U of A for M.Eng in Petroleum Engineering, both universities have very good reputations in that field so am really basing my choice on the city.

Obviously, Calgary has been getting more attention on racism issues with the AG, anti-racist protest, racism at door clubs and all while Edmonton seems to have less of a problem on that issue (or is the media more active in Calgary?)..

I have done my undergraduate studies in Quebec City and have gone many times to both Montreal and Toronto but am from Belgium so racism is smth that I know quite well.. Although racism is well alive in Quebec, I'd qualify it more like xenophobia rather than pure racism and I never had to actually fear for my life walking down the streets at any hour of the day...

I thank you all in advance for your responses.