Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I am only asking based on your belief that the democrats have only 1.5 years left.. Your words SJP, not mine.

Sure Democrats have only 1.5 years left, Captain, why do you find that so strange? They will have to face an election after 1.5 years. While Republican Party still remains very unpopular (according to latest NBC/WSJ poll, Republican party has an approval rating of 25%, Democratic Party of 45%) and will have great deal of difficulty winning control of House or the Senate, anything can happen in an election.

So as of now, Democrats can only count on 1.5 years, and Obama can count on 3.5 years.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
BTW - Harper's 50 Billion is (literally) a drop in the bucket compared to your messiah South of the border

Quite so, Captain. The Messiah’s deficit is good deficit (and deficits by Reagan, Bush, Mulroeny, Mike Harris were good deficits) and will help Canada immensely, will reduce the national debt, end the war in Afghanistan and solve the world hunger problem.

Obama’s deficit is bad deficit and will start world war 3. It makes perfect sense.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
It is most certainly for me to say... And yes, Obama has already messed-up in a monstrous way. In addition, I believe that Palin will likely be the USA's first female president - a feat that your messiah Clinton could never achieve.

So again Captain, are you predicting here that Joan of Arc will win the 2012 presidential election? You keep implying it, but then why do you chicken out when I ask you a direct question?

Just make a prediction here that Joan of Arc will win in 2012 and I will hold you to it.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I must say Captain, you conservatives are very good at predicting election results. I remember last year a conservative poster in canada.com forum confidently made the following predictions:

That Republicans will win control of the House and the senate in November 2008 (well, he was only off by 11 Senators, Instead of getting 51 Senators, Republicans ended up with 40, that is close enough for a conservative, I guess).

That McCain will win the presidential election.

That the Messiah will get a majority here in Canada.

When I held him to it, it was quite amusing to see him try to squirm out of his predictions.

So again, are you ready to predict that Joan of Arc will win the presidential election in 2012?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Economic Left/Right: -0.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.33



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I must say Captain, you conservatives are very good at predicting election results. I remember last year a conservative poster in canada.com forum confidently made the following predictions:

That Republicans will win control of the House and the senate in November 2008 (well, he was only off by 11 Senators, Instead of getting 51 Senators, Republicans ended up with 40, that is close enough for a conservative, I guess).

That McCain will win the presidential election.

That the Messiah will get a majority here in Canada.

When I held him to it, it was quite amusing to see him try to squirm out of his predictions.

So again, are you ready to predict that Joan of Arc will win the presidential election in 2012?

Hey, I watched Sarah Palin on the news tonight and I'll make a prediction. She will not and I repeat not be President in 2013. But of course any one with any wisdom could figure that out long before now. Anyone who goes to Washington and charges up $150,000 worth of wearing apparel before they are anyone in Washington - at taxpayers expense, is committing political suicide as the electorate won't stand for that sort of thing and rightfully so. In her case she's even stupider than she would be otherwise because as Governor of Alaska she undoubtedly has a whole closet full of apparet that would be suitable for any occasion. To make a long story short if you are that friggin' dumb and uncaring you won't make president.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Economic Left/Right: -0.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.33

I'm pretty sure a person could be all over that chart from near the bottm left to near the top right and vise versa depending who and what he is dealing with. I'm sure I could be a great Libertarian (with people handling my money who take as much care of it as I do) or I could be a great authoritarian, when dealing with weasels who are trying to rob me blind or run off with my wife. :lol::lol:


Nominee Member
Feb 27, 2009
For anyone living outside of the States and is concerned about preventing another Cold War, Obama's foreign policy is nothing but bad news. Instead of sticking to his essential European allies, he's being coerced by Putin's manipulation. The Bush administration promised Poland to establish a strong anti-missile defence base along the baltic coast, and now Obama is listening to the endearing words of the post-communist regime and is reconsidering Bush's contract. What an idiot.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
For anyone living outside of the States and is concerned about preventing another Cold War, Obama's foreign policy is nothing but bad news. Instead of sticking to his essential European allies, he's being coerced by Putin's manipulation. The Bush administration promised Poland to establish a strong anti-missile defence base along the baltic coast, and now Obama is listening to the endearing words of the post-communist regime and is reconsidering Bush's contract. What an idiot.

You know sumptin? I kind of figured on Jan 20 they was a little too much "storybook magic" & his popularity would wane, but you can't go pissin' on people's parades as the result of a hunch. I still have great hopes for Obama, I think he means well and is trying hard and those are two of the greatest ingredients for success, besides that no one has ever reached the summit travelling in a straight line- he's gonna make mistakes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I'm pretty sure a person could be all over that chart from near the bottm left to near the top right and vise versa depending who and what he is dealing with. I'm sure I could be a great Libertarian (with people handling my money who take as much care of it as I do) or I could be a great authoritarian, when dealing with weasels who are trying to rob me blind or run off with my wife. :lol::lol:

Honestly, I have a big issue with that test. Way too many of the questions can be interpreted in various ways, which would naturally affect how we vote, so not well worded, unless how we interpret them is part of the test?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
White House Press Corps rebukes Robert Gibbs over Administration's media control

July 3, 9:31 PM

Washington, D.C. – Earlier this week the White House Press Corps drilled Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary, over preselected audiences and prepackaged questions during President Obama’s current Town Hall speeches.
Town Halls are supposed to be open forums made up of the general public to ask questions to elected officials.
Chip Reid of ABC News and Helen Thomas of Hearst Corporation led the scolding of Gibbs, going back and forth demanding answers to their inquiries.
Reid called the Town Hall questions and audiences “tightly controlled” by the Obama Administration. Reid also stated that Obama’s current Town Halls weren’t as open as the Town Halls during the 2008 campaign.
One Press Corps journalist wondered where the “dissenting views” were in the questions being asked to Obama during the Town Halls.
Instead of addressing the journalists’ concerns, Gibbs laughed at them and attempted to delay speaking about the subject.
Thomas responded by passionately stating, “No, no, no. We’re having [the discussion] now.” She then called the Administration’s media control “shocking.”


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Obama’s Town Hall sham

8:57 am July 2, 2009, by jwooten
Presidents are free to stage their conversations with the American people however they choose. But some members of the White House press corps, including CBS’ Chip Reid and press room fixture Helen Thomas, are among those upset that this President is using stage-managed “Town Hall” events as pretend press conferences.
President Obama’s hug for the cancer victim, an Obama volunteer, gets the media attention, but of the seven questions he addressed, four were selected by his staff from groups supportive of his health care agenda, including the Service Employees International Union and Health Care for America Now. One of the questioners came from a group that is a part of the Democratic National Committee.
At the Town Hall, Obama waved hugged Debby Smith, who said she had kidney cancer and had been unable to get insurance, saying, “I don’t want you to feel like you’re all alone.” He promised help and offered her as the “perfect example” of the sufferer his efforts are intended to help.
It’s fair enough for Presidents to hold Town Hall meetings and to pretend that he’s taking questions from something other than an infomercial audience. But it is phony, the stuff of campaign commercials. The White House press corps is right to challenge the pretense that a legitimate give-and-take represented as a news event is being held when it’s a sham.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
No question that it is staged Walter.. fact is, Obama could never possbly hope to address the real concerns from Americans and most certainly could never hope to answer the questions that relate to the waste of a historically unprecedented trillions of wasted money (in just 6 short months).