Ezra Levant Makes Sense


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
=Levant's beliefs, every one of them, even the radical ones he held as a young man, are perfectly legitimate.

Colpy, legitimate? How?

They are within the realm of normal, every day political discourse.

Levant has the right to hold those positions and the right to express them. But they are hardly in the realm of normal, every day political discourse. How many others are advocating privatization of CPP, or dismantling of universal health care? I wouldn’t call that normal political discourse.
And you would be wrong.....this is the crux of the matter, and illustrates very nicely your ignorance, arrogance and intolerance......you call people "extremist" simply because they disagree with your preconceived notion of what is "proper". In 1995, I believe you will find privatization of CPP was part of the Reform Party agenda........and they had the support of one quarter of the population.....hardly "extremist".

And, BTW, we haven't had "universal" health care in this country for a long, long time. Just ask the rich and powerful where THEY get their medical care. Usually not in Canada.........for basic health care to
be sustainable for the masses, it may have to become less "universal", in other words, the rich might have to pay, as they do now to jump the line in private clinics.......hardly an "extremist" idea, especially as it was so effectively encouraged by the Liberal gov'ts of this country........

Levant is, as I have said before, a democrat, a good citizen..........he contributes to society in positive ways, and stays within the limits of law and convention.

He may be a democrat and a good citizen for all I know (personally I don’t know him at all). Also, I assume he stays within limit of law and convention. But contribute to the society in positive ways? I have my doubts about that. Now, it may be that he gives to charities, helps old ladies cross the street, rescues an animal in distress, I don’t’ know. But no way he contributes to the discourse in positive ways, with his views that CPP should be privatized, or that health care should be privatized.

Once again, neither of those views is close to being "extremist"........at the time they were held by a very significant part of the population, or have been gov't policy, even under your beloved Liberals.

Yet you condemn him, refuse to carry on an intellectual exploration of his persecution by the government, simply because he disagrees with you.

No, I condemn him because he has extremist views. I don’t condemn conservatives, even though I disagree with them.

See above

I'm a right wing extremist, by your definition.....why do you read me??????

Do you call yourself a right wing extremist? If you advocated privatization of CPP, dismantling of universal health care, I don’t think I would read you either. While you (or Levant) have the right to express such views, there is nothing that says I should take them seriously.

I do not advocate the devolution of CPP. Universal health care is a joke, it has never existed in this country, and we need to adjust our system for the future, instead of paying lip service to a non-existent ideal. I think qualified private citizens should be allowed to carry concealed handguns. I would rather boot a (shrunken) Quebec out than have Quebecois political culture control the nation as a whole.

Do I get my "extremist" credentials back???

Is my campaign against Holocaust deniers suspect because I am a right wing extremist?

It would be suspect if you were a right wing extremist. If Zundle conducts a campaign against holocaust deniers, who would believe him?But I AM an extremist! I am Iam! I insist you classify me as an extremist, because in your world, evertyone capable of independent political thought is an extremist.

BTW, in 1968, Zundel ran for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada.....but he was beaten out by that former Fascist, Pierre Trudeau.

Speaking of extremists.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I'm not saying that's the case with this book, but it's just to say that the fact that it isn't covered in the mainstream English media does not mean that it's not a worthy subject. In fact, few subjects are covered in great depth in the media and most subjects are covered superficially.

Machjo, if media doesn’t think it is a worthy subject, then who decides that it indeed is a worthy subject? In the area of politics and public policy, it is the media (newspapers, television etc.) who decide which is the worthy subject for discussion, action etc.

If you wish to be a slave of the media, be my guest. You do realise, don't you, that the content of English-language newspapers are very different from that of French-language newspapers? If we limit ourselves to the media, no wonder we have a French-English disconnect in Canada.

Also, the media usually covers decisions made by governments, but do not cover all the events, sometimes spanning decades in the past, that lead up to it. to take language policy as an example, specialists in the field have already calculated that a more efficient world language policy could not only improve world communication but save the world billions, if not trillions, annually of dollars in the process, minimum. There is general consensus among linguists and economists in this, though most linguists have opposed such a policy on the grounds that it goes against their traditions, or other such subjective nonsense. Remember after all that a more efficient policy would likely put many of these linguists out of work. Problems create jobs after all, so why would we want to solve them? In fact, the minority of linguists that support these ideas have said as much, that the majority is just looling out for its personal interests. But guess what, as a result this minority of linguists remains a fringe element, and so is never covered in the media. Yet this is a debate having gone on for well over a few decades already.

Essentially, they support the gradual introduction to the UN and public elementary and secondary schools of a common international auxiliary planned language. By all accounts among the general population, this is an extreme frindge idea. Yet it could save us billions if not trillions of dollars every year as is generally acknowledged by most linguists, but most oppose it, and a minority accuse the majority of looking out for their own best interests in this. the average politician would not dare touch the issue out of fear of losing votes: Official Bilingualsim is a sacred cow after all, even though many linguists criticize it as a politically expedient means of just trying to appease Quebec, yet fundamentally flawed on many counts. As a result, th4e media doesn't cover it. So essentially, many language specialists are a frindge element.

So if media doesn’t think it is a worthy subject, that is good enough for me. Of course, it is always possible that ten years form now there may be a sea change, there may be consensus for abolishing HRC, and then Levant may be considered to be some kind of visionary, for advocating abolishing of HRC so long ago. But I am willing to take that chance.

So in other words, you're quite satisfied to just take a passive look at the news, rather than trying to be a newsmaker, to try to make things better for the country? You just like to play the status quo card, stay as middle of the road and ishy washy as possible, discouraging any change that might lead to ridicule, that make make you a minority in your views? My god, man. How do you determine your beleifs/ Do take a local poll and just go along with what the local majority supports? Sure sounds like it. Maybe liberal, but definitely Liberal in mindset.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Another point, SJP, if I cross the boarder form Ottawa into Gatineau (essentially a suburb of Ottawa) and a car hits me, I'm not covered by provincial insurence sinse I'm in another province. I might as well be in another country. You have to think for youself and stop just blindly following the polls like a sheep. There's nothing wrong with being in a minority. Most thinkers and avant-gardists are in the minority, precisely because they think for themselves and choose to go against the grain.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Plyus, i think it's good to have a subject you specialize in. That's where you'll find the most radical ideas that are likely not to make it in the news for another ten years at least.

In taht respect, the news really just presents us with the crumbs long after the toast has long been eaten and digested.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
In 1995, I believe you will find privatization of CPP was part of the Reform Party agenda........and they had the support of one quarter of the population.....hardly "extremist".

Colpy, anything that is supported by only a quarter of the population, I would classify as an extreme, fringe belief. Thus it wouldn’t surprise me if interracial marriage is opposed by 25% of the population. Or that 25% of the population wants to privatize the health care. 25% is a fairly small number (though it may number into millions), small enough for something to be considered a fringe belief.

As to Reform Party, it had many fringe beliefs (such as referendums). Harper got rid of all of them, he wanted to win, he didn’t want to stand just on fringe principles.

And, BTW, we haven't had "universal" health care in this country for a long, long time. Just ask the rich and powerful where THEY get their medical care. Usually not in Canada.........for basic health care to
be sustainable for the masses, it may have to become less "universal", in other words, the rich might have to pay, as they do now to jump the line in private clinics.......hardly an "extremist" idea, especially as it was so effectively encouraged by the Liberal gov'ts of this country........

If the rich want to go to USA for medical treatment, that is their business. And how does that compare with privatizing the whole health care business (as Levant evidently wants to do)? To say that the system may become less universal is a far cry from saying that it should be privatized.

Once again, neither of those views is close to being "extremist"........at the time they were held by a very significant part of the population, or have been gov't policy, even under your beloved Liberals.

Really? Do you have any opinion polls to back up this assertion (that a substantial minority wants to privatize CPP or privatize the health care)?

I do not advocate the devolution of CPP.

At least we are in agreement about something.

Universal health care is a joke, it has never existed in this country, and we need to adjust our system for the future, instead of paying lip service to a non-existent ideal.

Now, that is only your opinion (that health care system is a joke). Sure we need to adjust the system for the future, but that is a far cry from saying that it should be privatized(as Levant evidently believes).

I think qualified private citizens should be allowed to carry concealed handguns. I would rather boot a (shrunken) Quebec out than have Quebecois political culture control the nation as a whole.

Now, I wouldn’t call these extremist beliefs, simply quirky, eccentric beliefs (like somebody believing that earth is flat). When somebody thinks that Quebec should be kicked out of the country, the belief does not qualify as an extremist belief, it qualifies as comedy, a comical belief (and comes as a comical relief).

But I AM an extremist! I am Iam! I insist you classify me as an extremist, because in your world, evertyone capable of independent political thought is an extremist.

Hey, if you want to call yourself an extremist, go right ahead, nobody is stopping you.

BTW, in 1968, Zundel ran for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada

And what has that got to do with anything? All kinds of people run for leadership of liberal Party. I remember when Chrétien was elected the leader, Liberal Party had two prolife candidates. Nunziata and Tom Wappell. It means nothing.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Another point, SJP, if I cross the boarder form Ottawa into Gatineau (essentially a suburb of Ottawa) and a car hits me, I'm not covered by provincial insurence sinse I'm in another province. I might as well be in another country. You have to think for youself and stop just blindly following the polls like a sheep. There's nothing wrong with being in a minority. Most thinkers and avant-gardists are in the minority, precisely because they think for themselves and choose to go against the grain.

I can't remember who said it so I'm going to paraphrase here...

A reasonable man will adapt himself to suit his surroundings. An unreasonable man will try and get his surroundings to adapt to him. Therefore, all progress since the dawn of mankind has been driven by unreasonable people.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I guess I was close

“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” - George Bernard Shaw


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Colpy, anything that is supported by only a quarter of the population, I would classify as an extreme, fringe belief.

8O Didn't the Liberals only get 26.2 of the popular vote in the last election. It would appear that Liberal supporters have some extreme fringe beliefs...well, if you accepted SJP's definition of extreme fringe beliefs. I'm pretty sure that he is one of only a handful on this site that would accept his definition, certainly not 8,000 of the members that would be required to call his definition mainstream...by his definition.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
8O Didn't the Liberals only get 26.2 of the popular vote in the last election. It would appear that Liberal supporters have some extreme fringe beliefs...well, if you accepted SJP's definition of extreme fringe beliefs. I'm pretty sure that he is one of only a handful on this site that would accept his definition, certainly not 8,000 of the members that would be required to call his definition mainstream...by his definition.


Yep. I completely refuse to consider anything that might in future be proposed by anyone that even remotely considered the Extremist philosophy of the Green Shift.


I've edited out my original post, as I got nasty.

Suffice to say I'm done with SJP until his brain stem becomes fully connected.....and there is no indication that will happen any time soon....

A great defender of non-existent universal health care.....:roll:

I'm getting eye-muscle strain here.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You're running out of people to debate with there sjp......lol

Gerry, if I run out of people to debate, I will voluntarily leave the forum. But I have better things to do with my time than to spend it trading insults, trading filth with the gutter mouths here.

Anyway, I had identified these people as gutter mouths from the very beginning. I knew I could reduce them to gibbering idiots, spouting obscenities and filth at the flick of a switch.

It isn’t that I am running out of people to debate, I am running out of gutter mouths. But hey, if ever a day comes when I have nobody left to debate, I am out of here. I managed very well before the forum, I can do so again.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
There's nothing wrong with being in a minority. Most thinkers and avant-gardists are in the minority, precisely because they think for themselves and choose to go against the grain.

Machjo, there is nothing wrong with being in a minority. However, Levant is not in a minority, he belongs to the fringe. Thus saying that we should bring back the death penalty would be a minority position, at least here in Canada. But to say that common thieves should be given death penalty, or should have their hands cut off (Sharia) is being on the fringe.

For that matter, there is nothing wrong in being on the fringe. When William Wilberforce started his crusade against slavery, his position was probably a fringe position. So sometimes an extremist can convince the world of the correctness of his views. But such instances are rare, and while somebody like Levant has the right to hold his views, I cannot take him seriously.

So there is nothing wrong with being a minority. However, my views are the mainstream views in Ontario and in Quebec (And hence in Canada).

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Gerry, if I run out of people to debate, I will voluntarily leave the forum. But I have better things to do with my time that to spend it trading insults, trading filth with the gutter mouths here.

Anyway, I had identified these people as gutter mouths from the very beginning. I knew I could reduce them to gibbering idiots, spouting obscenities and filth at the flick of a switch.

It isn’t that I am running out of people to debate, I am running out of gutter mouths. But hey, if ever a day comes when I have nobody left to debate, I am out of here. I managed very well before the forum, I can do so again.

Oh ... post the one where you reduced me before you ran away making accusations. If I recall correctly, you wanted me to talk dirty to you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry, if I run out of people to debate, I will voluntarily leave the forum. But I have better things to do with my time than to spend it trading insults, trading filth with the gutter mouths here.

Anyway, I had identified these people as gutter mouths from the very beginning. I knew I could reduce them to gibbering idiots, spouting obscenities and filth at the flick of a switch.

It isn’t that I am running out of people to debate, I am running out of gutter mouths. But hey, if ever a day comes when I have nobody left to debate, I am out of here. I managed very well before the forum, I can do so again.

ROFLMAO..... ya ok.... you keep telling yourself that...... you knew you could reduce em eh......... what a maroon....lol


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Gerry, if I run out of people to debate, I will voluntarily leave the forum. But I have better things to do with my time than to spend it trading insults, trading filth with the gutter mouths here.

Anyway, I had identified these people as gutter mouths from the very beginning. I knew I could reduce them to gibbering idiots, spouting obscenities and filth at the flick of a switch.

It isn’t that I am running out of people to debate, I am running out of gutter mouths. But hey, if ever a day comes when I have nobody left to debate, I am out of here. I managed very well before the forum, I can do so again.

That is the FIRST time I ever lol reading a SJP post!!!!!

OMG, it is incredible!


What a Maroon!


May 24, 2006

But such instances are rare, and while somebody like Levant has the right to hold his views, I cannot take him seriously.

So there is nothing wrong with being a minority. However, my views are the mainstream views in Ontario and in Quebec (And hence in Canada).

Just because you don't agree with someone's views, you don't take them seriously?? Thats a little narrowminded isn't it?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Gerry, if I run out of people to debate, I will voluntarily leave the forum. But I have better things to do with my time than to spend it trading insults, trading filth with the gutter mouths here.

Anyway, I had identified these people as gutter mouths from the very beginning. I knew I could reduce them to gibbering idiots, spouting obscenities and filth at the flick of a switch.

It isn’t that I am running out of people to debate, I am running out of gutter mouths. But hey, if ever a day comes when I have nobody left to debate, I am out of here. I managed very well before the forum, I can do so again.
Ya, ok...

I have a foul mouth, with or without morons thinking they're pushing my buttons. But if the narcissistic hat fits, you go right on wearing it sjputz.

You're a coward, plain and simple. You have your ass handed to you, and you claim some moral high ground as a way to escape having to back up any more of you idiocy.

You're a sad little man sjputz. But if thinking your some much better then us, keeps you from ending it all, I'm glad I could help.

Just because you don't agree with someone's views, you don't take them seriously?? Thats a little narrowminded isn't it?[/quote[He'ld need a mind for it to be narrow.