Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Key words "Liberals LIKE you"... and the Liberals LIKE you have called him the devil MANY times.

Generalizations are meaningless, EagelSmack. I have never called him a Devil. Liberals like me? What does that mean? Liberals who have exactly the same views as me? 80% same views as me? 50%? It is a meaningless generalization.


You may find it entertaining, but evidently you don’t remember it all that well, because I never said it was a good year for Democrats..

Of course I do... so do you. You are trying a spin that just will not work.

Not a spin, but fact. I challenged you to show me where I said that it was a good election for Democrats. And as I expected, you couldn’t.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
And anyone can say they don't LOVE OBAMA and still defend him post after post... after post.

Indeed, EagelSmack. While I don’t think much of Obama, he is infinitely better than McCain, who would have continued the process of turning USA into a Fundamentalist Theocracy (the process that gathered speed during Bush’s eight years).

And when I see baseless, ideologically motivated attacks from the right, when Obama says 2 plus 2 make 4, the right and far right would claim that it actually makes 5, you can hardly be surprised if the other side mounts a vigorous defense of Obama.


In fact... I ruined you in this post.

That is your opinion. I think you did nothing of the kind.

And behavoir... and responding to everyone's post if we are having fun tooling on OUR President... not yours. Although feel the need to defend him at every step in every thread... he's American (or Kenyan) and Our

Really? Well he may be your President, but this happens to be OUR forum (Canadian forum). So if you want to trash your president in a Canadian forum, Canadians have a perfect right to come to his defense (Obama is even more popular in Canada than in USA, as you may be aware). If you don’t want Canadians to say anything contrary to your trashing of Obama, go to far right American websites such as Townhall. There you could badmouth Obama till cows come home, and nobody will disagree with you. On the other hand, they may berate you that you haven’t been sufficiently tough on him.

But if you insist on badmouthing Obama on a Canadian forum (and baseless, partisan badmouthing at that), don’t be surprised if you are challenged by Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Obama 'very proud' of rescue effort

President Obama, appearing at the Department of Transportation today, briefly commented on the successful rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips from the hands of pirates.
The president said he was "very proud" of the efforts of the U.S. military and other departments and agencies during the operation.
Obama also said that his administration is resolved to halt the rise of piracy. (To be accurate, the president actually misspoke and said "to halt the rise of privacy," but his intent was clear.)
To fight the pirates along the Horn of Africa, the president said the United States must work with its partners to prevent future attacks and to "continue to be prepared to confront them when they arise, and to ensure that those that commit acts of piracy are held accountable for their crimes."

What a doofus. Imagine Bush having misspoke like that.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Any chance he could be Knighted soon?

Naah! That would mean he would have to Bow to the Queen....

Thanx for the set-up:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''He {Reagan} hasn't been Prez for twenty frickin years. ''

Hey genius -- your fellow far right loonies contiune to blame Clinton for 9/11 by pretending he refused OBL's extradition when no offer was made. Where was your criticism, then??


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
''He {Reagan} hasn't been Prez for twenty frickin years. ''

Hey genius -- your fellow far right loonies contiune to blame Clinton for 9/11 by pretending he refused OBL's extradition when no offer was made. Where was your criticism, then??

Before you call me or anybody else a "far right loonie" you should check out the "Canada More Democratic Than the US?" thread....


...and read some of the results from the political compass. It may help you in the future to not look so silly with this "far right" nonsense.

As for Clinton being responsible for 9/11, that has nothing to do with your blind hatred for Reagan and Bush. You kinda sound like my kids with the "ya but they did it too" crap. I laugh when they try and pull that. My kids are twelve. What's your excuse?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
All you are telling me is that it's OK to play the blame game so long as a Democrat is the target. But the reality is that it is your Republican heroes who deserve the blame for all the screw ups you see today like it or not.

Your kids may be 12 but I bet they are smarter than you.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
What a doofus. Imagine Bush having misspoke like that.

Walter, imagine? Why imagine? Bush misspoke like that literally hundreds of times. My son (who is a Liberal), had a calendar with Bush quotes, 365 quotes, one for each day. This included his ‘misunderestimate’, ‘nucular’ and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Obama is a model of elocution, a model of perfect diction compared to Bush.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Naah! That would mean he would have to Bow to the Queen....

Thanx for the set-up:lol:

I don’t think so, DaSleeper. Protocol calls for him to kneel before the Queen, for him to be knighted, not bow to the Queen.

And knighthood for Obama is not at all out of the question, after he is done with being the President, four or eight years form now.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
All you are telling me is that it's OK to play the blame game so long as a Democrat is the target.

Why certainly, gopher. Blame game is legitimate only as long as a Democrat (or a Liberal in Canada) is the target. Let me explain to you how this works.

Whatever good happens during a Democratic administration, it is because of the preceding Republican administration. Whatever bad happens during a Republican administration is because of the previous (and sometimes the future) Democratic administration.

Thus, 9/11 was the fault of Clinton. Dot com meltdown was caused by Clinton (and Carter, I don’t think conservatives would go as far back as Johnson in their trashing game). Katrina disaster? Clinton was responsible, of course. Sub prime crises? Clinton again. He forced the banks to lend to blacks, that is what caused the sub prime crises, them uppity blacks getting mortgages which they had no right to.

Credit crunch? Again, fault of Clinton and Obama. Clinton by his policies caused a delayed reaction, so that credit crunch occurred under Bush watch. Obama talked down the economy to get elected. Bush is blameless. See how it works?

It works the same way in Canada. Thus listening to conservatives, Mulroney was the best PM we have had for a long time (well, close, the current Messiah is almost as good). The huge deficit during Mulroney era was caused by Trudeau. The corruption, patronage, sleaze in Mulroney year, Trudeau was responsible for that (Trudeau set the example, poor Mulroney was merely following him). Trudeau also was responsible for the horrible economic mess during Mulroney times.

The economic prosperity during Chrétien years was due to Mulroney. Chrétien was the worst PM we have ever had (well, close, Trudeau, Martin were as bad). Mulroney brought in the GST. That was responsible for magically evaporating all the deficit, during Chrétien years.

Then Chrétien’s mismanagement of economy caused the Messiah to run huge deficits. The reason healthy surpluses turned into astronomical deficits during Messiah’s times was the bad, terrible economic decisions made by Chrétien and Martin (and possibly Trudeau).

See how it works? You are a novice in the art of politics. This is how a sophisticated conservative argues.

Now you may think I am being facetious, but I have seen most of these arguments seriously put forth by conservatives.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Bush wasn't able to string two sentences together until his second term. It was funny for a while but, in the end, far more sad than funny.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''You are a novice in the art of politics''

Not really. If I'm a novice at all it is only regarding Canadian politics.

Nobody on this forum knows USA politics better than I do. But what amazes me is how these far right Canadian delusionals think they know the subject better than me. And if you recall, the forum mods wanted to assign Colpy as mod of the USA forum here as if he knew the subject better than I do!

How the hell is Colpy or anyone else here going to know USA politics better than me?

I mentioned on another thread that the far right RealCities forums were closed down because the far right delusionals gave up on defending the Republican party stupidity. Despite that, Canadian Republican wannabes on this forum are continuing the lies and horsesh/t propaganda that their Yankee counterparts gave up on.

If there as any truth to those Republican lies, McCain would have won in November and the Pukies would have a clear majority in the Congress. But they didn't. Why do you suppose this is so?

Because the majority of Americans are fed up with the lies, stupidities, and warmongering of the Republicans. And that majority is growing every day whether any of the far right delusionals here like it or not.
Last edited:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Before you call me or anybody else a "far right loonie" you should check out the "Canada More Democratic Than the US?" thread....


...and read some of the results from the political compass. It may help you in the future to not look so silly with this "far right" nonsense.

As for Clinton being responsible for 9/11, that has nothing to do with your blind hatred for Reagan and Bush. You kinda sound like my kids with the "ya but they did it too" crap. I laugh when they try and pull that. My kids are twelve. What's your excuse?

That Political Compass was fun....and a bit of an eye opener...8O
not everyone did it, but those that did and posted their results
all seemed to be as surprised as I was with my own results...:lol::lol::lol:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
All you are telling me is that it's OK to play the blame game so long as a Democrat is the target.

Not at all. I'm saying Reagan was twenty years ago. Get over it.

But the reality is that it is your Republican heroes who deserve the blame for all the screw ups you see today like it or not.

Not my Republican heroes. Repeating this nonsense over and over again doesn't make it true and not everybody that disagrees with you loves Republicans. I understand your need to see things in black and white though. Some people just can't handle complex thought processes.

Your kids may be 12 but I bet they are smarter than you.
That may very well be. What I do know is that they are far more mature than you.