Give the guy a break
DaSleeper, if you are saying that to the right wing, you are whistling in the wind. Right and far right have a visceral hatred of Obama. They decided long time ago that he is a Muslim terrorist, a Fascist, a Communist, a Socialist, an illegal alien and so on. He has been compared to Stalin, to Hitler, to practically every dictator imaginable. To my knowledge, no far right columnist has compared him to Mao, but give them time.
So, according to far right everything that happens is Obama’s fault. They started blaming Obama for the economic downturn, even before he took office, right after he was elected (well, perhaps even before that, right wingers were saying that as a candidate, Obama talked the economy down to get elected).
Right and far right has blamed everything on Obama. They haven’t yet blamed the Katrina disaster, assassination attempt on Reagan and dot com meltdown on Obama but again, give them time.
So if your message was directed to right and far right, it is wasted, Obama gets no break as far as they are concerned (their attitude was loudly and proudly proclaimed by the drug addict, Rush Limbaugh, ‘I hope he fails’).
The rest of the population on the other hand, is quite reasonable. They are quite willing to give Obama a chance to show what he can do. He has approval rating around 60%, so most people are either satisfied with the way he is running things or at the very least are withholding judgment.
The right and far right on the other hand, will be satisfied with nothing less that arresting Obama and putting him in prison (or at the very least, deporting him to Kenya or to Indonesia).