Seeing how right-wing I'd turned out in the test, I'd like to know how you'd classify the folliwng (right/left, libertarian/authoritarian):
Free movement of labour. RIGHT/LIBERTARIAN
Interesting. Why right? I would have thought of it as counter-nationalist. After all, the left does not recommend restrictions on movement of labour between provinces, so why would it be neither left nor right within Canada but right between countries? Libertarian I can agree with.
Shared military force along with reduced military spending. LIBERTARIAN/RIGHT
Again, reduced military spending could be seen as libertarian, but I would have thought demilitarization to be more of a left-leaning thing. The NDP tends to oppose it while Libs and Cons support it more.
Strict respect for international law. AUTHORITARIAN
That I can agree with. That's my authoritarian side.
Shared common currency. RIGHT
Shared common currency would eliminate the mibddle men who get rich doing nothing but buy and sell money. You'd think the NDP would be jumping with joy at something like this. Again, I don't see why it would be a right-leaning thing necessarily.
Common citizenship. - RIGHT
Even the left supports common citizenship within Canada. And seeing that we usually attribute nationalism to the right, I would have thought that common citizenship, which would essentially give freedom of movement to all on earth, would appeal to the left which supports easier immigration, no?
Easier access to immigration. - LIBERTARIAN
Isn't easier access to immigration just a milder form of common world citizenship? So if this one is libertarian, why is the other right?
recognition of the equality of all languages before the law, with the use of an international auxiliary language for international communication. - LIBERTARIAN
That's a tough one. Equality of all languages? Libertarian. A common auxiliary language? Authoritarian? So I suppose they'd just couerbalance one another like ying and yang?