Risus and Tyr,
aren't you glad that your mothers - unlike you - were decent and loving people and not some pro-abortion, selfish and irresponsible no-good louts?
Aren't you glad that YOUR fathers did not pull out prior your totally misbegotten conception?
YukonJack, had my mother been pro-abortion, which she was, and had be aborted I would not be here typing. As an embryo I would have had some pain, I would imagine, for a few minutes and my life would have terminated.
If my father would have pull out prior it would not have been an abortion.. I would not have felt anything and who cares as It may have happened mady times before I was conceived.
Now that said, I personally do believe there are few exceptions where abortion is acceptable. It beats having kids on the street, drugged up, freezing to death, stealing, beaten and sexually abused to make money to survive.
That said I have always took it upon myself to be responsible and "planned" my kids birth. I also took in a child to ensure she did not end up n the streets as one I listed above. Not every one can afford or have the patience, time or skill to do so.
The fact is the Church wants people to have more and more kids ( don't believe in protection, only procreation ) and no abortion yet government has no assistance for those who have issues, kid problems or death of parents. Your on your own baby after that kid is born with no mention of medical problems and job losses and school issues your kids face. It's funny when your rich how everyone runs to your aide to bend over backwards and kiss you a$$ to help you but if your mid class or poor your one your own if you have a problem child.. I know as I have been doing it for 16 years now..