OK....Canada's had its election, and it's political turmoil with the coalition, and the
excitement with the GG, and now the PM's pirogued Parliament until sometime in
January....and still we don't know what the H*LL's going on...or what will happen.
I have a question that no Politician has brought up. I think it's a good one and maybe
one of the many-many bright folks here on Canadian Content Forums can answer for
me. I think this coalition thing will come to pass no matter what Harper proposes in a
budget in January. Then (if that comes to pass) the coalition will do their economic
stimuli (= bailout) package of $23 Billion
or $30 Billion
or whatever number
Mr. Dion happens to come up with for the manufacturing & auto & forestry sectors.
OK....whatever...it'll be inevitable. $$$ will flow to keep these sectors going and in
theory that's a great thing as long as we have customers to sell these products to.
Something like 80% of our paper & lumber products (and 90% of the Automobiles)
from Canada are produced for export to the USA who're (<--8O8O:lol::lol

in a recession,
so they are not building houses or buying cars. North American Automotive sales are
down 50% from two years ago, and 90% of the vehicles made in Canada are shipped
out to the USA...
....So....how many auto workers and forestry workers jobs can realistically be saved?
Half? About half? All of them?:?:
If we keep All of them working with bail-out stimulus packages in the Billions, for
products that nobody is buying, where are we going to put all of these cars and paper
and lumber until the fire-sale where they'll be scrapped to make pipe & firewood?:?:
Manufacturing is a very broad (& important) term. If it's manufacturing a marketable item,
bail them out! If it's a product with no buyers, change the product from GMC Trucks to
GMC Solar Panels or something and then bail them out. Does this make sense???8O:?:
If "Massey Ferguson" went to the Federal Government with hat in hand wanting Billions to
keep thousands employed to make Threshing Machines (when the farmers are all using
Combines now), would you bail them out (?)
or tell them to start making Combines or
Toilet Bowls or something that people want and need if they want a bail-out?8O:?: