A perpetual motion machine is a very fundamental violation of the rules I understand about how the world works, so if you can build one, I will concede that your understanding of reality is superior to mine.
You don't have to go that far. If you are mechanically inclined a simple description should be enough that you can fill in the banks. I don't believe what is common knowledge is patentable.
First the theory, if I hold tow equal weights away from my body and one is further away it will 'appear' be be a greater weight'. If the other weight is held close to the body it will 'appear' to be lighter.
A schoolyard playground, a teetertotter, two equal weights, two unequal distances from the fulcrum, you have mass and movement. Now dig a hole so the 'balance beam' can go full circle, if the 'weights' could walk back and forth sot that 'on the right' was always close to the center and 180degrees later he was far from the center. Would the wheel continue to turn.
Distance and weight should have a maximum potential. (ie, 10 lbs is best suited by a distance of D1, 100lbs is best suited by D10)
A force of 4 in one direction is greater than 4 forces and 4 directions, so the heavier these things become the more important it is to have them running with forces equally opposed, thgis is part of the braking system.
Now that you have something spinning you need an axel that does not turn attached to a gear that does not turn. You then need two disks that are attached to this same axle but these do torn and they are paralle to each other. They have 4 axels at each 90deg point, there is a bearing on each axel and an arm attached to each bearing along with a gear the same as on the stationary axel. those two gears mesh (in a practical unit belts are used as they create less friction over-all) so that as the main disk trrms the outer gear goes in the opposite direction, same ratio turn after turn after turn.
At the end of these arms are weights, very heavy weight that are limited only by what the framework will sfely hold. Viewed from the side the weight would be far away from the center when on the right, (because of gearing the arm will always be in that direvtion relatibe to the bearing (it will always point to the right) and when on the left it will be closer to the center so it will noot have as much force on the disk as it dis 180deg ago, the disk will turn anti-clockwise.
That should get you started. LOL