What's Michael Moore been up to?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Honestly, if all you can do is childishly make fun of his weight instead of something intelligent to what he said, why not just give your fingers a rest and not post at all? At least you would save yourselves from looking like schoolyard girlie-groups who have to cluck, cluck over someone's look.

Hey, he's a public figure, and when you take on that role you accept whatever comes with it, even Jack Benny and Bob Hope took ribbing and every president since Big George, including Old George and young George. I suppose Moore gets more than his fair share but that happens when you act like a goof!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I think it has far less to do with the size of his waistline and far more to do with his political leanings that earn him all the vitriol.

Much of it has to do with the irony of the stunt (read: hunger strike to also highlight the struggle for necessities like food) and the fact that neither individual appears to have had any issues with hunger.

It's an opinion piece, is anyone really shocked that he offered his opinion in it?

Opinion is one thing, but promoting violence within that opinion is quite another thing


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
So what? Dozens of folks, if not more, make a sh!t ton of cash off their opinions. And they all give us water cooler gossipers something to yammer about.

Hokay, so let's you and me start the SLM-NUGG blog and get rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Make docs decrying everything. Get &^&^(&(& rich. hahahahahahahah:shaking2:

What with our cool, common sense approach to world affairs, we're bound to succeed...........................mebee:canada:


Jan 6, 2007
Much of it has to do with the irony of the stunt (read: hunger strike to also highlight the struggle for necessities like food) and the fact that neither individual appears to have had any issues with hunger.

Opinion is one thing, but promoting violence within that opinion is quite another thing

lol... if you take a quote out of context he's promoting violence. If you actually read it... no.

Hmmm... so because Mr. Moore believes that those troops were sent to war to commit illegitimate acts of violence, they should therefore now commit more such acts?

Do I have that right, or did I miss something here?

The part where he says he's being figurative.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
lol... if you take a quote out of context he's promoting violence. If you actually read it... no.

Yeah... I saw that non-promotion of violence in the statement:

"And please, next time some "supporter of the troops" says to you with that concerned look on their face, "I thank you for your service," you have my permission to punch their lights out (figuratively speaking, of course)."

So, I'm guessing that this is the 'quote out of context' to which you refer?.. The one that has the disclaimer at the end that his lawyer probably demanded that he include?

So, please tell me o wise one... How does one provide permission to punch their lights out in an 'out of context' sense?

Does Moore believe that those with his expressed permission, the antagonist will mime their actions and thoughts?

Perhaps they'll simply state it verbally and quickly add-in that this is not to be construed as a threat of physical violence but as anecdotal commentary on their 'lack of support'.


Jan 6, 2007
Yeah... I saw that non-promotion of violence in the statement:

"And please, next time some "supporter of the troops" says to you with that concerned look on their face, "I thank you for your service," you have my permission to punch their lights out (figuratively speaking, of course)."

So, I'm guessing that this is the 'quote out of context' to which you refer?.. The one that has the disclaimer at the end that his lawyer probably demanded that he include?

So, please tell me o wise one... How does one provide permission to punch their lights out in an 'out of context' sense?

Does Moore believe that those with his expressed permission, the antagonist will mime their actions and thoughts?

Perhaps they'll simply state it verbally and quickly add-in that this is not to be construed as a threat of physical violence but as anecdotal commentary on their 'lack of support'.

You've never heard anyone in your life use physical references for verbal 'bouts'? Come on now.


Jan 6, 2007
lol. Good to know he carries such immense stroke. lol.

Seriously, it sounds like it was thrown in to bait people into using it like Loc did, as a catchy headline to spread the article with. He clearly states he means it in a figurative sense. But, you're going to manufacture outrage over it, and carry his message further than if he'd simply stated his opinion on what it means to support the troops.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
lol. Good to know he carries such immense stroke. lol.

To the true believers he does, certainly to the tune that they've contributed to his net worth being in the 8 figures

He clearly states he means it in a figurative sense. But, you're going to manufacture outrage over it, and carry his message further than if he'd simply stated his opinion on what it means to support the troops.

Nothing but a disclaimer... Would that work if Moore hollered 'FIRE - (figuratively speaking)' in a crowded theater?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Too often people who claim they "support the troops" are like school children who form a ring around two combattants. They cheer their favourites, enjoy the violence, and push the boys back in the ring if the fight seems to be ending. Moore is not like that.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Sure I have... But Moore still spit out those very specific words, and no amount of disclaimers can change the actions that he provided his permission for, figuratively or not?

Whoa slow down there Stretch Armstrong!

Lol. Sorry, like him, dislike, agree with him, disagree with him, whatever but you're literally choosing to take a figurative expression (and one that was expressly stated as being figurative) literally.

He does a lot of over the top antics, but this ain't one of them. It's a big stretch.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island

Too much packaging; too little substance. I ain't buying!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Whoa slow down there Stretch Armstrong!

Lol. Sorry, like him, dislike, agree with him, disagree with him, whatever but you're literally choosing to take a figurative expression (and one that was expressly stated as being figurative) literally.

He does a lot of over the top antics, but this ain't one of them. It's a big stretch.

Lemme ask you.... If the expression was figurative, and it completely understood, then why add-in the disclaimer at the end?

Wouldn't that be redundant?

Tell ya what, maybe you can answer the question that I posed earlier.... Would it be OK to yell "FIRE - figuratively speaking" in a crowded theater?

Too much packaging; too little substance. I ain't buying!

Hey, the troll is back!

How's tricks?