US Troops Shoot Six Libyan Civilians During ‘Rescue’ Mission


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
To start with the rebels at this point are not from a terrorist group at all.
If they were they would be far more organized and better trained. We
have a hell of a lot of people who are fed up with the status quo and are
no longer going to be dictated to.
Now it could be that some of the old characters will arrive on the scene
in the future but at present routing the administration is fair game and
should be assisted by western powers and anyone else who wants to
lend a hand. I as I said am not in favor with what happened in Iraq as it
was a secular not a Muslim Government. Saddam was not a nice man
but was a whole lot better than the rest of them. He was ousted not for
being a dictator but because he angered W,
In Afghanistan it is fair game to say America is the architect of its own
misery as the originally armed the terrorists in order to push the Russians
out and now are in the same mess Mother Russia was in. None the less
it is still preferable to drive Bin Laden and Company out of there.
In Libya it is time to usher in a new regime, I only wish they would recognize
the provisional government that being the rebels as the legitimate government
of that country and I think it will come within the next couple of weeks.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
In Afghanistan it is fair game to say America is the architect of its own
misery as the originally armed the terrorists in order to push the Russians
out and now are in the same mess Mother Russia was in. .

Not so true. The Taliban was not even around during the Soviet-Afghan War. The Taliban emerged from the madras' in Pakistan in the 90's after the Soviets had left. Many Taliban soldiers were too young to have even fought against the Soviets.

The Northern Alliance who were mortal enemies of the Taliban were made up of tribes that fought the Soviets and assisted us in driving the Taliban out of power. There were more direct connections between Northern Alliance Leaders and the US than the younger Taliban leaders.

However it does sound much more cooler to say the US helped the Taliban eject the Soviets then they turned on the US.

Alas it is false. Completely false. (As is the OP's article)

Because it is a big sun disk for the sun worshippers. If you aren't a sun worshipper you don't get one.

Petros is right. He's basically saying that it is a club thing. If you aren't a member of their club you aren't getting a Nobel Peace Prize no matter what you do. And if you are a member of their club you have a good shot at getting it even if there are more deserving people in front of you.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When the Russians attacked Afghanistan the gunship helo pilots shot anybody and everybody because ObL and his crew were sold stingers by Brzezinski. They slaughtered millions to try and get ObL's gang.

The Russians had dumped HUGE money into Afghanistan prior to invasion. Afghanistan was ultra modern until CIA ad MI6 skewed the referendum on whether to join the Soviet Union or not.

At that point Russia said screw it we are just going to annex which lead to the Saudis funding ObL through CIA and MI6.

When the war was drawing to a close and Russia was pulling out they leveled everything they had built in Kabul and Kandahar.

When you look at the long term effects of funding and arming ObL A-Stan would have been far better off as part of the Soviet Union and would still have it's modern infrastructure and industries.

The same will probably happen in Libya. Qaddafi was one of the few dictators who spent money on modernization, health and education.

This is why the Saudi al Qaeda are so happy to see a moderate dictator replaced with a traditional leader whether he is a dictator or elected just so long as he goes with the hardcores.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Bin Laden was not provided stingers. If you read every account on OBL's involvement he was a big financier and had his own set of mercenaries that were fighting alongside of the Afghans. The Aghan Rebels kept Bin Laden clear of the CIA beacuse the first and only time that OBL came in contact he basically screamed at the CIA Ops and said America is just as bad as the Soviet Union and was outright hostile to them.

From that point on the Rebels made sure OBL was out of the picture because they didn't want him screwing up the US Arms shipments. Anyone who thinks that Bin Laden was running the Afghan resistance is misinformed. He was the little rich Saudi playing soldier.

This is from Wiki but it does sum up his role somewhat...

By 1984, with Azzam, bin Laden established Maktab al-Khadamat, which funneled money, arms and Muslim fighters from around the Arabic world into the Afghan war. Through al-Khadamat, bin Laden's inherited family fortune[49] paid for air tickets and accommodation, dealt with paperwork with Pakistani authorities and provided other such services for the jihad fighters. Osama established a camp in Afghanistan, and with other volunteers fought the Soviets.
Following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, bin Laden moved to Peshawar in 1994.[citation needed] It was during his time in Peshawar that he began wearing camouflage-print jackets and carrying a captured Soviet assault rifle, which urban legends claimed he had obtained by killing a Russian soldier with his bare hands.[50]


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Frome the Wiki quote "Osama established a camp in Afghanistan, and with other volunteers fought the Soviets."

He obviously got a hold of them some how.

Regardless, A-Stan still would have been far better off as part of the Soviet Union since it wasn't that much longer that the strikers formed their unions and brought down the Communist system.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
C'mon.... Really? Is that all Binny did was go "Nanny-boop" to a CIA guy and he became a bogeyman? Colonel Flag is sounding more real all the time....

I am sure he said a little more than Nanny-boop my friend. But from a logical point, if you were setting up a deal and you had me in the room saying...

"You guys are F*ing A-- holes. Why are you dealing with this scum Lone Wolf? These guys are just as bad. Why don't you two punks screw!"

... you may not have me around the next time you have a meeting.

At the time he was irrelevant at any rate and it was only years later when he became the REAL boogeyman.

Frome the Wiki quote "Osama established a camp in Afghanistan, and with other volunteers fought the Soviets."

He obviously got a hold of them some how.

Regardless, A-Stan still would have been far better off as part of the Soviet Union since it wasn't that much longer that the strikers formed their unions and brought down the Communist system.

Right, that was part 2 in 1988 and it does not say much more than that. Meaning it does not say he led the Afghans to victory. As I said... he had his own crew. He was like a Mob Capo.

Perhaps you are right in hindsight. But at the time the Soviets were our adversaries and it was payback for supplying the N. Vietnamese with SAMs. It was all fun and games watching us Yanks get shot down with their missles. However when Soviet choppers and jets started going down all over Afghanistan to our STINGERS it wasn't so fun anymore.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
To start with the rebels at this point are not from a terrorist group at all.
If they were they would be far more organized and better trained. We
have a hell of a lot of people who are fed up with the status quo and are
no longer going to be dictated to.
Now it could be that some of the old characters will arrive on the scene
in the future but at present routing the administration is fair game and
should be assisted by western powers and anyone else who wants to
lend a hand. I as I said am not in favor with what happened in Iraq as it
was a secular not a Muslim Government. Saddam was not a nice man
but was a whole lot better than the rest of them. He was ousted not for
being a dictator but because he angered W,
In Afghanistan it is fair game to say America is the architect of its own
misery as the originally armed the terrorists in order to push the Russians
out and now are in the same mess Mother Russia was in. None the less
it is still preferable to drive Bin Laden and Company out of there.
In Libya it is time to usher in a new regime, I only wish they would recognize
the provisional government that being the rebels as the legitimate government
of that country and I think it will come within the next couple of weeks.

Well Grumpy, I am damn tired of the status quo here in Canada.

You know, all our pols giving our money to rich corps who then give a bunch back to the pols and then they all run it through Wall St where some fricking miracle of modern electronics makes a million bucks into a billion bucks from thin air without ever producing anything or performing a service to anyone then they all move all that dough to offshore tax havens so we never see any of it back. Then they do it all over again and again and again.

So I think we should ask for a UN resolution and get the US and France over here to bomb the **** out of Ottawa so we can have a real democracy not the fake one we got now.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
"marines", CIA....point is CH 4 had it right. US personal were hiding amongst the sheep in a Libyan field. lol

Actually they had all wrong. That is why this Ch. 4 in Britain was the only channel that carried this hilarious story. Sheep, civillians shot by Marines.... all one great big...

