Unveiling the truth


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
There are people in all classes you are right then are people who
just know bull sh*t when they here it I am still getting over the story
about the genie's you know a serious version of nosnsense

No, damngrumpy, it is not nonsense.
But the geneis are invisible beings, because their bodies are created of gases, not of solid minerals and organic substances like our bodies.
I saw them once in fact, which I told you before, but you may not remember.

Once I went to a town to work in its hospital, and one day I was alone and sleeping in my bed, so I opened my eyes and saw a man standing in my room beside the foot of my bed and turning his face towards the wall not towards me: he was dark brown to red color, and one with a thick body and stern expression; so I thought it might be a dream, so I closed my eyes, then opened them a little bit, and I saw him still standing in his place; so I conceived some fear, and I asked God's protection then slept without talking any word, and he did not speak any word, and I saw him no more.

Then many years later, I met one of my colleagues who worked in the same hospital few years later. And when I told him about that he shouted: I also saw the same genie, and he described him to me exactly.
He said: there was a girl: one of the relatives of his wife, she came to visit them, then the next night she fled away and returned back to her city, after she saw some similar views.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Satan is the enemy of sons of Adam; how can he promote peace and tolerance; but in fact he stirs enmity and the contradiction of God's religion like what he did when he drove Adam out of the garden which was on one of the earth mountains: that's by suggesting to him, through whispering to approach the blackberry tree so as to disobey God and that led to his expelling from his good life in his garden.

So it was a blackberry tree? I thought it was a tree of Knowledge? Huh.

Considering though the entire story of Adam is figurative and was never, ever, meant to be read is a true story about one single true man it kind'a messes your book up right from the get go.

He led also that Cain killed his brother Abel. And so on every evil comes from Satan, and he has controlled man in the West and the East to deny God and contradict His religion.

That's if you believe in A) the Cain/Abel story and B) Satan itself.

Here's a curve ball for you: I believe in God, I don't believe in the Bible or Quran or Torah though because they are man made.

On the other hand, the Quran differs from the other heavenly books: in that it is the most recent book of God, and while the other books have been distorted in their basic principles, the Quran keeps to its primary target which is to worship God alone without any equal, which is the First Commandment and the most important of all the Commandments.

It also alleviates the difficulties of the past religions in many of its statements.

This is almost sad SS. Your book does nothing of the sort, else your religion wouldn't have the divisions it has. Which version of the Quran is right? Which side is right, Sunni or Shi'ite? Or is it the Wahhabi, the Kharijites, the Sufi? In the end, your religion is just as fallible as any other because it is all based on the power of men and nothing to do with God what so ever.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dawkins and many other atheists like Hawkins (so Dawkins and Hawkins) wrote many books inviting people to atheism; I saw some of such books: he displays many religions and criticize them, and he mixes the true with false; as we say: he mixes oil with gasoline :smile:

Hawkins is the bigger devil by far.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
hhhmmm I just remembered something selfie said a while back, the heavens were made from smoke. well, to have smoke there must have been a combustible, so that must have been the sun. So the sun is actually the source of the heavens, not Allah.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
So it was a blackberry tree? I thought it was a tree of Knowledge? Huh.

There is no tree as the tree of Knowledge; this is what Ezra said in his Torah, not the original Torah of God. The blackberry tree has spikes which tear the clothes; the forbidding was the approaching of the tree rather than the eating of its fruit, but then when they approached it, it tore their clothes and each one of them saw the shame of his mate.
The Disagreement of the
The Disagreement of the

Considering though the entire story of Adam is figurative and was never, ever, meant to be read is a true story about one single true man it kind'a messes your book up right from the get go.

The theory of the evolution is wrong; Adam was created in a grave on a mountain in the north of Iraq, then when he disobeyed God, he was punished: the water started to spring in the valley below not in the garden itself, so its trees dried up and they were obliged to depart from it and go to the plain land.

That's if you believe in A) the Cain/Abel story and B) Satan itself.
If you believe in God and believe in the heavenly books, you will believe this story and believe in Satan itself, while if not, then you will not believe in all that.

Here's a curve ball for you: I believe in God, I don't believe in the Bible or Quran or Torah though because they are man made.

They are not man-made, but man distorted the previous books: the Torah and the Gospel for many factors, while the Quran is known by heart and is preserved with its principle axis: the invitation to worship God alone without associate or equal or son or daughters.

TWhich version of the Quran is right? Which side is right, Sunni or Shi'ite? Or is it the Wahhabi, the Kharijites, the Sufi?

There is one version of the Quran for all Muslims with their different sects.
The correct way among all these is without enthusiasm about imams or sheikhs and to follow the way of the Prophet and his companions and to hold fast with the Quran.

In the end, your religion is just as fallible as any other because it is all based on the power of men and nothing to do with God what so ever.

This assertion is not correct; the Islam is the recent religion and the Quran is the recent book that came to correct the distortions that influenced the previous books and to alleviate their heavy statements into easiest and moderate statements.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
There is no tree as the tree of Knowledge; this is what Ezra said in his Torah, not the original Torah of God. The blackberry tree has spikes which tear the clothes; the forbidding was the approaching of the tree rather than the eating of its fruit, but then when they approached it, it tore their clothes and each one of them saw the shame of his mate.
The Disagreement of the
The Disagreement of the

The theory of the evolution is wrong; Adam was created in a grave on a mountain in the north of Iraq, then when he disobeyed God, he was punished: the water started to spring in the valley below not in the garden itself, so its trees dried up and they were obliged to depart from it and go to the plain land.

If you believe in God and believe in the heavenly books, you will believe this story and believe in Satan itself, while if not, then you will not believe in all that.

They are not man-made, but man distorted the previous books: the Torah and the Gospel for many factors, while the Quran is known by heart and is preserved with its principle axis: the invitation to worship God alone without associate or equal or son or daughters.

There is one version of the Quran for all Muslims with their different sects.
The correct way among all these is without enthusiasm about imams or sheikhs and to follow the way of the Prophet and his companions and to hold fast with the Quran.

This assertion is not correct; the Islam is the recent religion and the Quran is the recent book that came to correct the distortions that influenced the previous books and to alleviate their heavy statements into easiest and moderate statements.
You are mistaken.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Tell me clearly: what are you: atheist, or Satan worshipper, or what so that I can explain about your evil, and your barbarism. Then people will see who is the barbarian and fairy tales teller.

I'm wiccan...................bet you got lots to say about us witches, doncha. Not that it bothers me one whit what you think or say or write. You have the right to your beliefs twisted though they may be. I have the right to mine.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Hawkins was a drunkard and he perished; now Dawkins is left and he also is a drunken: his cheeks are red from the much wine

So by now, we have reached to the end of tonight; you will keep circling in the same way.
Well, as you cannot understand the definitions of English words, I will reiterate, you are mistaken.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Mao Tse Tong and Stalen were the two leading criminal of the world in modern time, and they were the leaders of atheism.
And atheists are liars. Their books like that of their chief Dawkins are full of lies and they insist on lies.

And you know this because you read a story written a long time ago by a bunch of power hungry evil old men right.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Hawkins was a drunkard and he perished; now Dawkins is left and he also is a drunken: his cheeks are red from the much wine
So by now, we have reached to the end of tonight; you will keep circling in the same way.

And you love every minute of it. I don't have to ask about the why of you winding these pedestrians up so tight they squeek and scream.
I'm convinced there's more devil in you than saint.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There is no tree as the tree of Knowledge; this is what Ezra said in his Torah, not the original Torah of God. The blackberry tree has spikes which tear the clothes; the forbidding was the approaching of the tree rather than the eating of its fruit, but then when they approached it, it tore their clothes and each one of them saw the shame of his mate.
The Disagreement of the
The Disagreement of the

The theory of the evolution is wrong; Adam was created in a grave on a mountain in the north of Iraq, then when he disobeyed God, he was punished: the water started to spring in the valley below not in the garden itself, so its trees dried up and they were obliged to depart from it and go to the plain land.

If you believe in God and believe in the heavenly books, you will believe this story and believe in Satan itself, while if not, then you will not believe in all that.

They are not man-made, but man distorted the previous books: the Torah and the Gospel for many factors, while the Quran is known by heart and is preserved with its principle axis: the invitation to worship God alone without associate or equal or son or daughters.

There is one version of the Quran for all Muslims with their different sects.
The correct way among all these is without enthusiasm about imams or sheikhs and to follow the way of the Prophet and his companions and to hold fast with the Quran.

This assertion is not correct; the Islam is the recent religion and the Quran is the recent book that came to correct the distortions that influenced the previous books and to alleviate their heavy statements into easiest and moderate statements.

Obviously far too many bad drugs in your youth.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
And you know this because you read a story written a long time ago by a bunch of power hungry evil old men right.
I'm picturing in my mind a bunch of Bedouin Nomads sitting by a fire much like the ones that butchered the two men seeking help in the movie "Flight of the Phoenix". That really is my image of that culture and even though the movie industry does embellish things to enhance the story you can't help but think of that part of the world with this image in mind, especially in light of recent events such as the beheading of innocent people and the cruel activity toward their own people, especially women. If this is the fruit of their religion, then anything they have to say is not only meaningless, but absurd as well.