Trans Mountain ‘pipeline is going to get built’: Trudeau dismisses B.C.’s bitumen ban


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Old, unproductive oil and gas wells could cost up to $70B to clean up, says new report

A new report suggests cleaning up all of the old and unproductive oil and gas wells in Alberta will cost between $40 billion and $70 billion.
The Alberta Liabilities Disclosure Project (ALDP) — a consortium that includes landowners and scientists — came up with the figure using data obtained from the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).
The figure is much higher than an AER estimate, which pegs the anticipated cleanup cost of all oil and gas infrastructure at $58.65 billion. The AER's number includes pipelines and other facilities, while the ALDP only looked at oil and gas wells.
The ALDP released the report in Calgary on Monday morning.
"I've spent the last three years trying to come up with a viable solution to this conundrum," said Regan Boychuk, a researcher with the ALDP. "The first step is understanding the problem better and calling for transparency (from the AER)."



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Old, unproductive oil and gas wells could cost up to $70B to clean up, says new report

A new report suggests cleaning up all of the old and unproductive oil and gas wells in Alberta will cost between $40 billion and $70 billion.
The Alberta Liabilities Disclosure Project (ALDP) — a consortium that includes landowners and scientists — came up with the figure using data obtained from the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).
The figure is much higher than an AER estimate, which pegs the anticipated cleanup cost of all oil and gas infrastructure at $58.65 billion. The AER's number includes pipelines and other facilities, while the ALDP only looked at oil and gas wells.
The ALDP released the report in Calgary on Monday morning.
"I've spent the last three years trying to come up with a viable solution to this conundrum," said Regan Boychuk, a researcher with the ALDP. "The first step is understanding the problem better and calling for transparency (from the AER)."


Train welfare recipients to do it and tell them their cheque depends on it! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
China has stopped buying crude oil from Western Canada after record purchase in 2019

Chinese demand for Canadian crude oil shipped through the Port of Vancouver has dried up in 2019.
David Huntley, a professor emeritus in physics at Simon Fraser University who monitors tanker traffic at Burnaby’s Westridge terminal, said that so far this year there had been only three tankers that loaded crude oil from the terminal and none went to China.
This followed a record year for China, where it bought 6.56 million barrels of crude (12 tanker loads), or almost one-third of all the crude shipped out of B.C. in 2018. According to Port of Vancouver records, China imported crude from B.C. every year between 2008 and 2018, except 2016 and 2017.
Huntley, via email, told Postmedia News “my interpretation is that a significant amount of oil was sent to China near the end of 2018 when the price was very low, and it stopped the moment the Alberta Premier curtailed production and the price returned to normal.”


That is just another indicator of how PISSED the Chinese Dictators get whenever they dont get their own way in all things!!!!!!!!!!!!!

China is increasingly angry that Huawei SPIES will not be getting the free ride in the west that their Commie overlords hoped for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they punish us Cdns by refusing to buy Cdn cannola because it is alleged to be infested with "pests"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they buy less oil because we cCdns are now defined as "pests" by Chinese dictators for allowing Huawei CEO Meng to be arrested for violating United Nations sanctions against the Radical Muslim leaders of Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most western countries have already rejected the Huawei 5g technology because of the "extra code" it contains that would allow Chinese spies the ability to interfere with all manner of local infrastructure - such as hospital records and internet access and software for power stations etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

China had hoped to use Canada as a back door easy entry into United States -thanks to Our idiot Boy Justin and his love of Commie dictators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it now looks like the idiot Boy will probably lose the next election and Scheer will take over and Scheer will aid and support our allies by joining them in shunning that poisoned Huawei technology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So China is PISSED that Cdns have chosen NOT to be suckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
We still ship China lots of that clean green coal , to fuel their power plants . There are at least three freighters loading coal at Roberts Bank as we speak .
one the one hand you say we ship coal to China to'fuel their power plants" - and on the other hand you say you never mentioned thermal coal.

coal that is used to make electricity is called thermal coal.

we don't even export that sort of coal outside of American thermal coal that now goes through Canada because no American port wants to touch the shit.

none of it goes to China.

so in future when you feel compelled to say something about something maybe just stfu


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
one the one hand you say we ship coal to China to'fuel their power plants" - and on the other hand you say you never mentioned thermal coal.

coal that is used to make electricity is called thermal coal.

we don't even export that sort of coal outside of American thermal coal that now goes through Canada because no American port wants to touch the shit.

none of it goes to China.

so in future when you feel compelled to say something about something maybe just stfu

POOR stupid HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arguing himself in circles as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoid supports the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Chinese are interested in switching away from coal over to natural gas for power generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chinese are not happy with coal pollution either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But of course SOMEBODY would have to sell them that natural gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canada has gas it wants to sell and China wants to buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just to bad that STUPID LIE-berals would rather see China keep on using coal rather than sully Cdn hands by selling fossil fuel to anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just the usual LIE-beral pig headed approach that would put Cdns to work and generate revenue and allow China access to cleaner burning fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it doesnt fit with LIE-beral plans for us so SCREW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how LIE-beral policy is drowning in its own selfish hypocrisy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

“Yes, anti-pipeline Vancouver really is North America’s largest exporter of coal

National Post. Tristin Hopper.

Coal is moved at Neptune terminals, North Vancouver, April 28 2017.© Gerry Kahrmann / Postmedia File.

Lately, it’s one of the few things that oil boosters and environmental activists can agree upon: Calling Vancouver a hypocrite for opposing carbon emissions while also being the continent’s largest coal port.

And both camps are correct. According to the data, Canada’s mecca of anti-pipeline sentiment does indeed rank as the largest single exporter of coal in North America.

Vancouver’s various coal facilities exported 36.8 million tonnes of coal in 2017, according to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

(Oh dear- there is the dirty coal stained heart of LIE-beral hypocrisy! It was LIE-berals who told us no price was too high to pay to get rid of coal fired electric generators! And it was LIE-berals who sold us on using “clean burning natural gas” appliances for our homes and who then decided they needed more gravy and considered forcing us to give up natural gas in favour of electricity produced in the LIE-beral mouldy green electricity slush fund- until public backlash at that greed halted them- FOR NOW! And it was LIE-berals who bought into a Yankee power company that owns a number of coal plants- with NO plan to shut them down any time soon- with the added bonus the company is in the middle of a massive pollution lawsuit that our idiot LIE-berals will have to help pay to clean up- using OUR MONEY!)

(The most foolish aspect of LIE-beral policy is that China wants to phase out coal generation and would like to switch to cleaner natural gas- if only they could get a reliable supply– and LIE-berals are REFUSING to use pipe lines to export Cdn gas to China!)

This places the B.C. city well above Norfolk, Virginia, the busiest coal port in the United States. Despite a massive spike in U.S. coal exports for 2017, only 31.5 million tonnes of coal moved out of Norfolk last year.

(Versus 36.8 million tons for B.C. Oh well- just the usual LIE-beral posturing!)

Vancouver’s coal exports also dwarf the total coal production for the entire country of Mexico. According to data gathered by the U.S. Congressional Research Service, Mexican mines have produced no more than 16 million tonnes of coal per year since 2006.

Much of Vancouver’s coal is handled by a single facility that ranks as the largest of its kind on the continent.

Westshore Terminals loaded 29 million tonnes of coal in 2017, nearly triple the combined coal exports of the entire U.S. West Coast.

(And we KNOW LIE-berals will NOT want to kill those union port jobs!)

It’s also right next to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal, making it a familiar sight to any passenger aboard a ferry arriving from Vancouver Island. Currently, Westshore Terminals is in the midst of a $275 million upgrade to “replace aging equipment and modernize our office and shop complex,” according to the company.

(So they ARE planning to be in coal biz for the long term!)

B.C. mines provide much of the coal flowing through Metro Vancouver. Even as coal production enters a prolonged decline around much of the world, it has been positively thriving west of the Rocky Mountains.

“Coal production is a mainstay of the province’s economy, generating billions of dollars in annual revenue and supporting thousands of well-paid jobs,” reads the website for B.C.’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

(Oh what a remarkable HEADACHE for NDP airheads! Good jobs in Alberta producing clean burning natural gas versus good jobs in B.C. producing FILTHY COAL! Would it not be fun to confront Jagmeet Singh and see how HE feels about this mess? What sort of double dealing/ talk out both sides of his mouth sort of crap would he spew? With BOTH federal AND provincial votes hanging in the balance? HAHAHAHAJHAHA!!!!)

Coal is the province’s number one export commodity, with $3.32 billion of coal mined in 2016. Much of this is metallurgical coal, which is exported to Asia for the making of steel.

(So the sale of natural gas to China will NOT affect B.C. coal sales since its mostly used for steel production anyway?)

In recent years, however, Vancouver’s coal ports have also accommodated a massive increase in exports of thermal coal, which is used for the production of electricity.


In 2008, only 4.4 million tonnes of Vancouver’s coal exports could be called non-metallurgical. By 2017, this had more than doubled to 11.3 million tonnes.

(Oh- eleven million tons burned for electricity- and even the Chinese want alternatives- that LIE-berals are BLOCKING! Even more silly is LIE-beral refusal to export Alberta oil to eastern Canada since Alberta oil is produced under more rigorous environmental rules than the Venezuelan oil we currently use- but then Our idiot Boy Justin IS a silver spoon socialist and he desires to support the Venezuelan socialist fellow travellers at any price!)

Controversially, almost all of this thermal coal is coming from the United States. As lawmakers in Washington and Oregon have begun shutting down their own coal ports due to environmental concerns, thermal coal producers in Wyoming and Montana have simply diverted their product through Canada.

In August, then-premier Christy Clark called for a ban on Vancouver exports of U.S. thermal coal in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber.

“They are no longer good trading partners with Canada. So that means we’re free to ban filthy thermal coal from B.C. ports, and I hope the federal government will support us in doing that,” she said at the time.

(Oh my- such a TANGLED WEB! LIE-berals are under attack from Trump administration due to their careless handling of national security issues that affect both countries! Yankees do not want to import Muslim radicals and assorted illegals along with their Cdn dairy and softwood lumber- so Trump has been hitting trade in hope of pressuring Our idiot Boy who seems utterly oblivious to the trouble!)

In the main, however, Metro Vancouver has benefited handsomely from the presence of the coal industry, according to numbers compiled by the B.C.-based Coal Alliance. Between 2012 to 2017, coal-related companies spent $2.29 billion in Metro Vancouver, including $470 million in the City of Vancouver proper.

One of the most visible contributions of the coal sector has been as a key sponsor of the Vancouver Aquarium. In 2012 Teck Resources donated $12.5 million to the attraction, the aquarium’s largest-ever single donation.

It’s difficult to precisely calculate the life cycle carbon footprint of Vancouver’s coal exports, given that the city’s ports handle a variety of coal types, each with their own specific emissions profile.

But according to emissions formulas used by the Sierra Club, Vancouver’s 2017 coal exports will produce 99.8 million tonnes of CO2 over their lifetime.

For context, this is significantly higher than B.C.’s entire carbon footprint. In 2014, B.C. estimated that it produced 64.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

(But nobody wants to ask what the carbon foot print would be if we sold natural gas to China so they could cut back on coal use? Such an AWKWARD question!)

(And does anybody want to ask if there would be added environmental benefit if we began shipping Alberta oil to eastern Canada under more stringent regulations than Venezuela ignores? Oh.....yet ANOTHER hard question! Poor LIE-berals- people want them to make sensible choices- NOT selfish ones!)

It also means that B.C.’s existing coal exports are roughly as bad for the climate as anything scheduled to come out of the Trans Mountain expansion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
one the one hand you say we ship coal to China to'fuel their power plants" - and on the other hand you say you never mentioned thermal coal.

coal that is used to make electricity is called thermal coal.

we don't even export that sort of coal outside of American thermal coal that now goes through Canada because no American port wants to touch the shit.

none of it goes to China.

so in future when you feel compelled to say something about something maybe just stfu
STFUp yourself . Now go look at the mountain of coal . Can you tell the difference between the clean green coal and the dirty black coal ?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Alberta's Notley urges senators to toss tanker ban bill 'in the garbage'

CALGARY — Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley is urging the Senate to toss the federal government's bill to ban tankers off the British Columbia coast "in the garbage."
Notley says the proposed law is discriminatory because it wouldn't be able to stop international tanker traffic, but would impede Alberta's efforts to get oil to new markets.
She also says it's a double standard given that Ottawa supports the liquefied natural gas industry, tankers on the St. Lawrence Seaway and Newfoundland's Hibernia oil project.
Notley made the comments via video link from Calgary to senators in Ottawa meeting to discuss Bill C-48.
The bill would make law an existing moratorium on tankers carrying more than 12,500 tonnes of crude oil in the waters between the northern tip of Vancouver Island and the Alaska border.
The legislation passed in the House of Commons last spring and is being debated in the Senate.
"Let's show Canadians that 90,000 jobs in downtown Calgary are just as important as 90,000 jobs in downtown Montreal," Notley told the senators Tuesday.
"Don't block us, back us," she said.
"Toss C-48 in the garbage where it belongs."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
STFUp yourself . Now go look at the mountain of coal . Can you tell the difference between the clean green coal and the dirty black coal ?
I can tell when a white natty is lying about Canadian coal fueling Chinese electric generation.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Where is the coal ? Why are you a racist ? Do you call people that to their face ?
Where did I ever comment on electrical generation ? Again putting words in my mouth to change the channel .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Where did I ever comment on electrical generation ? Again putting words in my mouth to change the channel .
Quote: Originally Posted by pgs View Post
We still ship China lots of that clean green coal , to fuel their power plants . There are at least three freighters loading coal at Roberts Bank as we speak .