The Canadian Action Party calls the official 9/11 story physically impossible


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm strongly starting to suspect the conspiracy theorists are using this whole situation to bolster their egos. they always say things like "it''s very easy really if you'll only think outside the box" and "obviously you can only understand this if you arent a capitalist sheep". they even invented the term sheeple, or at least made it popular.

I've said something like this before:

It's a sad example of the state of the world that rather than see the tragedy and learn from it, people would rather bolster their own egos and use it as a political tool to posture and build websites about

O/k Herm I'll agree with your last sentence, as it supports what I'v been saying. We do want to see the tragedy and we want others to see it as well. If you mean the deaths of the victims as a tragedy there's no disagreement. However to ignor the evidence of conspiracy and inconsistentcys
in the official story is also a tragedy. How will we learn if there is no examination only blind agreement with the official story?


Jun 23, 2006
there's no-one in this forum who is blind. We've all been reading ferociously on the subject and discussing it at great length. The difference is that some of us are building our own self-worth on it and some of us are seeing the damage for what it is. Damage. To all of us.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
. However to ignor the evidence of conspiracy...
There is no such evidence. Every point raised by the paranoid conspiracy theorists has been covered repeatedly and expertly by perfectly reasonable and plausible counter arguments. There's no reason to think there was a conspiracy or coverup by the U.S. government. You might usefully read this too.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Is this at all similar to what happened after the Kennedy assasination? Or probably worse due to the internet?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
There is no such evidence. Every point raised by the paranoid conspiracy theorists has been covered repeatedly and expertly by perfectly reasonable and plausible counter arguments. There's no reason to think there was a conspiracy or coverup by the U.S. government. You might usefully read this too.

I'll believe the PHDs that think like I do if you please. Many structural engineers do not believe what you do, if you're satisfied with the official line, fine. There's actually no reason to believe that there wasn't a conspiracy conducted by the same people who insisted that Iraq was litered with WMDs and planning an attack on continental USA. By the way the same people insist that Iran is a threat.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I There's actually no reason to believe that there wasn't a conspiracy conducted by the same people who insisted that Iraq was litered with WMDs and planning an attack on continental USA..
That was a display of blithering incompetence, stupidity and multiple compounded errors in judgement. You really think the same people were capable of pulling off 9/11? You're obviously beyond any hope of evidence and logic on this subject.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
there's no-one in this forum who is blind. We've all been reading ferociously on the subject and discussing it at great length. The difference is that some of us are building our own self-worth on it and some of us are seeing the damage for what it is. Damage. To all of us.
br /> That self worth shot works both ways Hermanntrude. Nobodys denying the damage of the attack, some see the damage from a different perspective. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you see as the damageing aspects instead of making vaque remarks that aren't very helpfull in a discussion.What is the damage that you see for what it is and that I and others don't?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't buy these theories.

Terrrorists hijacked multiple planes on 9/11/01

2 of these planes crashed at structual weak point in the North and South Twin Towers.

Haven't you people seen the A&E or Discovery specials.

Its like a riple effect.

Very easy to believe in my opinion.

But not nearly as fun!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
That was a display of blithering incompetence, stupidity and multiple compounded errors in judgement. You really think the same people were capable of pulling off 9/11? You're obviously beyond any hope of evidence and logic on this subject.

Then how do you explain Iraq being completely in ruins and the oil being in America hands, which incidently were the reasons for the attack in the first place. Or are you telling me you believe freedom and democracy were the goals? I'm not the one ignoring logic in this case Dex.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
That was a display of blithering incompetence, stupidity and multiple compounded errors in judgement. You really think the same people were capable of pulling off 9/11? You're obviously beyond any hope of evidence and logic on this subject.

Then how do you explain Iraq being completely in ruins and the oil being in America hands, which incidently were the reasons for the attack in the first place. Or are you telling me you believe freedom and democracy were the goals? I'm not the one ignoring logic in this case Dex. Exactly the same levels of deciet were employed in both cases, there were no mistakes.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Building 7 was hit by debris from the other towers. You've been looking a pictures of the wrong side of it. There was a hole about 20 stories high in the south side and major fires were visible. Videos of its collapse show that side collapsing first and pulling down the rest of it. That's not what a controlled demolition would do. Nor is it true that Buildings 1 and 2 fell as if in a controlled demolition. Video footage clearly shows the floors above the planes' points of impact collapsing first while all lower floors were stationary. In a controlled demolition all floors would begin to move simultaneously. Neither did they all collapse straight down into their own footprints. Video footage of Building 2's collapse clearly shows the part of the tower above the impact point first tilting toward the side where the aircraft entered, then falling at an angle the rest of the way.


Here is a quote from a NYFD fireman about WTC. 7. WTC 7 was wrecked by falling debris. The whole interview is on that link from the men that were there and not the CC Conspiracy nuts.

"A little north of Vesey I said, we’ll go down, let’s see what’s going on. A couple of the other officers and I were going to see what was going on. We were told to go to Greenwich and Vesey and see what’s going on. So we go there and on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors. Debris was falling down on the building and it didn’t look good.


Jun 23, 2006
br /> That self worth shot works both ways Hermanntrude. Nobodys denying the damage of the attack, some see the damage from a different perspective. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you see as the damageing aspects instead of making vaque remarks that aren't very helpfull in a discussion.What is the damage that you see for what it is and that I and others don't?

You're right, it works both ways. I concede you might even be right, and apologise for being unhelpful and vague.

the damage I see is that it's obvious to us all now that some people are willing to kill thousands to get what they want. But i suppose that's the same as the damage you see.

the net result of course is that people trust each other less, on a global scale, which makes me sad, and probably will result in more wars worldwide, which makes me sadder

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Then how do you explain Iraq being completely in ruins and the oil being in America hands...
Same blithering incompetence and multiple compounded errors in judgement. There's no connection between the terrorist attacks on the WTC and the U.S. invasion of Iraq except that the administration tried to spin the former into part of the justification for the latter.

Or are you telling me you believe freedom and democracy were the goals?
Jeez beave, learn to think! There's no conceivable way to construe anything I've posted here,or anywhere else, as even suggesting that. No, I don't believe that, never have, and never will. Iraq was a target for the Bush administration from the beginning, and it wasn't about terrorism or oil, except peripherally. It was about American hegemony, and still is. Iraq was simply the easiest target to make the point with.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You're right, it works both ways. I concede you might even be right, and apologise for being unhelpful and vague.

the damage I see is that it's obvious to us all now that some people are willing to kill thousands to get what they want. But i suppose that's the same as the damage you see.

the net result of course is that people trust each other less, on a global scale, which makes me sad, and probably will result in more wars worldwide, which makes me sadder

That's a very reasonable answer Herm and I agree with it except for one tiny point, those people are willing to kill millions to get what they want and have displayed a singular disregard for human life again and again over the the last ten decades or more.


Jun 23, 2006
i wrote millions and then deleted it, not wanting to be thought of as over-dramatic. Since I was talking of the guys who flew the planes and not the guys who supposedly set explosives in high-security buildings all over the US, I can only suggest thousands rather than millions, although both resulted in millions.

the whole thing makes me confused and sick. I'm leaving this thread to it's own devices now.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
i wrote millions and then deleted it, not wanting to be thought of as over-dramatic. Since I was talking of the guys who flew the planes and not the guys who supposedly set explosives in high-security buildings all over the US, I can only suggest thousands rather than millions, although both resulted in millions.

the whole thing makes me confused and sick. I'm leaving this thread to it's own devices now.

Me too, it's disturbing the proper digestion of my dinner. I have a flying saucer to contact this evening and end of the month satanic rituals to get on with, the paper work is vexing.:smile:


Senate Member
The author

About Graeme MacQueen: Graeme MacQueen has recently retired from the Religious Studies Department at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where he taught for 30 years. His academic specialization is Buddhist Studies, in which he received his doctorate from Harvard University.
In 1989 Graeme helped found McMaster's Centre for Peace Studies, of which he became director from 1989 until 1996. He was also a founder and co director of the Centre's War and Health programme committee, which has carried out research and activities on behalf of victims of war in several zones of armed conflict (Croatia, Gaza, Sri Lanka, north India, Afghanistan). He remains committed to developing the fruitful connections between health and peace, on the one hand, and spirituality and peace, on the other hand.
Graeme has been a social activist for years. He was a member of the Alliance for Nonviolent Action and he has at various times chaired the Hamilton Disarmament Coalition, the Board of Directors of Peace Magazine, and the National Coordinating Committee of Peace Brigades International (Canada).

Buddhist studies, eh? Well, that makes him an expert then, doesn't it?

Scholars for Truth.

The arguments advanced by the group have not been published in established scientific peer-reviewed journals, and are not generally accepted by the relevant academic and professional communities. The arguments advanced by the new Scholars group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, have been published in the Journal of 9/11 Studies; however, while this journal claims to be peer reviewed, the relevent academic and professional communities do not view the journal as reputable....

Critics observed their website lists only three structural engineers as members,[6] and argue that the engineers involved with the scholars have little or no relevant experience or qualifications in the disciplines related to structural engineering or controlled demolitions.[7] Critics also noted that they have just one American Society of Civil Engineers member, Joseph M. Phelps.[8] Other critiques have noted the bias in the website's Pentagon views and the inclusion of information which has little basis in evidence.[9]
Two members of the group, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds, left the Scholars due to disagreement with the organization, objecting in particular to the Scholar's rejection of their 'no plane' theories (theories arguing that no planes hit the World Trade Center).[10] However, st911 co-founder, co-chair and webmaster James Fetzer has recently spoken and written positively about Judy Wood's views - a piece by Fetzer on the st911 website argues that the Scholars should now broaden their research to consider the possibility that "directed based" weapons or "mini-nukes" were used to bring down the World Trade Center.[11] Steven E. Jones and others have criticised the mini-nuke claims.[12][13] Jones later resigned over the issue of the "star wars beam weapons" as a plausible theory.[14] ...