Riders 2014


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Possibly. Sunflower has a wicked O line to protect him and the Rider D is powerful. They'll be okay. Riley in Edm isn't up to snuff and Bo Levi could get his bell rang or something anytime. Good football coming up this fall. I'm looking forward to it.

Given 5 games against EDM & CAL, I would be hoping for their starting QB. But sometimes pulling together around a backup is better too.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I can think of a few teams in the league who are breathing a bit easier at this news. I sure hope GC tells Tino to use his legs if he has the chance - I have a feeling he may need them. Although when I look at how well Drew Willy is doing overall, knowing that he too trained under Darian, I have some faith that once he settles in, Tino could come through for us.

Hamilton will be a test. Their D can be ferocious. I think it is going to be a good game. I am ready for one. This season was tough to get through at times.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Riders have a good O-line and running game. Takes the pressure off the QB. They'll be fine.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Riders have a good O-line and running game. Takes the pressure off the QB. They'll be fine.

You are right, Kreskin and I am not as worried about this development as I might have been were it not for that fact. Plus our STs are playing lights out lately - even Milo seems to be able to manage an FG or two. Our D simply rocks. Tino can run as he demonstrated on Sunday. So all in all, I think we just might pull this off. The only team that really concerns me is Calgary. Bo Levi sets records every time he steps on the field now - and good on him - he is having a great year. Jon has got his running legs back and Calgary Ds is at least on par with our own. They are going to be tough.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Calgary is also a team that could have pretty much anyone at QB. O-line and running game makes all the difference. I would also give the Riders and Stamps extra points for their coaching. They are always well prepared.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It's incredibly hard to lose a starting QB and go on to win the championship. It is, however, possible. The Ravens won Super Bowl XXXV with the THIRD starting QB they had that year, and he was not exactly Tom Brady.

An iron-wall defence is the key. The Riders have a very good D, and I hope they can shore it up.

I know where they can get a quality running back who's. . . um. . . "at liberty" just now.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
It's incredibly hard to lose a starting QB and go on to win the championship. It is, however, possible. The Ravens won Super Bowl XXXV with the THIRD starting QB they had that year, and he was not exactly Tom Brady.

An iron-wall defence is the key. The Riders have a very good D, and I hope they can shore it up.

I know where they can get a quality running back who's. . . um. . . "at liberty" just now.

Nice of you to offer, Tec but the Riders are doing just fine with what they have right now. What's that old saying about an abundance of riches? Messam, Allen, and Ford provide all we need in the running game.

One of the keys will be Richie Hall's ability to design plays for the defence that limit the ability of Jon Cornish. He's a beast and wants a shot at another record. We also have to find ways to get to Bo Levi. He's a slippery one and will be hard to catch but if we can keep pressure on him - he can be beat.

In a way the schedule is benefiting us in that Tino will face Hamilton and Ottawa - the latter at home, before he gets his possibly first real test against Mike Reilly and the Esks. I wouldn't be quite so hopeful were either Edmonton or Calgary the teams we played this weekend. Tino will have a bit of time to get his legs under him, the running game will help settle him down and get his rhythm going.

Wouldn't be surprised to see him progressively improve week to week - at least that is the scenario I am hoping for.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Nice of you to offer, Tec but the Riders are doing just fine with what they have right now. What's that old saying about an abundance of riches? Messam, Allen, and Ford provide all we need in the running game.

For no reason other than that I'm a Ravens fan, I look for Ravens/Riders parallels. That's why I offered Ray Rice. The Riders are doing pretty well with ex-Raven Anthony Allen.

As regards Tino Sunseri, here's my "QB goes down" story. At the beginning of the 2008 season, the Ravens had three QBs, the new star (second-year man), an older, not-great but reliable standby, and a rookie they picked up from a Division 2 college as a development project. The older guy went down for the season in training camp, and they went with the two survivors. The Wednesday before opening day, the star got a vicious throat infection. So they went to the rookie development project and said "Kid, in four days you're starting in the NFL." The rookie won the game and never looked back.

Seven years later, the rookie Joe Flacco has to his credit five playoffs in six years and a Super Bowl MVP award. He just made his 98th consecutive start (and won). The star, Troy Smith, was just cut by the Alouettes.

Sometimes when an apparently-mediocre captain actually grips the wheel, he steadies down and his true quality shows through.

I wish DD a fast and full recovery, but until he's back, I've got high hopes for Tino.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I am disappointed in my team and coaches. We deserved to lose that game. We were out-coached and out-played by the Ti-Cats, who as my second favorite CFL, I am happy to see with a win - even if it had to be against us - especially as we in no way resembled the team that beat Winnipeg in the Banjo Bowl.

I never really saw any oomph in the guys - they didn't look sharp and even the Chickman was uncharacteristically quiet for much of the game. There was no spark and absolutely no second effort that I saw. Even the TO didn't get the team going.

Granted, Tino looked like a deer in the headlights and held onto the ball as if he never planned on letting it go, but who was calling the plays and where was the O-line when he needed them? It was as if they had never practiced the plays before - had they? Who sent him out there with a play that had him passing on 2nd and 2??? With Anthony Allen, Weston, and Messam???? Who does that?

Nope, Kent and his crew deserve credit. They came prepared and they played their best game of the year. Collaros looked like an old vet out there and Andy ran the pants off everyone - Rock on Andy.

Congratulations to the Ti-Cats and their fans. Great game. Big Win.

My crew better get back to the drawing board and the tapes. They have a lot of work to do. Someone has to take Tino aside and tell him to get that ball off just a tad quicker or he will become minced meat when he has to play Calgary.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ti-Cat deserved yesterday's win. I hope the Allouettes gives us the same break against the Stumps. Snottawa and Riders is going to be an interesting game without Durant but Sunflower is no slouch.

Go Riders!

8-1 for the Als..woohoo


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Against the odds - mind you those changed a bit when Nichols was started instead of Reilly as the Esk's QB - and while exhausting their supply of QBs, the Riders made it to the Western Semi-Final after defeating the Edmonton Eskimos at Mosaic stadium last night. They broke a 5-game losing streak winning only their 2nd game since DD was sidelined with an injury. Rob Bagg shone last night. It was so good to see him have such a great game after all he has been through.

Solid effort by the team. Good to see them establish such a strong running game again - they need to do that for all 4 quarters though.

The two teams will meet again next weekend in Edmonton's backyard to battle it out for 2nd in the West and a trip to play Calgary in the final.

In the East, Hamilton sewed up first place in an impressive win over the Montreal Alouettes that also resulted in the Argos being eliminated from the play-off picture. By virtue of their loss to the Stamps, the Lions will cross over and play Montreal in the Eastern Semi-final.