Open military to non citizens?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
On the other hand given our geography nobody is ever going to attack us, making any military we have more or less pointless.

We really don't need one - and since we only use ours to fulfill questionable international obligations we would probably do well to simply scrap our military for good.

How amazing it is to listen to LIE-berals "D" everything they do not like!

That means Deny, Delay, Denigrate, Delete, Distort, Dismantle ANYTHING they dop not want to talk about!

And LIE-berals DO NOT want to talk about how and why they have picked the trade war with TRUMP!

Hoid even goes so far as to suggest nobody will ever attack us? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How quickly LIE-berals FORGET their dismay when Yankees were asked by Ottawa: "what defenses do you HAVE TO COVER CANADA IF THE NORTH KOREANS SHOOT A MISSILE OUR WAY'?

And LIE-beral Hoid deliberately "d"s the Yankee answer: the Yankees are disgusted by our unwillingness to help ourselves much less aid them in ANYTHING so they responded with "why should we defend YOU Canadians"?

I do not suggest that we should slavishly follow the Yankees into every international mess around the world- but there ARE some basic conditions we ARE NOT MEETING!

Firstly- we have 50,000 mostly Syrian refugees brought here by LIE-berals and their ONLY security chekcs were done by terror group Hamas! How safe is that?

WE have over 70,000 or maybe its over 100,000 assorted illegals who came here at LIE-beral invitation and as LIE-berals are working so hard to LIE about the real numbers- nobody knows how many illegals there really are!

These illegals got NO security checking - its likely that LIE-berals took their finger prints but THAT IS ALL! And even expecting LIE-berals to take fingerprints is maybe demanding more than they will give!

How can you do back ground checks on people who have not given you their right names?

How can you security check people who may not be truthful about what country they were born in?

How can you get police cooperation from foreign govts who desperately want their people NOT to be deported!


All the South American govts desperately want their citizens to go forth and make money off the Whites- and ship some home to relatives to prop up the local economy!

Even countries of the European Union desperately want their people to travel to \north America and work for US!

This is why Portugal and Poland- to name 2 countries make it easy for their people- who are working under the table in Canada- to participate in their national equivalent of Canada Pension Plan! Once the foreign invaders have made enough money cheating us they will go back home and live nicely after STEALING JOBS FROM CDNS!

A Cdn who goes to United States or Britain MUST pay taxes to the home country to maintain citizenship and our countries have tax reporting agreements in place to ensure this happens! BUT NOT SO WITH EUROPEAN PIGS or South American banana republics!

I refer you to the Polish brick layer and the Portuguese carpenter and his Brazilian wife- with FOUR KIDS -who were all deported from Canada after getting caught by immigration agents

And the Mexican window washer who was working here illegally and slipped and fell and virtually destroyed his hands while grabbing at a safety rope. And what of the SIX Ukrainians who died when the grossly overloaded scaffold they were working on COLLAPSED- and of course NONE of the men were hooked to safety lines because that would have slowed down their work!

All these people steal our jobs- we DO have Cdn bricklayers but they must pay the proper Cdn taxes for workers compensation, for the health, levy, for CPP, for income tax and etc! But NOT SO for the illegals!

Illegals steal our jobs- and dont whine about low wages because POles and Portuguese and Brazilians are getting the SAME WAGE as Cdns- MINUS the burden of paying our mad LIE-beral taxes!

The illegals steal our jobs with tax fraud, send their kids to our schools at our expense- where our always GREEDY teachers have decided NOT to ask awkward questions of suspected illegals who are NOT contributing to the Hog pension fund, and if the Brazilian wife or any other woman needs medical care they use "health cards" FORGED by those clever illegal Nigerians!

How can you look for a criminal record for people who have moved from country to country without ever using their real names and people from places like Guatemala have passed through at least TWO countries - Mexico and United States during their trek to Canada!

How can you get a true security clearance for any illegal when LIE-berals are DELIBERATELY LYING their heads off while looking for EXCUSES TO KEEP any and all illegals that show up here!

At this point the Yankees would probably call off the trade war if we simply started rounding up and deporting security risks!

And how bad could these illegals be for Canada? THye virtually ALL LACK the education to be eligible for legal entry into Canada or any other western country!

Most of these illegals claim to have lived under the table in United States for some years- this means they are SKILLED at working the Yankee welfare system!

This means illegal are skilled at feeding sob stories in exchange for charity!

This means illegals are SKILLED at setting uop jobs under the table and hiding income from the tax man!


This means that LIE-berals are comfortable supporting tens of thousands of "new Cdns" with massive govt aid while they work under the table- they collect govt gravy BUT NEVER CONTRIBUTE ANY!

LIE-berals are engaged in a fantastic piece of political vandalism!

WE can undo the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam!

WE can freeze civil service union Hog wages!

WE can IGNORE the insane LIE-beral pension promises made to Hogs in exchange for their votes!

We can dump LIE-beral Wynne-bag and her mouldy green energy mess!

We can and we WILL dump Our idiot Boy Justin after the 2019 election!

WE OWN the Kinder Morgan pipeline thanks to LIE-beral insanity- and our new govt will make sure it gets built after Our idiot Boy and his LIE-beral morons are yanked off the stage!








Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Another long useless regurgitation that nobody will read...............

How do you know it was useless?

Unless you read it?



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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
On the other hand given our geography nobody is ever going to attack us, making any military we have more or less pointless.

We really don't need one - and since we only use ours to fulfill questionable international obligations we would probably do well to simply scrap our military for good.

Does this post even make sense in your head


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
America will never allow any military force - other than their own - to approach or enter Canada.

We will never be able to stop them from entering Canada - and in fact Harper has already signed all the paperwork that enables America's military to enter Canada as they see fit.

Our only requirement for a military is as an aid to the civil power in times of emergency - and our international obligations pretty much prevent that from happening in any meaningful way.

So yes, I honestly believe that the Canadian military is superfluous - and I had 22 years service, for whatever that was worth.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
America will never allow any military force - other than their own - to approach or enter Canada.

We will never be able to stop them from entering Canada - and in fact Harper has already signed all the paperwork that enables America's military to enter Canada as they see fit.

Our only requirement for a military is as an aid to the civil power in times of emergency - and our international obligations pretty much prevent that from happening in any meaningful way.

So yes, I honestly believe that the Canadian military is superfluous - and I had 22 years service, for whatever that was worth.

So you are now admitting we have to beef up our military to keep up in the modern world and protect our sovereignty


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
America will never allow any military force - other than their own - to approach or enter Canada.

We will never be able to stop them from entering Canada - and in fact Harper has already signed all the paperwork that enables America's military to enter Canada as they see fit.

Our only requirement for a military is as an aid to the civil power in times of emergency - and our international obligations pretty much prevent that from happening in any meaningful way.

So yes, I honestly believe that the Canadian military is superfluous - and I had 22 years service, for whatever that was worth.
Bullshit alert!!!!!

But have you ever been to Machu Picchu....?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
So you are now admitting we have to beef up our military to keep up in the modern world and protect our sovereignty
we need to beef up our SAR and our coast guard and our emergency response and our fire fighting

we need to develop resources that help Canadians in Canada.

We need to elimate our dropping bombs on whoever we are told to drop bombs on. Canada needs to lead by example and remove ourselves from the geopolitical bullshit of this world.

Let's replace every soldier we have overseas with a healthcare worker or a teacher , take all the mony we save an build up a respectable national defense force.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
we need to beef up our SAR and our coast guard and our emergency response and our fire fighting

we need to develop resources that help Canadians in Canada.

We need to elimate our dropping bombs on whoever we are told to drop bombs on. Canada needs to lead by example and remove ourselves from the geopolitical bullshit of this world.

Let's replace every soldier we have overseas with a healthcare worker or a teacher , take all the mony we save an build up a respectable national defense force.

Even neutral Sweden has a top ten world military, so do we just turn our military budget to the States to take care of us


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Sweden does not live in the shadow of America as we do.

The lion's share of our military money is spent buying American crap already. That's all part of the deal. We buy their shit and do their bidding with it.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Sweden does not live in the shadow of America as we do.

The lion's share of our military money is spent buying American crap already. That's all part of the deal. We buy their shit and do their bidding with it.

They live in the shadows of Russia, who covets them.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
...according to the semi humans we have employed as drone targets in our navy at one time or another anyway...


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I was one of those engineering types slaving away in the heart of darkness well below the waterline.

Speaking of our Navy, RIMPAC is on, now!

Bravo Zulu, RCN!

Lost in all the crap about nobody ever invading Canada are some awkward facts - lets look back to the history books- WW1 was raging and looked like the Kaisers army was winning!

And the U.S. navy- with its collection of older style battleships that could NOT face those ultra modern German ships- and U.S. navy was TOO SMALL to oppose the German High Seas Fleet that would have been augmented by British and French battleships captured after the British/French defeat!

Germany would have followed its usual pattern of OCCUPYING ALL enemy territory until a LARGE national ransom was paid!

And yes- coal fired ships have a SHORT RANGE- but recall the Zimmerman telegram in which Germans promised Mexico land grants after a German victory- Mexico was to recover California and New Mexico and part of Texas so Mexican port would have been open to German ships!

In addition- Mexico sold Germany ALL the gas needed for its fighters and bombers during the war so Mexico would certainly have collaborated with Germany in an invasion of North America!!

And of course Germany could have occupied Iceland as a base as well.

So- U.S. navy could not have stopped Germans from occupying Canada for ransom!

And it is useful to read Germany Army intelligence reports from 1917- when the first Yankee forces arrived at the western front- with Germans pointing out that the Yankees were using wasteful tactics that were SEVERAL YEARS OUT OF DATE!

In addition Yankee military was so short of everything that they had to buy machine guns, artillery and ammunition from France so their men would be decently equipped- and of course the more stuff France sold to Yankees- the LESS stuff would be available to French troops!

So- Yankee navy could not stop German troops from landing in North America and Yankee army was far to small and poorly trained and poorly equipped to halt a German invasion!

If Britain/France had been defeated then Washington would have faced a STARK CHOICE: either stand by and let the Germans occupy Canada for a time- until the ransom was paid- or send the U.S. military into a battle they could NOT WIN!

Germany would have extorted a HUGE RANSOM from a defeated United States- to ensure that Yankees could not mount any real threat to German superiority for decades to come!!

And its no good for LIE-berals to point to the Yankee revolution as proof of Yankee fighting ability! The British sent their WORST generals to lead against the "stupid" rebels!

Instead- we should point to the War of 1812- in which Britain sent its BEST General- Isaac Brock- to run rings around the Yankees!

And we should point to 1813 - after the surrender of Napoleon- a British army arrived at the mouth of the Potomac River- landed pretty much unopposed- and marched up river- smashing any Yankee army that dared to oppose them and occupied Washington- until Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to Paris to raise a new army!

The British army set fire to the White House and marched back down river to the ships and went back to Europe to defeat Napoleon at Waterloo!

Yankee kids would have grown up singing God Save the Queen if Napoleon had not escaped and led the British Army away to Waterloo!!!

This IS the stark reality- there are forces loose in the world that want to emasculate United States so they can grab whatever they want without being worried about Yankee retaliation!

And of course if Britain had been defeated in summer 1940- the same threat of German invasion of North America for purposes of RANSOM would have played out!

And now we have Chinese. Russians, Iranians and North Koreans all playing military games!

All dictators "want a place in the sun" as the Kaiser told the world!

Nazis simply wanted "leibensraum"- living space for the German People as Hitler told the world!

And Putin wants power and respect- meaning people fear Russia!

And Kim the Rocket Boy wants people to fear him and North Korea!

And Iran wants to lead the World Wide Caliphate that will be established after Israel and United States are destroyed!

And what does China want? China recently launched a class one ice breaker capable of travelling to the North Pole and back- but China has not one meter of Arctic coast line- so where will they run this ice breaker?

The Chinese commander of the ice breaker has told us "China has 20 percent of the worlds population and it is ENTITLED to 20 percent of the worlds resources"!

China is already looking for ways to gain control of Cdn resources- and is willing to develop new fields in Cdn Arctic using that ice breaker!!!

And silly LIE-berals want to pretend there are no threats to our peace and safety!

What a bunch of Maroons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Lost in all the crap about nobody ever invading Canada are some awkward facts - lets look back to the history books- WW1 was raging and looked like the Kaisers army was winning!

And the U.S. navy- with its collection of older style battleships that could NOT face those ultra modern German ships- and U.S. navy was TOO SMALL to oppose the German High Seas Fleet that would have been augmented by British and French battleships captured after the British/French defeat!

Germany would have followed its usual pattern of OCCUPYING ALL enemy territory until a LARGE national ransom was paid!

And yes- coal fired ships have a SHORT RANGE- but recall the Zimmerman telegram in which Germans promised Mexico land grants after a German victory- Mexico was to recover California and New Mexico and part of Texas so Mexican port would have been open to German ships!

In addition- Mexico sold Germany ALL the gas needed for its fighters and bombers during the war so Mexico would certainly have collaborated with Germany in an invasion of North America!!

And of course Germany could have occupied Iceland as a base as well.

So- U.S. navy could not have stopped Germans from occupying Canada for ransom!

And it is useful to read Germany Army intelligence reports from 1917- when the first Yankee forces arrived at the western front- with Germans pointing out that the Yankees were using wasteful tactics that were SEVERAL YEARS OUT OF DATE!

In addition Yankee military was so short of everything that they had to buy machine guns, artillery and ammunition from France so their men would be decently equipped- and of course the more stuff France sold to Yankees- the LESS stuff would be available to French troops!

So- Yankee navy could not stop German troops from landing in North America and Yankee army was far to small and poorly trained and poorly equipped to halt a German invasion!

If Britain/France had been defeated then Washington would have faced a STARK CHOICE: either stand by and let the Germans occupy Canada for a time- until the ransom was paid- or send the U.S. military into a battle they could NOT WIN!

Germany would have extorted a HUGE RANSOM from a defeated United States- to ensure that Yankees could not mount any real threat to German superiority for decades to come!!

And its no good for LIE-berals to point to the Yankee revolution as proof of Yankee fighting ability! The British sent their WORST generals to lead against the "stupid" rebels!

Instead- we should point to the War of 1812- in which Britain sent its BEST General- Isaac Brock- to run rings around the Yankees!

And we should point to 1813 - after the surrender of Napoleon- a British army arrived at the mouth of the Potomac River- landed pretty much unopposed- and marched up river- smashing any Yankee army that dared to oppose them and occupied Washington- until Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to Paris to raise a new army!

The British army set fire to the White House and marched back down river to the ships and went back to Europe to defeat Napoleon at Waterloo!

Yankee kids would have grown up singing God Save the Queen if Napoleon had not escaped and led the British Army away to Waterloo!!!

This IS the stark reality- there are forces loose in the world that want to emasculate United States so they can grab whatever they want without being worried about Yankee retaliation!

And of course if Britain had been defeated in summer 1940- the same threat of German invasion of North America for purposes of RANSOM would have played out!

And now we have Chinese. Russians, Iranians and North Koreans all playing military games!

All dictators "want a place in the sun" as the Kaiser told the world!

Nazis simply wanted "leibensraum"- living space for the German People as Hitler told the world!

And Putin wants power and respect- meaning people fear Russia!

And Kim the Rocket Boy wants people to fear him and North Korea!

And Iran wants to lead the World Wide Caliphate that will be established after Israel and United States are destroyed!

And what does China want? China recently launched a class one ice breaker capable of travelling to the North Pole and back- but China has not one meter of Arctic coast line- so where will they run this ice breaker?

The Chinese commander of the ice breaker has told us "China has 20 percent of the worlds population and it is ENTITLED to 20 percent of the worlds resources"!

China is already looking for ways to gain control of Cdn resources- and is willing to develop new fields in Cdn Arctic using that ice breaker!!!

And silly LIE-berals want to pretend there are no threats to our peace and safety!

What a bunch of Maroons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fruit cake

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
And don't forget to remind everyone in the forum that you fought a naval battle against the Soviets in the 1970's when you were with the RCN.

We did and it lasted for forty years. The Western Alliance ...the one that your demented POTUS is about to end, fought it together and won it ... for a time, anyway and hundreds of thousands of us were a part of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
In Pointed Letters, Trump Demands More Defense Spending From NATO Allies

WASHINGTON — President Trump has written sharply worded letters to the leaders of several NATO allies, including Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada, taking them to task for spending too little on their own defense and warning that the United States is losing patience with what he said is their failure to meet security obligations shared by the alliance.
The letters, which went out last month, are the latest sign of acrimony between Mr. Trump and American allies as he heads to a NATO summit meeting next week in Brussels that will be a closely watched test of the president’s commitment to the trans-Atlantic alliance after he has repeatedly questioned its value and claimed that its members are taking advantage of the United States.

Mr. Trump’s criticism raised the prospect of a second confrontation between the president and the United States’ allies after a blowup by Mr. Trump at the Group of 7 gathering last month in Quebec, and increased concerns that far from projecting solidarity in the face of threats from Russia, the meeting will highlight divisions within the alliance. Such a result could play into the hands of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who is to meet with Mr. Trump in Helsinki after the NATO meeting, and whose primary goal is sowing divisions within NATO.

In his letters, the president hinted that after more than a year of public and private complaints that allies have not done enough to share the burden of collective defense, he may be considering a response, including adjusting the United States military presence around the world.
“As we discussed during your visit in April, there is growing frustration in the United States that some allies have not stepped up as promised,” Mr. Trump wrote to Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in a particularly pointed letter, according to someone who saw it and shared excerpts with The New York Times. “The United States continues to devote more resources to the defense of Europe when the continent’s economy, including Germany’s, are doing well and security challenges abound. This is no longer sustainable for us.”
“Growing frustration,” Mr. Trump wrote, “is not confined to our executive branch. The United States Congress is concerned as well.”
The president’s complaint is that many NATO allies are not living up to the commitment they made at their Wales summit meeting in 2014 to spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on national defense. American presidents have long complained about the lack of burden-sharing by NATO member countries, but Mr. Trump has taken that criticism much further, claiming that some of the United States’ closest allies are essentially deadbeats who have failed to pay debts to the organization, a fundamental misunderstanding of how it functions.
The Trump administration has already reportedly been analyzing a large-scale withdrawal of American forces from Germany, after Mr. Trump expressed surprise that 35,000 active-duty troops are stationed there and complained that NATO countries were not contributing enough to the alliance.

In the letter, Mr. Trump told Ms. Merkel that Germany also deserves blame for the failure of other NATO countries to spend enough: “Continued German underspending on defense undermines the security of the alliance and provides validation for other allies that also do not plan to meet their military spending commitments, because others see you as a role model.”
In language that is echoed in his letters to the leaders of other countries, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, and Prime Minister Charles Michel of Belgium, Mr. Trump said he understands the “domestic political pressure” brought to bear by opponents of boosting military expenditures, noting that he has expended “considerable political capital to increase our own military spending.”
“It will, however, become increasingly difficult to justify to American citizens why some countries do not share NATO’s collective security burden while American soldiers continue to sacrifice their lives overseas or come home gravely wounded,” Mr. Trump wrote to Ms. Merkel.

Mr. Michel reacted tartly to the letter last week, telling reporters at a European Union summit meeting in Brussels that he was “not very impressed” by it, according to a report by Deutsche Welle.
Mr. Trump has long complained about NATO and routinely grouses that the United States is treated shabbily by multilateral organizations of which it is a member, be it the World Trade Organization or the North Atlantic alliance. But in Europe, the letters to NATO allies have been greeted with some degree of alarm because of their suggestion that Mr. Trump is prepared to impose consequences on the allies — as he has done in an escalating tariff fight with European trading partners — if they do not do what he is asking.
“Trump still seems to think that NATO is like a club that you owe dues to, or some sort of protection racket where the U.S. is doing all the work protecting all these deadbeat Europeans while they’re sitting around on vacation, and now he is suggesting there are consequences,” said Derek Chollet, a former Defense Department official who is the executive vice president for security and defense policy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
“Europeans have been watching Donald Trump begin to implement his rhetoric on trade in ways that are very combative, and they’re starting to contemplate whether he would do this regarding security issues as well.”
Mr. Trump’s letter to Mr. Trudeau was reported last month by iPolitics in Canada, and the existence of others was reported last week by Foreign Policy. It was not clear precisely how many Mr. Trump wrote, and the White House would not comment on presidential correspondence. But two diplomatic sources said they believed at least a dozen were sent, including to Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

A White House official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the matter, said that Mr. Trump is committed to the NATO alliance and expects allies to shoulder “their fair share of our common defense burden, and to do more in areas that most affect them.”
John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, said Sunday that it was NATO members who refused to spend more on defense — not the president — who were responsible for undercutting the alliance.
“The president wants a strong NATO,” Mr. Bolton said in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “If you think Russia’s a threat, ask yourself this question: Why is Germany spending less than 1.2 percent of its G.N.P.? When people talk about undermining the NATO alliance, you should look at those who are carrying out steps that make NATO less effective militarily.”

But for diplomats hoping fervently to avoid another high-profile summit meeting collapse with Mr. Trump as the instigator, the letters were concerning.
“Europeans, like many folks in our Defense Department, think that there are many good things that could come out of this summit if only they can keep it from going off the rails,” Mr. Chollet said. “They are hoping to survive without irreparable damage, and so the fact that you have all these storm clouds surrounding NATO and Trump is really worrisome.”
Mr. Trump’s disparagement of Europe and NATO has become almost routine, leaving some veteran diplomats aghast. Last week, Jim Melville, the United States ambassador to Estonia, told friends and colleagues that he would resign at the end of this month after more than 30 years in the Foreign Service, in part because of the president’s language.

“For the President to say the E.U. was ‘set up to take advantage of the United States, to attack our piggy bank,’ or that ‘NATO is as bad as NAFTA’ is not only factually wrong, but proves to me that it’s time to go,” Mr. Melville wrote in a Facebook post. He was referring to remarks about Europe that the president made during a rally last week in Fargo, N.D., and comments about NATO that he is reported to have made privately during the Group of 7 gathering last month.
Still, the president is not alone in demanding more robust military spending by NATO allies.
Jim Mattis, the secretary of defense, wrote to Gavin Williamson, the British defense minister, last month saying he was “concerned” that the United Kingdom’s military strength was “at risk of erosion” if it did not increase spending, and warned that France could eclipse Britain as the United States’ “partner of choice” if it did not invest more. A Defense Department official confirmed the contents of Mr. Mattis’s letter, first reported by The Sun.

Not to worry Canada says they already have their excuses in place why we don't have to live up to our commitments Lol