Olympic Complaints, & Who And Where Is The Moderator On This Board?

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
The irony here is that, aside from two people having different senses of
humor (& I'm assuming one of them might very well be me :lol:), I have no
idea without a Reported Post as to what specifically brought this Thread
into existence. Without that, I've no idea as to what the Moderators are
being asked to do here, if anything. With that in mind, carry on and have
;-)un while you're doing so.

Ron, check the moderator's manual... there's a quota of unfounded complaints that must be met. It's all very complicated:

Before we could hand over the reigns to you guys, we were not released from our mod duties until we had also recruited a crop of CC dissidents. Their manual clearly states that whenever there appears to be more than the allowable amount of time (1.5 days) of peace or harmony on the board, they must promptly take a cr*p in as many threads as possible. Failing that, a more direct route is to randomly post obscure complaints about the modding and/or general running of the forum.

Upon completing your tour of duty as a mod, you'll be expected to have converted this crop of dissidents into forum abiding, pleasant individuals... (there is some leeway on this rule )... and you'll have to recruit a new batch of folks to soil up the forum. I know, strange way to do things, but I didn't make the rules, and I also found out the hard way that balking them only prolongs your sentence as a mod... best to just git 'er done. ;-)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Ron, check the moderator's manual... there's a quota of unfounded complaints that must be met. It's all very complicated:

Before we could hand over the reigns to you guys, we were not released from our mod duties until we had also recruited a crop of CC dissidents. Their manual clearly states that whenever there appears to be more than the allowable amount of time (1.5 days) of peace or harmony on the board, they must promptly take a cr*p in as many threads as possible. Failing that, a more direct route is to randomly post obscure complaints about the modding and/or general running of the forum.

Upon completing your tour of duty as a mod, you'll be expected to have converted this crop of dissidents into forum abiding, pleasant individuals... (there is some leeway on this rule )... and you'll have to recruit a new batch of folks to soil up the forum. I know, strange way to do things, but I didn't make the rules, and I also found out the hard way that balking them only prolongs your sentence as a mod... best to just git 'er done. ;-)

and if you check what Andem had you sign upon leaving as a mod, you will see you were suppose to keep quiet about the above....since you opened your big mouth, that means your reprieve from being a mod is rescinded and you are sentenced to once again fullfill the role.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
btw Ron... if ya haven't figured it out...... I'm one of the recruits,,.....muhaahahahahaaa


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Correction! The Olympics is simply a major raise in taxes for the rest of my life and anyone else around my age that lives in BC. I have yet to come across a BC person who is happy the Olympics are happening here.
Hi VI: I dissagree. The olympics are good for the economy as well as showcaseing our province. Even the Island will bring in significant amounts of booty. Several teams are using Mt. Washington for practicing and some of them will be touring around. Good for business in a slow time especially for the airlines and B.C. Ferries.


Usually Confused
Sep 7, 2009
The Cariboo
Truer words never spoken Zan. I've been here only a few diddly doo wa days.

I respect people's opinions, especially when they're valued.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Who And Where Is The Moderator On This Board?

Well, to "sort of" bring this back on topic, I don't think that this:

.....or this:

.....where the issue, but just in case:

If I've offended any Farmers, Ranchers, Cows, Animal Activists,
Camel Jockeys, Jockeys, Short People (?), Camels, or those that
may have been traumatized by the mental image that I might have
worn the ol' tighty-whities at some point in my life.....I apologize.
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