NSA leaker Snowden may leave Hong Kong for Iceland on private jet


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Snowden now MIA..

According to the latest news reports, Snowden was not on the flight he was expected to be on. The question now is where is the 29 year old whistleblower, and has something happened to him en route to his latest destination? One thing is for sure, the world is on the edge of it's seat awaiting the latest on this man.

Honestly, this story is moving so fast now it's hard keeping up with everything.




Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
"In the US there is no discrimination and there is no hypocrisy, because we'll get anybody." - Arlo Guthrie.

There using Snowden as a scape goat to scare any other whistleblowers from stepping forward and doing the right thing..

I think Harper should allow Edward Snowden asylum in Canada, and at the same time turn off all the oil and gas flowing south, cut the power from Quebec that supplies the US North East, and let the bastards freeze in the dark. :lol: (Inspired by Ralph Klein)

They are so full of themselves, threatening China.. China should recall it's bloody loan, and when the US defaults the world will see what a powerful nation they really are..

Threatening Russia, and flexing muscle, really, they can't keep care of their own, as Benghazi proves.

The USA has become a big joke, and Obama the clown. Scandal after scandal, in what is suppose to be an open and free government, yet they are bashing other states such as China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and Ecuador for not being as open or having free speech. Yeah like the USA never wire tapped reporters..

Just keep following Obama sheeple.



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Just keep following Obama sheeple.

I really don't think being a sheeple has anything to do with being a Democrat or Republican. They are everywhere, in both parties. They are the people who would rather have their opinions and beliefs handed to them than think for themselves.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The zeal with which the US government is pursuing Snowden makes me wonder what else they are trying to hide. Personally i'm surprised it came as a shock to anyone that the US was monitoring cell phone and email traffic... i'd assumed they'd been doing that all along.

The highly sophisticated algorithms in supercomputers that they use now can use destination of calls and key words to develop in depth profiles of virtually everyone on the information highway.. with virtually no oversight and constrained only by their own highly flexible definition of what constitutes a 'security threat'. It's a harbinger of tyranny.. as 'mission creep' delves ever more deeply into personal opinion.. highlighting those of 'suspicious character'.

Frankly i think Snowden is a hero for exposing the vast over reaching and invasion of privacy that the US government is orchestrating for a largely fictional threat. (Knowing full well that this post will highlight ME as a potential subversive. ;) )
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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
The zeal with which the US government is pursuing Snowden makes me wonder what else they are trying to hide. Personally i'm surprised it came as a shock to anyone that the US was monitoring cell phone and email traffic... i'd assumed they'd been doing that all along.

The highly sophisticated algorithms in supercomputers that they use now can use destination of calls and key words to develop in depth profiles of virtually everyone on the information highway.. with virtually no oversight and constrained only by their own highly flexible definition of what constitutes a 'security threat'. It's a harbinger of tyranny.. as 'mission creep' delves ever more deeply into personal opinion.. highlighting those of 'suspicious character'.

Frankly i think Snowden is a hero for exposing the vast over reaching and invasion of privacy that the US government is orchestrating for a largely fictional threat. (Knowing full well that this post will highlight ME as potential subversive. ;) )

Gat'cha coldstream.. now try and cross the border.. the rubber gloves are on..


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
I don't think Snowden knows as much as the US media frenzy pretends to know. BUT... right now this is a diversion for the Americans to focus on while the issues like Benghazi, IRS, Immigration and Holder Perjury items cool off a bit. I do think he is being passed around to nations who would like to know what he does in fact know. Then when they are done with him the US will dispatch agents to kill him. Right now the US thinks there are more who are in on the plan and they are trying to send a strong message to those folks to "Throw you hands up and surrender!" What a sniveling bunch of idiots in the White House and some in the Congress too! It sounds like they are afraid the "Big Secret" will get out. Whatever that may be. Now many can see why there is the term "The ugly American" We are working hard to prove just how much muscle we don't have on the globe and also afford some behind closed doors snickering by many foreign Diplomats. I sure don't see any nation rushing to force the issue.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
That guy is a few slices short of a loaf. I hope enjoys spending the rest of his life in some banana republic looking over his shoulder.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
That guy is a few slices short of a loaf. I hope enjoys spending the rest of his life in some banana republic looking over his shoulder.

I hope the USA or CSIS probes your azz deeper than a Colonoscopy.

The USA are hypocritical bullies..that's the level the US Govt. has sunk to. It's taken about 35 years, I think it started with Ronnie Raygun. The Iran-Contra scam, and selling drugs to fund the guns. SAD ...the USA has greedy idiots in positions of power.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I hope the USA or CSIS probes your azz deeper than a Colonoscopy.

The USA are hypocritical bullies..that's the level the US Govt. has sunk to. It's taken about 35 years, I think it started with Ronnie Raygun. The Iran-Contra scam, and selling drugs to fund the guns. SAD ...the USA has greedy idiots in positions of power.
The US took over the control of the global drug trade when the British Empire fell after WW11. They have used it to start many a dirty little war. It is why we ended up in Afghanistan: to bring back the poppy supply the taliban cut off. But the US became paranoid of its own citizens during the anti-Vietnam war protests. I think phone tapping was initiated by Johnson when he escalated that war from an "advisory" mission to "stop commies at all cost" mission.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Snowden suck at the airport, sorta reminds me of the movie with Tom Hanks - The Terminal

The movie The Terminal is based on the true story of a man who lived in an airport

Merhan Karimi Nasseri, also known as Sir Alfred Mehran, was a man without a country that
inspired the movie Terminal, was trapped at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris from 08/26/1988
until July 2006, when it had to be hospitalized. It was an Iranian refugee who was in a similar
situation to that of Tom Hanks in the popular movie.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I hope the USA or CSIS probes your azz deeper than a Colonoscopy.

The USA are hypocritical bullies..that's the level the US Govt. has sunk to. It's taken about 35 years, I think it started with Ronnie Raygun. The Iran-Contra scam, and selling drugs to fund the guns. SAD ...the USA has greedy idiots in positions of power.

So funny...

please don't hurt us... we'll play nice...

Miles below the North Pole, Russian mini-subs lay claim to Arctic wealth | World news | The Guardian

Oh please don't hurt us!