Muslims face negative perception in Canada, study suggests


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Anyone have the numbers here to compare how many have been killed in the name of J. C. and how many have been killed for mohammed, in let's say the last 25 year???
And no cartoon answers............

I have a feeling you've already got your own bogus stats. :)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Does the truth upset you that much?

Were you hoping for some Sharia love to help peddle your ideological bull****?

Well played Trebeck. :razz:
You have trouble answering tough questions.


I think some people have fallen into the deep end.

If you can't figure out the difference between a Muslim and a Nazi, there's not much hope for you.
And if you believe that all Muslims are the same, there's not much hope for you either.
Are all Nazi's the same?


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Can't find the link for this cartoon:

A woman clothed in a burka, walks across an air grate in some large city. The air rushes up and lifts her burka around her hips,...............revealing the dynamite strapped to her person.....................well, ya had to see it!

It was funny.


Reveals a tad about why they might face a bit of negative perception in Canada.

Also reveals why cartoons cannot be explained with any large guffaw effect.:sad4:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Can't imagine why anyone would have a negative view of Islam.

Ms. Hirsi Ali, with her deep black complexion and lilting Somali accent, will be the one arguing next week that Canada needs to be more careful in its immigration policies. She warns, in fact, that if we are not, then we very much could risk violence and terror. And, she believes that if Canadians don’t stand by their founding heritage, we could well find ourselves overpowered by foreign and illiberal cultures.
Anyone passingly familiar with Ms. Hirsi Ali’s history would understand: she became the target of death threats after co-producing a film about female subjugation in the Dutch Muslim community; her collaborator, Theo van Gogh, was shot to death and nearly decapitated in 2004. A note pinned to his chest with a knife, by his murderer, warned that she, as a “soldier of evil” would be next. She has been living under bodyguard since.

Read the entire article....interesting. I have long been an admirer of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and have both her books: Infidel and Nomad

Kevin Libin: A question of loyalty | Full Comment | National Post


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Can't imagine why anyone would have a negative view of Islam.

Kevin Libin: A question of loyalty | Full Comment | National Post

Christie Blatchford: Diary of ‘honour killing’ victim reveals competitive, misogynist culture | Full Comment | National Post

Kingston, Ont. – Aside from the foreshadowing of alleged murder it may offer, what the diary of Rona Amir Mohammad reveals is that when an entire gender is infantilized, its members behave like, well, children.

The body of the 53-year-old first wife of Mohammad Shafia was one of four pulled from the water of the most southerly locks in the Rideau Canal system not far from this city on June 30, 2009.

Found with her in a submerged black Nissan that day at Kingston Mills were the three teenage daughters of Mr. Shafia and his second wife, Tooba Mohammad Yahya – Zainab, who was 19; Sahar, 17, and Geeti, who was 13.


House Member
May 18, 2010
The body of the 53-year-old first wife of Mohammad Shafia
Just what is our useless Immigration Dept doing letting in a man into this country who has two wives in the first place ??
Is this ok according to easterners laws ???

If a group has negative perceptions, it's because they have earned it !!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Just what is our useless Immigration Dept doing letting in a man into this country who has two wives in the first place ??
Is this ok according to easterners laws ???

If a group has negative perceptions, it's because they have earned it !!

What does having more than one wife have anything to do with any of this?


House Member
May 18, 2010
What does having more than one wife have anything to do with any of this?

This Thread is about perceptions, a person having many wives is perceived differently than a man having one wife in a western society.

Is this a little complex to understand, even if you only have an eastern pea brain??


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Can't imagine why anyone would have a negative view of Islam.

Read the entire article....interesting. I have long been an admirer of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and have both her books: Infidel and Nomad

Kevin Libin: A question of loyalty | Full Comment | National Post

Christie Blatchford: Diary of ‘honour killing’ victim reveals competitive, misogynist culture | Full Comment | National Post

Kingston, Ont. – Aside from the foreshadowing of alleged murder it may offer, what the diary of Rona Amir Mohammad reveals is that when an entire gender is infantilized, its members behave like, well, children.

The body of the 53-year-old first wife of Mohammad Shafia was one of four pulled from the water of the most southerly locks in the Rideau Canal system not far from this city on June 30, 2009.

Found with her in a submerged black Nissan that day at Kingston Mills were the three teenage daughters of Mr. Shafia and his second wife, Tooba Mohammad Yahya – Zainab, who was 19; Sahar, 17, and Geeti, who was 13.

Since you guys take this all at face value, then I guess ya's would also take these sights and testamonials at face value....right?

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