Marines and Honour

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Seems like all the usual leftard suspects are making much ado about nothing. What they should be protesting is terrorists dragging a soldier behind a truck or horse until his head pulls off.

Exactly! Where's the condemnation for all the atrocities committed by the Taliban? They enacted the strictest form of sharia law and absolutely brutalized average Afghans. The leftards have no condemnation against the Taliban because the real crime to them is the "big bad US government" invading a foreign country to rid it of its tyrannical government. Basically, they're pissed off that the video is not dead US Marines getting pissed on by Taliban terrorists.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
LOL...a uniform...good one.
Yes, I aleady know you aren't familiar with uniforms, beyond Winnipeg garbage mitts. But what Brad Larocque is wearing in his confrontation with Pte Cloutier, is a forest camo pattern, BDU. Identifying himself as a combatant.

BDU stands for Battle Dress Uniform.

Like I said before, you aren't very bright. Perhaps your Justin beiber forum really is more your speed.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
We have no higher moral ground.

Yes we do. We have clearly defined goal posts:

Free nation------------------------------------------Tyrannical terrorist government

See how there's "space" between the two "goal posts"? When you claim "we have no higher moral ground", you are in fact moving the goal posts together and saying there is no moral difference between the US and the Taliban, which is absurd on its face.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Putting aside Cannuck's racist troll.

I think it was a pretty stupid move. However, when the adrenaline gets pumping people often don't think about the consequences of their actions. Free propaganda for the Taliban.
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Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Exactly! Where's the condemnation for all the atrocities committed by the Taliban? They enacted one the strictest form of sharia law and absolutely brutalized average Afghans. The leftards have no condemnation against the Taliban because the real crime to them is the "big bad US government" invading a foreign country to rid it of its tyrannical government. Basically, they're pissed off that the video is not dead US Marines getting pissed on by Taliban terrorists.

I'd say there are complaints about what the Taliban has done and is doing. Thats the whole reason the soldiers are there.

The reason people complain about this story is because they expect better from people in the west. The Taliban will do all kinds of crazy evil things, that is expected. The "they would have done worse" card is not a good enough reason. We're supposed to be better.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
No, its about respect for another human being even if their views on life and politics are different from yours.

Like the kind of respect that sees journalists beheaded on television?

The kind of honor that promotes these Taliban 'soldiers' to drag a body through the streets behind a truck until there's nothing left to drag?

How about the kind of respect for life that sees women marked a nothing more than chattels or tossing a bucket of acid in the faces of little girls?

Is this what you mean by respect for human life?

There wouldn't be any slain marines if they weren't invading a foreign sovereign nation. What do you expect, that everyone just surrenders when the US want to invade somewhere?

Like Bear pointed-out; NATO was asked to come in and help a failed state... It's kinda hard to make the assertion that they were invaded when their own gvt pleaded with the international community to come in and provide this much needed assistance.

Seems like all the usual leftard suspects are making much ado about nothing. What they should be protesting is terrorists dragging a soldier behind a truck or horse until his head pulls off.

Ain't that the truth... The only thing you get from the average leftard when they view a live beheading by a terrorist is a "tsk, tsk; what a shame - pass the tea and crumpets please".. But for a US Marine to disrespect a slain foe, well, that's grounds for capital punishment.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I'm not the one advocating shooting Natives to piss off a Native forum member there scumbag. You are. :)

I'm not advocating shooting natives to piss off a native either. I'm just agreeing with CB that it's no big deal if they aren't wearing a uniform. If you really have an issue with it, maybe you should take it up with CB as he is the one that made the original statement.

Yes, I aleady know you aren't familiar with uniforms, beyond Winnipeg garbage mitts. But what Brad Larocque is wearing in his confrontation with Pte Cloutier, is a forest camo pattern, BDU. Identifying himself as a combatant.

BDU stands for Battle Dress Uniform.

Like I said before, you aren't very bright. Perhaps your Justin beiber forum really is more your speed.

My mistake I guess. Who would have thought this would be considered battle dress?



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm not advocating shooting natives to piss off a native either. I'm just agreeing with CB that it's no big deal if they aren't wearing a uniform. If you really have an issue with it, maybe you should take it up with CB as he is the one that made the original statement.
I made no such statement.

That's ok, it isn't the first time you've made stuff up on here.

My mistake I guess. Who would have thought this would be considered battle dress.
We are all acutely aware of your limited cognitive skills, there is no need for you to keep confirming it.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I'm not advocating shooting natives to piss off a native either. I'm just agreeing with CB that it's no big deal if they aren't wearing a uniform. If you really have an issue with it, maybe you should take it up with CB as he is the one that made the original statement.

Nice play on words, but its hard to stuff the genie back into the bottle once you've uncorked it. The Oka picxturewas a racist troll directed at Bear because he's native. Spin it anyway you want scumbag.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Nice play on words, but its hard to stuff the genie back into the bottle once you've uncorked it. The Oka picxturewas a racist troll directed at Bear because he's native. Spin it anyway you want scumbag.

No, it was directed at CB because he's an idiot. He's also a racist BTW...and you can spin thatanyway you like.

More battle dress