Latest Federal Polls


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The only way to save this country from these idiots is vote Conservative.
Funny. The Liberals were elected because most people were fed up with the stupidity, secrecy and arrogance of the Conservatives.

Canadians never vote for a government, they always vote out a government. It has always been thus and just prove how politically stupid Canadians are.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It has nothing to do with political stupidity and everything to do with being uncomfortable with change

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Funny. The Liberals were elected because most people were fed up with the stupidity, secrecy and arrogance of the Conservatives.

Ummmm, what was that you were saying about stupidity?



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The problem with politics in this country is that most people are bi-polar. They can seem to think past the right/left dichotomy and as long as this stupidity persists, this country will continue to be an oligarchy, bought and sold to the highest bidder and y'all will be arguing over the piss that dribbles down from on high. The divide and conquer has worked really well to keep Canadians fighting each other while the ruling elite go about doing whatever the fukk they please and your share of the wealth continues to dwindle. I said it 50 years ago and I have seen nothing to have changed my view, "Canadians are politically stupid" - a bunch of mice electing cats to rule over them.

SO far we haven't been stupid enough to elect a dipper government.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
If you really want to see change, stop voting for a candidate's party affiliation and instead vote for the most trustworthy and competent local candidate. Once they realize that people are voting for them and not their parties, suddenly the party loses power over individual MPs to actually vote their conscience.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If you really want to see change, stop voting for a candidate's party affiliation and instead vote for the most trustworthy and competent local candidate. Once they realize that people are voting for them and not their parties, suddenly the party loses power over individual MPs to actually vote their conscience.
Just get rid of the party system.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Just get rid of the party system.

Like in Nunavut? I agree.

We probably can't change it overnight though. A baby step in the right direction might be to remove the party name from the ballot and just present the candidate's name. That would already force people to actually look their candidate up to find out his party affiliation if they care about that, and that would already be an improvement as it might give them an opportunity to learn more about their candidate other than just his party affiliation.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If you really want to see change, stop voting for a candidate's party affiliation and instead vote for the most trustworthy and competent local candidate. Once they realize that people are voting for them and not their parties, suddenly the party loses power over individual MPs to actually vote their conscience.

I tried that once. Voted for the Pirate Party candidate because he was the only one that told the truth at the All Candidates meeting. All the other ones hummed& hawed and told us how good they would make our lives with our own money while he said" if elected we are going to rob you blind just like the rest of them"
Of course at the time there was about 98% chance the Conservative would win.